I'm Sorry

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[hehe thank u for 11k reads I love u all🥰🥰 also, sorry for taking so long on this one😭]

"Y/N!!" The two of them called out, running over to your unconscious body, sprawled on the floor. "Y/n oh my god!! Are you okay!! Wake up y/n!!" Zach screamed through his tears. Draco stood still, frightened and shocked by the situation. "Y/n what happened, are you okay. What did you do!!?" Zach kept asking but no response from you. "Y/n please. Please talk to me!!" He felt your arm for a pulse. Thankfully, you were still breathing. He held your body tightly against his, rocking back and forth. Sobbing loudly, he shouted out your name. "Please wake up y/n..." he whispered into your ear.

After his crying slowed, he turned to Draco, to see him stood there, still in shock. He wasn't moving and hadn't moved since he saw you. His eyes were wide open and a tear laid on his cheek. "Get someone to help" Zach said to him. But Draco didn't understand anything. "GET HELP" Zach shouted in desperation. Nothing. Draco simply stared at your lifeless body. Zach grunted in anger and jumped up himself, he ran out of the area to find anybody nearby who may be able to help. As Zach left, Draco dropped to his knees. His eyes reddened at the sight of you. Your face was solemn. He shuffled towards you, and sat next to your body. He softly placed his finger tips on your cheek, only to feel how cold you were. The weather was so cold and you were out here, unconscious, with nothing but your uniform on. He took off his cloak and placed it over you, in an attempt to keep you warm. Like a dam breaking, the tears gushed out of his eyes. "I'm sorry y/n... I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen..... I didn't think.. it would go this far" he spoke, between sobs. His voice had pain in it.

He held you in his arms and continued weeping. "I'm so so sorry...... don't forgive me... It was all my fault.. and I'm so ......... sorry..." he said, his voice cracking. Inhaling sharply between his cries, he screamed out into the open air. It seemed as though he was in hysterics now. His sobbing became more and more unhinged, yet Zach still hadn't returned. "To see you like this... it breaks my heart" he cried. "Y/n... I didn't think I'd fall for you....... but I did ... I fell so hard.." he closed his eyes tightly to prevent the stinging sensation he felt. "You were always so good to me...... and I was going to tell you..... I .. I just didn't know how... and I thought if I told you the truth.... you would hate me forever... I wouldn't blame you...... I hate me too..." his crying slowed, and he became numb. He sat there, staring at your face. Although you were passed out, your beauty was still unmatched.

A raindrop fell onto Draco's cheek, mixing with the tears that had stained his cheeks previously. He looked up to the sky to see it had started raining. He looked back down to you. A cold raindrop dripped onto your forehead. He pulled the cloak off of you and placed it over your heads, to shield you from the rain. Groggily, you opened your eyes, your eyes still sore from when you were crying before. You looked up to see a cloak above your head, and to see that you were in the arms of.... Draco? But he wasn't looking at you. His eyes were shut. "No matter how many times I say it, I can't express how sorry I am..." he sighed, feeling tears coming back. "I think... you were the right person, just at the wrong time. I love you, I love you so much, but I'm not the person for you. Zach is. You should give him another chance. He has been nothing but nice to you.... I don't know why you even liked me...." he hung his head in shame.

You silently listened to him. You thought about panicking, and you thought about pushing him off and running away, but your body was too exhausted to do anything. So the only choice was to listen to what he had to say. And, although you'd hate to admit it, it felt comfortable. Being held in his arms, feeling the warmth under the cloak against the icy cold breeze from the outside, feeling the heat from his body against yours. He was finally opening up to you, but he didn't know that.

"Maybe it was when you agreed to sketching me, or when we talked at the astronomy tower, or maybe even at the start, when I had become your potions partner, whenever it was, I had fallen madly and deeply in love with you. I didn't know it, but I did. I wish I could just tell this to your face, or, well, when you're awake, but I know I can't face you after this. I'm so angry at myself for letting this continue for so long. You didn't deserve this. Y- you made my day every time you would just smile, and I'd get to see those pearly teeth," he smiled to himself, thinking about you. "Or how you'd look at me when I spoke to you... god those eyes... I'm convinced your eyes hold all of the treasure from the seven seas, because I just can't stop looking into them. I love to look into them and see all the emotions you're feeling, even if it's hard to tell." He smiled but it soon faded. "And now I won't ever be able to look into them again...."

You tried to hold back your tears, and also stay silent at the same time, so you had closed your eyes. Draco broke down once again, and cried. This time, he cried softly, and more painfully. His eyes tightened and he clutched his heart. You opened your eyes for a split second, but you couldn't watch him, it hurt too much. But this was the boy who hurt you, why did you feel bad for him? You were so conflicted. From the weakness, and overall emotional pain, you passed out again. Your body wasn't holding up anymore. You had been crying day in and day out for two consecutive days, and you hadn't ate anything this morning either.

His muffled cries came to an end when the door flew open with Zach running in, with Snape following on behind. "Step aside Malfoy" Snape ordered, quickly trying to move Draco so that he could help you. But Draco tightly held onto your body. "Malfoy! We need to help her. Let go" Snape sternly but urgently spoke. Realising it was for the better, Draco let go of you, and Snape carried your lifeless body back inside of the building. Zach shot Draco a daring look before exiting quickly with Snape. Draco, not being able to move, sat there in the rain, on the balcony. Alone.

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