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"Sooo..." you started, sitting down at the Gryffindor dinner table with Parvati. "I told Zach"
"You told him? Did you tell him.. everything?" She questioned. You laughed and shook your head. "Obviously I can't tell him all those extra details, that would just be uncomfortable for both of us. I just told him about the argument and stuff, I kept it vague"
"Ohhh okay, so what did he say? Did he react well?"
"He actually took it really well" you reached for the chips and placed them infront of you. Swiftly, a hand came in and took a chip from your plate. You looked up to see Padma, who had snuck her way to your table.

"GUYS! Mcgonagall was just announcing the Moon Ball! It's official! All the students are sooo excited over the news" she reported. Parvati grabbed her face in an over-dramatic way and slowly spoke, "I need a date"
"I did see this boy in Slytherin eyeing you before, maybe he likes you" you nudged her arm playfully. "Really?! Where? Who?" She shot her head up to look around. You scanned the hall and your eyes fell on a boy with black slicked back hair, and elegantly sleek eyes. "Do you see him over there? I think he's friends with Zach too" You tried to point without making it overly obvious. "Him? But he's gorgeous.. why would he like me??" She panicked, leaving her mouth open. You closed her mouth for her, and placed your hand on her shoulder.  "Either you go and talk to him, and find out yourself, or you wait until he comes to you himself" Parvati groaned and held her head in her hands. You and Padma giggled at her.

"What about you Padma? Do you have anyone you wanna go with?" You asked. She shrugged her shoulders before answering. "Not really. I don't mind going without a date, as long as I'm with my friends" she wrapped her arms around you. "And you Y/n?" You thought about her question for a second. "I don't exactly have anyone to go with anymore, do I" you answered. "So what! You don't need a date to go, you can just go single like me!" You smiled at her words. "You're right! I'm there to have fun"

"Hey," Zach tapped your shoulder, making you turn around. "Are you guys done eating?" You looked around and saw all your friends were done, so you nodded in response. You stood up and noticed something. "Oh-" you cut yourself off.
"Are we going now?" Parvati said, standing up and turning, only to be face to face with the hot she had seen earlier. Their faces were just inches apart. Her eye slightly widened at the shock of seeing him so close to her. "Hi" the boy said sweetly, giving a small smile. "Hi" Parvati replied back, still in shock, not knowing what to do next.

The boy had his black hair slicked back, exposing his forehead, and his strong, straight eyebrows. His eyes were black and his bottom eyelashes were long. His pink lips curved slightly at the edges, and he stood a few inches taller than Parvati. She could also faintly smell vanilla coming from him.

You, Padma and Zach stood next to eachother, smiling and watching the situation unfold.
"Did you bring him here on purpose?" Padma asked to Zach. "Of course I did," he chuckled. "He wouldn't stop talking about Parvati so I had to give him a little push"

"What's your name?" Parvati asked.
"Lei" he replied.
"I'm Parvati"
"I know" he laughed. "You know... there's a ball happening here.. in Hogwarts" the boy awkwardly spoke. "Yeah haha I heard.." Parvati replied, with the same level of awkwardness.
"Uhm.. I was wondering, do you already have a date for it?" Lei asked in a cute nervousness. Parvati's mind ran wild, and she felt her cheeks turn red. This is all she had wanted. "No I don't, why" she replied, with a sly smile. "Let me take you" he spoke with more confidence this time. "Okay.." she laughed and they awkwardly shook their hands on it.

"I'll see you later!" Lei waved goodbye before walking away with Zach. "Where are they off to?" You asked. "Probably for practice" Padma answered. "He does sports too??" Parvati exclaimed, placing her hand on her heart. "Could he get any better?" You and Padma laughed at how over-dramatic she was.


As you sat down in your seat, you heard Professor Trelawney welcome the students into her room. A giant orb rested on the table infront of you. It looked very tempting, but you were told not to touch it.

"Right class.... Today we will be doing something that I hope you will find to be amusing. I know I will.." she trailed off. "Well," she got back on track. "We will be taking a peek into your futures and finding out what fate has in store for you all. You each have your own orb, so you can keep your findings to yourself if you wish, but you may share it amongst yourselves too"

You looked down at the orb as she finished explaining the instructions. You wondered what would be in your future. Finally, you could see a few colours swirling within the orb. First, bright flashes of purple, then some pink. Then, as you focused to bring in a clearer image, you started making out what was happening in the orb. You saw a girl dancing with somebody. You tried to take a better look but the image swirled away and turned into a new image. In the orb, you could see the back of someone, and they looked like they were sobbing. Was your future only to be sad? You tried again and noticed a new image, a girl running towards someone and hugging them tightly. You assumed the 'girl' was you, but who were the other people involved? Your orb turned black and then it's colour faded away.

Zach looked at his orb, eager to find out what would be in his future. As an image formed itself, he could see a hand holding another hand, and then slowly letting go. He furrowed his brows, he expected a more light-hearted and fun future reading but apparently his future was much more heavier than he had imagined. Another image came together, to show a boy walking out of a door and into some fog. He was confused, was he supposed to decipher this meaning? His orb drained of colour too.

In the back of the classroom, Draco looked at his orb, scared of what may be shown to him. He didn't even want to do it, but Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't stop pestering him over it. He waited anxiously, as black dust came together to create an image. All he could see was a moon, shining in the dark sky. This didn't make any sense. What did a moon have to do with him? He briefly looked up to see Y/n looking back at him; she turned away immediately after they locked eyes. He looked back at his orb, only to see a reflection of his own face. The image wasn't like what others were seeing, everyone else could only see blurry images, that barely made sense. But his face in the orb was crystal clear. The reflection of his face distorted and opened its mouth, a black rose was in its mouth. Draco watched carefully, hoping no one else was looking at his orb. The image changed to his side profile, and his lips being met with another pair. He could recognise those lips anywhere.

Seeing this made him hopeful, but also confused. He had no idea how to read into this. Those things could mean anything and everything.

"I don't think I need to help you figure this out, Draco," the Professor said, standing behind him. "I think you'll be able to figure it out on your own" she gave him a small smile before walking away to a different student.

"Hey Y/n, do you have a date?" A boy behind you tapped your shoulder, making you turn to face him. "What?"
"For the Moon Ball" he asked again. He was grinning and you inferred that he wanted to ask you to it. What would be a polite way of saying no? Draco, from the other side of the room, perked up as he heard this question being asked.
"I don't know... I.." you looked up to Zach, who widened his eyes and nodded at you, almost animatronic. "I do, I do have a date"
"Really? Who??" The boy looked visibly shocked.
"Me" Zach spoke up. The boy slowly nodded in understanding and went back to doing his work.

Draco shut his eyes and looked away, not wanting to see you talking to other people. He furrowed his brows, and anger took over his face. How could you move on from him so fast? You were already taking Zach to the ball? It should've been Draco going with you. As his rage built up, he picked up the orb. With a swift movement, he lifted it in the air, ready to drop it and let it smash to a million pieces. But he paused. He didn't want to make a scene. His anger was what made you leave him, he needed to learn to control himself. Gently, he placed the orb back down, and simply walked out of the room.

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