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They all expected this, really they did

"I hate you, you fucking bastard"

This is the only thing they've been hearing for good 5 hours. They had to find a way to restrain Taehyung, thanks to the never ending knowledge of their leader and well his connections

Jungkook had left the mansion to meet with few leaders cause of some issue arising in some parts of the country leaving well Jimin to listen to all the curses Taehyung's head can manage.

Jimin knows this will happened, Taehyung had chosed death but was honestly manipulated to complete his transition.

Taehyung has been screaming, crying and cursing non stop. None of them can help in any way

And that's why Jimin settled himself in Jungkook's indoor mini bar and help himself out with a drink.

"He's still at it huh?" He glanced up to see Yoongi settling on the stool next to him.

Jimin nods eyes fixed on his drink,ears very much listening to every word coming out of Taehyung's venom tongue.

"I will never forgive you, you turned me into a monster, you fucking bastard, you did this to me" Then he was crying, voice cracking from every scream tearing through his throat.


Taehyung drop his head on the bed, head empty and throat clogged up from screaming for hours.

His life is over

He's become his worst nightmare.

He's become the one thing he hunted.

He even drank from Jungkook

Another sob rip through his already sore throat, he folds himself on the bed as his body shake with how hard he was crying.

He was now a monster

He is a monster

He cried to the point his eyes, head and throat hurt so bad he started coughing uncontrollably.

Taehyung has tried ripping the door but he couldn't, he couldn't open the door even though he is now a bloody vampire.

Jungkook did something

Why is he not even suprise

God Taehyung hates Jungkook, he hates him with every bone in his body.

He couldn't stop crying, it hurts, it hurts that he's hungry for nothing but blood. Jungkook turned him into a monster.

Taehyung remembers everything that happened vividly.

What hurt more is the longing he feels for that bastard, the bastard that manipulated him. The bastard that couldn't respect his decision.

Taehyung can't even explain what happened, one minute he was planning to die in peace, the next minute he wanted to be with Jungkook, he wanted to do everything to make Jungkook happy.

Everything was so calm and surreal, like reality wasn't shit.

Few hours of Taehyung just thinking about his life, how he got here? He is now a vampire.

He cursed himself when he reached out to take the cup filled with blood to his lips. He hates himself for enjoying it.

Taehyung once upon a time had thought about turning to a vampire so he could be with Jungkook. He was so in love and stupid.

That was before he realized and saw them for what they really are...


And now Taehyung is one of them.

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