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"Y/n!!" Padma called out, as she watched you run away. As she was about to chase after you, Parvati walked over to her and stopped her. She knew what had happened and knew you would need some time alone. "Not now.." she said.

"Listen here you bleached rat, I was the one who told her about this little bet of yours. I've known about this for a while now, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and thought you'd own up yourself. But since you aren't man enough, I did it for you. Do you know how hard it is to tell the girl you love that she's been lied to all this time? By some dick?" Zach spoke. "What the hell did you just call me?" Draco asked, stepping forward, closing the gap between them. "Don't you dare step near y/n ever again, got it? Or you might just find yourself in the hospital wing. Permanently."
"Is that a threat? My fa-"

"My father will hear about it. Yeah I know. Because you can't do anything yourself, can you? You always need help from daddy huh? Maybe one day you'll stop ruining innocent girls' lives and just grow up. You're a child. This shit is not funny" Zach growled. Anger bubbled inside of him. He wanted to punch Draco clean, but he knew that's not what you would have wanted. Draco, despite having been outed, did not back down. In fact, his anger grew. "Just accept the fact that y/n will never forgive you, and go find yourself a new toy. Because I won't ever let you near her again" Zach finished. Draco smirked and stepped back.

"Done?," he said, smiling. "Tough talk is easy but have you thought about why you're doing this? Being a knight in shining armour isn't going to make y/n want you, because, last I checked, she rejected you. Squaring up to me isn't going to land you in her pants. Atleast she wanted me." As draco finished his sentence, Zach threw a wild punch to his face, knocking Draco to the floor. "DONT YOU DARE TRY AND TURN THIS ON ME" Zach shouted, heaving heavily. A fight was the last thing he wanted, but a fight is what he got. Draco stood up and chuckled to himself, surprised at Zach's action. He walked forward and pushed Zach back, and pushed him again. "This isn't a fight you will win" Draco said, in between pushes. "Nearly 6 foot, but you're just a softie" Draco was right.

Zach was a strong boy, but he was too emotional to fight. Zach got angry, and was about to pounce back onto Draco, but Draco suddenly kicked him in the chest, causing him to flail backwards. Zach charged and punched Draco in the face, making his cheek bleed, to which Draco responded with another punch. Draco touched the blood on his cheek softly and looked at it. "Look what you did to my face" he said in seriousness. Zach tried getting up on his feet but Draco pulled his wand out, and pointed it at zachs face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Zach slowly put his hands in the air, showing that he wasn't going to attack him.

"Draco you better stop doing whatever it is you think you're doing. You created the bet. You led y/n on. And you made her upset. It wasn't me who did this to her. It was you. Don't act as though you're innocent and just own up to what you did. Maybe she'll take you back like that" Zach suggested.

"And why are you trying to help me" Draco shoved his wand infront of zachs face. Draco had thought that Zach had malicious intentions. That he was just mocking him. "Because-" he turned and looked at the crowd who stood gathered around them. He can't have a normal conversation here. Not infront of all of these people. He shook his head. "Not here. Follow me" he said, trying to grab Draco's arm. "What the hell do you think you're doing" Draco cried, pulling himself away from zach. Zach looked at him, and then gestured to the large crowd. "Just.. come with me" Draco rolled his eyes and sighed, and put his wand down. "I'm warning you. Don't try anything funny" he said, indicating that he still had his wand in his hand, ready to use it.

The two of them barged through the crowd and tried to get somewhere where nobody would be. As they were walking, Zach started speaking. "I'm not helping you. I'm not doing any of this for you. Don't ever think that. I'm doing this for y/n. I know ..." he gulped. It was obviously hard for him to say the words. "What" Draco said, impatiently.
"I know that y/n likes you. It isn't a secret. She likes you more than me, and she won't get over you. She loves you too much, and I love her too much. All I want is for her to be happy. Wether it's with me or someone else. So, I just want to do whatever I can to make her happy again"

Draco looked over at Zach. He was..... moved. Of course, he didn't show it, but he felt it. He thought about making a joke, to mock Zach, but he left it.  Should he thank him? For being the bigger person? He didn't know what to say, so he remained silent. "Even if that means getting her back with... you" he said in a disgusted tone. Draco scoffed, "ha, thanks" he said sarcastically. "Okay god where are you taking me" Draco puffed. "Oh just shut up, we're almost there"

Zach pushed the door open to reveal a ledge in open air. The two of them stepped inside and shut the door behind them.


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