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You opened your eyes groggily as a single ray of sunshine crept though the window and into your eyes. You rubbed your face and turned over in bed. Realising you might be late for class, you sat up in bed, only to see that you weren't in your room. This wasn't your room, but you didn't recognise it either. There were awards and achievements all over the wall, and the room was painted in green. Confused, you got out of bed, and almost stepped on a sleeping Draco, on the floor. You screamed in fear and jumped back onto the bed, causing Draco to scream and jump up too. "WHY ARE WE SCREAMING" he shouted. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? WHAT AM I DOING HERE??" You shouted back. Dracos facial expressions relaxed as he realised what this was about. "Y/n let me explain. Okay?" He said. You looked at him and cautiously nodded. "Well, last night, I took you to the astronomy tower, and we talked and you said you wanted to marry me and then-"
"Wait what. I never said that." You stated. He looked at you and chuckled. "Draco this isn't funny please tell me what's happening?"

He sighed and stopped smirking. "Okay so, you fell asleep while we were talking last night, so I carried you to the Gryffindor common room, but that Fat Lady wouldnt let me in, so I had to take you to my room. It was the only place I could let you sleep. And, by the way, I slept on the floor" You looked away, trying to process the situation. "So.. you let me sleep in your room, and slept on the floor and let me sleep in your bed. Wow... that's actually really nice of you Draco" The sound of you saying his name did something inside of him, and his face flushed red. "Yeah whatever, I'm not that evil that I'd let you sleep outside." You smiled at his statement and jumped to give him a hug. He flushed red even more. "Cmon, we're gonna be late for breakfast!," You said. "Well, I'm already in my uniform, you might wanna.... put something on.." you looked him up and down and smirked. He hadn't even noticed that he was almost naked all this time, he was sporting just his underwear. "HEY!" He shouted, before running into a different section of his room. Why did he have his own separate room anyways? Must be a Slytherin Prince Head Boy thing.

While you waited for him to get dressed, you walked over to a mirror and fixed yourself so that you didn't look like you slept in your uniform. Then you looked around. So this was Draco Malfoys room, huh? You studied the way the room was decorated. It was quite simple but rustic. It had a traditional feel to it, it felt comfortable. Like the warmth of a fireplace. The room was a dark green and he had an extravagant wooden bed structure, much better than the standard ones the other rooms had. A beautiful musky scent roamed the room. The room screamed Draco Malfoy. "I must be lucky, I bet only the pretty girls end up in here" you whispered to yourself. "Actually, you're wrong," a voice came from behind you, causing you to jump. "I've never brought anyone here. You're the first." You looked shocked. Who would've thought that the Draco Malfoy had never had a girl over in his room. "Oh.. I'm um.. sorry" you muttered out. "And you are a pretty girl, so I guess I've brought one over now, havent I" he said. He.. just.. called.. you.. pretty .....?! You didn't know what emotions to feel or if you even wanted that compliment, but a compliment is a compliment. You blushed and looked away, pretending that you never heard it. "Come on, let's go now" you said, heading for the door. "Wait what, I'm not going to go downstairs with you, everyone will know we were here together. I'll leave first, you come out after five minutes" he explained. With that, he left.

You waited a few minutes like he'd asked before leaving the room. You headed on downstairs to the hall, where you would meet your friends and eventually explain this whole situation to them. As you entered the hall, you scanned the room for your friends, but instead noticed a couple hundred pair of eyes on you. Why was everyone in the hall staring at you like that? Some were even whispering things to eachother. You found your friends and slowly sat down. "Why... is everyone looking at me like that?" You asked. Parvati and Seamus looked at eachother and then back at you. "Well... y/n.. I don't know but some people were saying-" Parvati was cut off by Seamus, who blurred it out. "People think you slept with Draco!!" You looked at them in shock. "People think WHAT?!" You held your head in your hands, trying to process the situation. "The Fat Lady saw him carrying you to his rumours went out that you and him slept together. I mean, you probably didn't! ...Right?" She asked. You lowered your head even further into your hands and grunted in frustration. You popped your head back up and said "well, Draco probably will tell these people. He hates having his reputation ruined more than anything, he won't let this slide"
"Um y/n, maybe you should go talk to draco about that" Seamus said.
"What why?" You asked.
"Look" he replied, pointing towards Draco, who had a large group of students surrounding him, asking about the rumour, and him, taking in all the attention. He didn't even look like he was disagreeing. "Oh my god" you angrily spoke, and got up out of your chair. You marched over to his table and pushed some students aside. "Tell them Draco. Tell them the truth!" You shouted. "What, that you slept with him? Yeah, he was just telling us the details. I didn't know you were such a whore y/n, I applaud you for that" Pansy spoke. "What the hell are you talking about? Draco," you turned towards him. "What is she saying, 'details'?" Visible shock was on Draco's face right now, he didn't know what to reply with. But, with a surge of confidence, he said "I was telling them about how you were screaming my name last night, how you were so desperate for me" The pride on his face as he said those words was disgusting. Tears formed in your eyes as you listened to him. "I can't believe you'd say that... for the record," you started shouting, talking to the group of people around you, "me and Draco didn't sleep together, in fact we did nothing, because I'd rather die than be associated with this poor excuse of a human being" with that, you walked away, storming out of the hall. You continued walking into the hallways, but you didn't even know where you were headed. All you knew was you needed to get out of here. How could he spread such a heinous rumour, and to think, you actually thought he was a good person.

You walked where your feet took you, and ended up in the fields outside. You sat down on the grass and stared at the open plane. The wind was cool and sent a shiver down your spine. You felt sick by the recent turn of events, how could he do this to you. You closed your eyes and tried to divert your attention, which was going well, until a hand tapped your shoulder.

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