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"Y/n.... I don't know any better way to ask this but...... will you go out with me..?"

You looked him in his grey eyes, your mind full with a million thoughts. And the only plausible thought being: "HAHAHAHA. Malfoy you're funny, but you're not a clown, so stop with the lame jokes" you laughed. You continued hysterically laughing at your own comment until you looked up and caught his eyes again. He...wasn't joking? You stood still in realisation. An awkward air settles between the two of you. Your eyes shot all over his face, trying to find a trace of lying, maybe a smirk, maybe a small laugh sound coming through. But there wasn't any. He really wasn't joking.

Hurt was written on his face. "Draco.. listen.... I'm sorry for laughing I just- I thought you were joking. Either way, I'm noting to have to reject your offer..... I'm sorry" For the first time in years, you had actually felt bad for Draco. You made fun of him, laughed and then rejected him right after, words couldn't explain how bad you felt. "I- I get it," he began. Part of you was shouting 'LEAVE! Don't listen to anything he has to say! He's always mean to you!' But the other part was wanting you to stay and listen to what he had to say. It's the least you could do.

"I know I haven't always been the kindest to you," he continued. "But I've had a crush on you for quite a long time now. You know how people say you should act cold towards girls and they'll like you back? I guess it didn't work for me..." You looked at him confused. Who would believe such a thing. This whole situation felt sketchy, you should've removed yourself before he said anything further. "Listen, Draco, I can't just easily forgive you for being horrible to me for all these years just because you supposedly like me. Maybe try being nicer to me and I might consider being your friend instead" you said harshly before turning around and walking out of the corridor. Admittedly, you were being harsh with him, but he had been like this with you for years! It wouldn't hurt for him to experience a little bit of it back. Right?


Unfortunately for you, you had Potions class with your least favourite teacher. Snape. God he was so stuck up and annoying. He would always take point away from gryffindor just because of Harry, hermione and Ron, when the rest of the Gryffindors did nothing! He really had it in for Gryffindors. Speaking of having it in for Gryffindors, Draco Malfoy sharply bumps into you. 'Oh god here come the comments' you thought to yourself. "Oh, sorry." He meekly said, almost in a whisper, and walked away without further comment. You watched him walk into the classroom with your mouth wide open in shock. Was this Draco? Or did someone replace his soul with somebody else's? Padma walked over to you, the two of exchanged smiles and then walked into the classroom.

The two of you sat in your seats and stared at Snape as he walked in, and the class fell silent. "Today, students, we will be learning how to make a special kind of potion. Some of you may have already heard of this. Veritaserum. Or more commonly known as The Truth Serum" his voice echoed through the room. You and Padma looked at each other with excited smiles, this was going to be such a cool potion. And it gets better. "As you all know, this potion was previously forbidden of use, but the rules have been changed by the ministry of magic. Dumbledore has allowed you all to keep the serums you make," cheers filled the room and everybody was electric with the idea of having a truth serum. "BUT you will be working in pairs," he continued. The class was confused. Why would working in pairs be a bad thing?

"The pairs that I will choose for you" ...oh. That's why. Snape was notorious for choosing the worst pairs to work together. God forbid two friends ever become a pair. "Who do you think he has picked out for us?" Padma whispered to you. "I don't know but if anyone asks, I'll say I hate working with you" you replied with a laugh. "Oh he's starting the list" The two of you perked up in your seats and listened closely for your names to be read aloud. The pairs were being called out, and you heard audible sighs and 'oh gods..'

There were few people left and you were really anxious on who you would be paired with. "Padma Patil.." Snape began reading, and you looked into her eyes with fake sadness that she wasn't going to be your partner. "...and Neville" What. Neville was her friend! How could she get away with it so easily! She smirked at you before running over to sit next to Neville. You were too caught up to realise that you and one other person were the only ones left.

"Y/n y/l/n ... and Draco Malfoy"

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