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''Miss Lee, bring me a cup of coffee. You have 20 minutes, make it quick'' Taehyun said looking at his watch to check the time as soon as we entered his cabin. I mentally sighed but replied ''Yes Mr. Kang, I'll make it quick'' with a smile, obviously a fake one.

I rushed to the nearby café and my shoulders dropped seeing that there were a lot of people in the line. I checked my watch and there were just 4 minutes left when my order finally arrived. I ran like my life depended on those few minutes ignoring the stinging pain I felt because of the uncomfortable pair of heels I wore. Just a minute was left as I ran inside the museum.

Without even bothering to knock, I entered his cabin as there was no time left. He looked really calm while I was a complete mess. 'I hope that you choke on your coffee' I thought. ''I'm really s-sorry...for being...late...here's your coffee'' I spoke trying to catch my breath. ''First, You're late by a minute and second, you didn't knock before entering...anyways, keep the coffee on the table'' he said which made me want to strangle him but I apologized instead ''S-sorry Mr. Kang...there were a lot...lot of costumers'' still trying to calm my breathing.

''Okay you can go now...wait! Get me a glass of water quickly'' he said and I gave him an are-you-serious look for making me run like a machine. Did this guy think that I was a robot?. ''Here's your water sir'' I handed him a glass of water that I quickly brought from the staff refreshment section. ''Sit down here'' he said pointing towards the empty couch and I gave him a questioning look. ''Sit...and drink this'' he said as he handed me the same glass which I brought for him. Without thinking further I sat and gulped down the water as I desperately needed it.

''Thank you for the water'' I whispered but it was enough audible for him and I left a deep exhale, he chuckled. ''Thank yourself, not me...you looked exhausted. Also, thank you for the coffee'' he said. I just nodded with a smile thinking that at least he got some manners, but wait if he was really thankful then he should've brought water himself. ''You can go and rest for some time. I'll call you when I need something'' he spoke as he stood in front of me. I got up from the couch and I winced in pain as I lost my balance and was about to fall on the ground and shut my eyes tightly.

I expected myself to land on my butt but felt a grip at my waist. I shot open my eyes and met a pair of big sparkly eyes which belonged to none other than KANG TAEHYUN. I couldn't help but stare at his face. Those attractive eyes, sharp nose, plump lips, all I could think was how the universe took all the efforts to sculpt that handsome face.

What the heck am I thinking? Lee Hayun, time to snap out of those thoughts. As soon as I came back to my senses I saw the same smirk plastered again on his face. ''I know that you think I'm handsome but don't make it that obvious'' he chuckled. I got myself out of his grip and felt my face getting hot in embarrassment. ''D-don't assume things...I was...I was just...startled okay?'' I stammered.

He looked into my eyes and his gaze was intense, it felt as if he was staring right into my soul as he took a few steps to walk closer. ''W-what do you think you are doing?'' nervousness took over me as I spoke ''Sit'' he ordered and I just stared at him in confusion. ''Just sit down Miss Tomato'' he chuckled at my flustered face which was just red like a tomato and I just sat down as he began to walk towards his desk. He grabbed a box which was a first-aid kit. He walked back towards me and got down on his knees.

He gently grabbed my feet and removed the shoes, then he was about to clean those cuts caused by the shoes using a disinfectant but I interfered ''I can do it Mr. Kang...you don't have to!'' but he just brought his index finger towards his lips indicating me to shut my mouth and I let him do what he wanted. My mind couldn't process the situation so I just let him do it as my heart began beating faster like it was going to jump out of the chest. After cleaning the wounds he grabbed band-aids and applied them ''And it's done!'' he said as he slipped those shoes back into my feet and got up to put back the first-aid kit to its place.

''T-thank you Mr. Kang.'' I said as he chuckled. ''Why are you stuttering so much today? Also, look at you, why do you look so red? You don't have a fever, right?'' he touched my forehead showing that he wanted to check my temperature, and chuckled again, obviously teasing me. I could see that he knew the reason I was acting like that. ''Hayun-ssi'' he shook his hand in front of my face which snapped me out of my thoughts. I jolted from my seat and decided to head outside. ''Thank you so much for helping me...I'll go now'' I said as I turned around but his voice stopped me from moving ahead ''Where do you think you're going, Miss Lee? You still have work to do with someone whom you call a coconut, a blonde coconut head to be precise'' he said reminding me about the punishment.

The entire day passed with him ordering me to help him with his work.


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