Our Beginning

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I will start off by writing about how My Husband and I met. My name is Sophia Blake, I am Nineteen Years old and My Husband, Lucas Blake is Twenty-Three Years old. We Met when I was Fifteen and he was Nineteen; There was a bonfire near South Point Beach, in Monterey, California.

We hit it off so well. We eventually started hanging out more as time went on. Lucas was The most perfect Man that I had ever met. Lucas and I didn't mind the age difference, Because I was wise for my age and I had already graduated High school from doing extra classes early on. I graduated and when I turned Sixteen that Summer, He proposed and My Mama and Daddy already approved of our relationship, So We got married the Following Spring in a beautiful chapel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Both our families were attending and some friends as well. It was a beautiful and short ceremony, Just how we wanted it. We moved to Franklin City, Idaho; and I adored this place. Everyone was so friendly and Our Community was perfect to raise a family in.

Lucas and I had been trying for a baby for a long time, but nothing ever worked. On The Eve of My Eighteenth birthday, We got a surprise and the most heart wrenching news of a lifetime.... My Husband had been diagnosed with Stage 4 Melanoma! It was the worst news we could have ever received; Especially when we just found out we were Pregnant at the same time. At the News of the Pregnancy, My Husband couldn't have been Happier and I was the Exact opposite. I felt like Somehow God was punishing us, but for what? Getting married so young? I didn't understand any of it. We had done everything right! Why did this have to happen to us?

I had no clue how fast our life would unravel after we got the diagnosis of Lucas's Cancer. Everything changed in an instant, We were totally unprepared for this journey. We prepared as best we knew how; but it was a fast moving cancer and My Husband was already so sickly by the time I was 6 months pregnant. Together we decided to find out the gender of our baby, April 5th; We went to the OBGYN and got an ultrasound done and found out we were having a Little Baby Girl! Lucas and I couldn't have been more Excited for our Little Girl to Enter the world.

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