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The more time passes the more reality is slipping away from him.

Taehyung doesn't know what's real and not real anymore all he knows is that he wants Jungkook

He sees him though, he's smiling at him. Jungkook his very heartbeat.

He wants to die and at the same he wants Jungkook, he wants Jungkook to hold him like he used to, he wants Jungkook to love him like he used to. He wants that time to come again, the time when he was happy.

His body is floating, his head is heavy but his heart feels so much love, so much peace.

He doesn't know what is happening

He's hungry...

Not for blood, Not for food

He's hungry for Jungkook.


Jungkook had given the order for everyone of the clan member to search the entire place for Taehyung.

He hasn't seen Jimin and he knows Jimin is avoiding him, which is honestly for the best.

The bastard really brought him out to the outskirts of the city, what idiot forcefully bite into a claim, what idiot tries to force anything on a claim.

Jungkook is angry he couldn't kill the bastard with his own hands.

He let out a sigh, his sharp eyes roaming everywhere, he knows they'll find Taehyung very soon, he's afraid of what will happen if they do.

Taehyung is probably feeling the bond already. God everything is so messed up! He didn't want this for Taehyung

Taehyung hates their kind, Taehyung will never want to complete the change.

And Jungkook has seen enough to know Taehyung will rather die than live as a vampire.

The one thing that breaks is already half dead heart is the look in Taehyung's eyes. Those eyes that use to be filled with life, love and happiness was now filled with nothing but emptiness.

The wish to just die and end it all, was always present in his eyes.

It's mainly why he didn't want Taehyung roaming around the clan mansion, he was not afraid for his clan member cause he knows they can handle himself.

His fear was for Taehyung, locking him up was to stop him from doing something as reckless as attacking one of the clan member. Taehyung didn't care if he died or lived

Jungkook knows he wouldn't have had much to fight on if it was on self defence considering Taehyung killed vampires for a living

Taehyung had no will to live even as human, Jungkook doesn't even want to add living as a vampire. He knows Taehyung will rather stab himself all over than become a vampire.

And that's the reason Jungkook is shaking with fear right. He can't lose Taehyung, not to death of all things

Jungkook run through the trees, letting his instinct lead him, letting his faint bond guide him to where his other half is.

The moment his eyes landed on the worn down building.

Jungkook knees almost gave up.

Taehyung's heart was beating so painfully slow.

"Taehyung!!" His mouth opened on its own as he rushed inside the building. The state of Taehyung made his inside twist.

He was covered in blood, dirt and bruises.

The most obvious of it all is that...

Taehyung is dying

"Tae" he let out brokenly, immediately picking up the male bridal style.

The bite on his neck was red and swollen a clear indication of forced biting.

"Oh god Taehyung, baby "

Taehyung stirred, he was looking so out of it. The moment Taehyung leaned into him with a relief call of his name.

He knows the claim mark is waiting to transform into a soulbond. Taehyung can feel it.

Jungkook didn't wait around much, he ran with the boy in his arm, he ran like every of his existence is being threatened, which it obviously is.


Jimin has never felt this much relief in his existence before, all cause of a human.

Maybe he was relief cause he knows Jungkook won't have to hunt him down or maybe he was relief for Jungkook.

Jimin had absolutely no doubt that the once human boy has the entirety of Jungkook's heart. Jungkook is still in love with the boy.

It was so clear even a blind man could see it.

When he got a call that Jungkook has find Taehyung he nearly cried from relief. He didn't like Taehyung but he wanted the boy to be ok cause of Jungkook.

Jimin really doesn't know what Jungkook will do if something where to happen to the boy.

He honestly doesn't know how Jungkook was able to part ways with Taehyung.

When he got to the mansion, most of the clan member were already there.
They all look dirty and exhausted.

Jimin walk to the other side of the mansion to a sight that breaks his half beating heart. Jungkook was sitting on the floor holding Taehyung tight.

"How is he?" He asked moving close to Hoseok, the male turned to him giving him a sad smile.

"Jungkook just got here like a minute ago-"

Yoongi rushed in cutting Hoseok off, he was holding a cup in his hand, obviously blood.

Taehyung needs to drink fresh human blood to complete his transition, it's best to drink from human directly but they all know Taehyung won't agree to that.

"Here, here" Yoongi voices rushing to hand Jk the cup.

Jungkook took it from Yoongi, and carefully take the cup to Taehyung's lip, but Taehyung shook his head.

They all froze.

Taehyung should be rushing to drink cause of how he should be feeling right now, he should be burning with taste and hunger actually Jimin is actually suprise Taehyung is this calm.

This stage is usually the worst to control a vampire, their hunger is unmatched cause right now is the stage of them trying to survive, they know it's something that will keep them alive, it's like fighting to live.

Like when someone is drowning and they know they are dying and suddenly they get a hold on something that could save their life? There's nothing that will make them let go.

Jungkook tries again but Taehyung shook his head

Jungkook's face crumbled, he has never seen their leader like this.

The fear was thick in the air around them

Cause they all know one thing

Taehyung needs to agree to feed, he can't be forced, a claim can never be forced into something that has to do with the person who claimed him.

Jungkook is a vampire

Taehyung can't be forced into anything that has to do with vampirism, it's why vampires avoid them.

It's the clear reason Jungkook claimed him, to keep him away and safe from anything connected to vampires.

Kim Taehyung is still a claim



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