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Jungkook really wasn't expecting to see Taehyung ever again, he definitely wasn't expecting his ex boyfriend to be among the captured rebels.

Yes Jungkook had a thing with a human when he got bored in the 950 years of his existence. Yes Jungkook cared about him, too much actually

Jungkook was one of the first ever vampire. He has lived through it all, hiding in the shadows, coming out, being accepted and taking over.

Everything has been planned by him and other vampires for years with Jungkook leading the plan all over the world.

He saw to it that they increased in number all over the world. He learnt human weakness over the years and when the time came, they strike and took over.

He was supposed to be the leader in South Korea but he appointed someone else. He didn't really see himself as a leader of a country.

There's no way he was going to give himself to such commitment. He controls most things behind the scene. That's good enough.

Jungkook's eyes had almost fell off it's socket when he saw Taehyung among the rebels, he couldn't believe his eyes. Taehyung was suppose to be living a simple life some where far away from trouble, it's why he claimed him.

He watch the whole chaos happen, Jimin and Yoongi screaming to cut the camera. He knows they know he claimed the male.

Other vampires can feel when a human is claimed but the vampires directly turned by the vampire who claimed a human can tell who claimed them.

Yoongi and Jimin can tell he was the one that claimed Taehyung cause he directly changed them.

Claiming a human is an old practice that can only be done by the first vampires. Only the first vampires can carry out such practice.

That's why everyone tend to avoid a claimed vampire, obviously no vampire wants to go against the first vampires. They are stronger, faster and just over all superior with no single fucking weakness not even kubis can hurt them.

Jungkook remembered the night he had sunked his teeth into Taehyung's neck and released the claiming chemicals from his fangs to put an invisible claim mark on the boy. Humans can't see or smell it but vampires can.

It was the last day he saw Taehyung. Jungkook did love Taehyung but he knew there's no way they could continue knowing he was the leader of the vampires that started the coup against human government.

The claiming mark was the last parting gift to the only human he has ever loved.

Now Taehyung is here

He picks up his phone immediately dailing Jimin's number


"What the fuck Jimin, when were you going to tell me"

"I'm sorry, I wanted to get back to the den before telling you"

"This is something that dont get to wait Jimin"

"I know I know I'm sorry"

"What's happening how is he?"



"One of the guards at the warehouse attacked him but he's ok, just unconscious right now"

Jungkook calmly take in the information, only an idiot will attack a claimed human


"A new turned kook, he's clueless and Yoongi is dealing with him right now"

"Bring him back to the clan mansion Jimin"

"Alright, how about the rebels?

Jungkook sighs completely not sure what he wants to do with the rebels

"I'll talk to the commander and other leaders by tomorrow we'll make a decision by then for now just lock them up"

"Ok, I'll bring him back right away"

"Thank you"

"No problem sir"

He drops the call bringing the wine glass to his lips. He imagined what Taehyung will think of him now. He never tried to look for the male.

He had lied to Taehyung, he wasn't a 20 year old innocent boy that just got turned. He's very far from the word innocent, he is one of the very first vampire, he led the coup against his kind.

Jungkook knows Taehyung hates them, he saw enough minutes ago to know Taehyung hates them, and very much still as fierce as ever.

Jungkook won't lie he did think about looking for the male so many times, Taehyung had left Seoul and didn't look back.

Jungkook knows if he wanted to find the male he would have.

Truth is he didn't want to.


It wasn't even an hour when Jimin walks into his quarter in the den.

The Jeon mansion was big enough to contain the entire member of the Jeon clan. Each member had a room and they all shared a kitchen

But Jungkook has his own quarter in the same massive building. He has his own kitchen, living room, an extra spare him and well other things that makes it his own little space.

They were like a family so is all clan... well most clans. Anybody can't just wake up and join the Jeon clan, the jeon clan was the biggest and strongest well mostly cause a first vampire was the leader.

"He's in the car kook not sure where to keep him."

"He's going to be staying in the spare room here in my quarter"


"Go bring him here Jimin" Jimin looks like he wants to ask more questions but nods to carry out his instructions.

Yoongi was the one who carried  Taehyung to his spare room. He noticed Taehyung was still chained which wasn't sitting right with him.

"Unchain him I -"

"He's a rebel kook he could be dangerous to the clan."

"Allow me to finish a statement Yoongi"


"Unchain him but cuff him, and he'll be locked in the room untill I'm sure he's not a threat to anyone"

They all nod seeming satisfied.

Some minutes later it was just him and Taehyung in his spare room. Jungkook stare at the male and feels his ice heart cracked, he's miss Taehyung so badly.

He runs his hand over his soft cheek with a smile.

Memories he's buried three years ago pushed its way to his front mind without his consent.

Jungkook picked the male to the bathroom and cleaned him up. A bit difficult but he handled it just fine.
He changed Taehyung into his clothes, he'll have to tell Jimin or Hoseok to help get him new clothes.

When Jungkook was done he sat down and wait for Taehyung to wake up.

An hour or so later Taehyung did.

Jungkook watched as he blinks his eyes open, he watch confusion settles on his face. Taehyung looks around probably trying to figure out where he was.

He decided to speak up.

"Hello Taehyung"

Taehyung's body frozed up instantly, jungkook knows Taehyung doesn't even need to look to know who just talked to him.

He knows Taehyung knows it's him.


I know you know your authornim knows that what she knows that y'all already know is that well nothing and I know y'all know that🤪


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