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Hayun was in a restroom cubicle when she happened to overhear a conversation of her co-workers. ''Yeah I'm totally sure that director Taehyun was a great painter but I heard due to some mysterious reason he stopped painting and never held a paintbrush again till date'' said a girl. ''Would it be because he suddenly lost his passion or interest in painting? Or...is it because of some girl, or a trauma?'' said another female voice.

The conversation made Hayun gritted her teeth as she felt it was so stupid of them to make assumptions about someone's private life. ''Let's go the lunch break is almost over'' said one of the females and the two left the restroom. ''They have so much of free time to make put their nose in other people's business.'' Hayun mumbled as she pressed the flush button and walked out of the cubicle. She made her way to the washbasin ''Wait, why am I even concerned with that? Why am I getting so hyped about it when it's none of my business?'' she scoffed and continued washing her hands. ''But I wonder what made him stop painting.''

It was the time to leave from work. Hayun saw Taehyun at the exit so she greeted him "Goodbye Mr. Kang, drive safely." Taehyun smiled and said "Get home safely." the girl smiled and made her way out.

Taehyun saw that she just walked out of the parking area without her car so he rushed towards her. "Are you going to walk home?" the way he asked made it obvious that he was worried for the girl. "Actually there was a puncture in one of the tires so I'll take the bus" she explained. "Come, I'll drop you" he turned and made his way to his car without even waiting for her reply. "No Mr. Kang, I don't want to bother you" she said hesitantly.

The boy didn't say anything and gently dragged her to his car by holding her wrist. Hayun gave in and got in the car.

There was an awkward silence. Well, it was kinda awkward for Hayun but for Taehyun it was comfortable.

Suddenly Hayun remembered about the conversation her coworkers had in the restroom. She kept taking glances at Taehyun wanting to ask him why he stopped painting, but she felt it was wrong of her to interfere in his private matters.

"Do you want to say something?" Taehyun spoke as he felt the glances of Hayun at him. "Huh? No... it's nothing" she hesitantly replied. "By the way, you can call me Taehyun, don't be so formal" he said. "Why? I mean you are the director so-" "I know but I just feel comfortable around you so yeah. Also, we share the same age." he stated, eyes still focused on the road.

'He's comfortable around me...I wonder why' she thought as her lips curved into a smile and cheeks became red. "Okay...Taehyun" she said and couldn't help but smile widely. As soon as the boy heard it he looked at Hayun for a second and smiled at her. He noticed the smile on her face and wanted to look at it for hours, too bad he had to keep his eyes on the road.

There was silence again but it wasn't awkward for Hayun anymore.

Soon they reached her home. "Thank you for the ride and good night...Taehyun." she said and opened the car door to get out. "See you tomorrow Hayun." he said and left.

'He looks cute when he smiles...he should do that more often' Hayun said to herself and kept her eyes on his car till it disappeared from her sight. Without even realizing it, she was smiling widely. "Someone looks happy" the male interrupted her thoughts who stood across the fence. "What?" the girl replied as she looked at Yeonjun with confusion, unaware of the fact that he witnessed the whole scene of Taehyun dropping her off.

"Nevermind, goodnight." he said and left. "Goodnight to you too." Hayun replied.

The preparations for the wedding were almost done. Yeonjun threw a party at his family's vacation home in Jeju island so Soobin, Huening Kai, Taehyun and of course, Beomgyu were gathered along with the girls Yeonhwa, Sohee, Bo Young, Heejin and Hayun.

They planned to stay for two days and three nights. It was evening when they reached. The group chatted and played some games while having dinner.

Hayun got to see a new side of Taehyun during the vacation. He didn't look like the bossy director but a sweet boy with a warm smile. He was completely different in a good way around his friends.

"Alright it's past midnight, and I guess all of us are tired so let's sleep" Beomgyu suggested. There were only five rooms. The four couples were quick to pick their rooms leaving Hayun and Taehyun with one room to share. "I'll sleep in the living room." the girl said and was about to walk away but Taehyun held her wrist. "It will get cold later and the living room is too big so it's better. to share the room" he replied chuckling awkwardly and Hayun had to give in.

The bed was spacious enough but her heart was beating at a fast rate thinking about sleeping next to Taehyun. It wasn't like something was gonna happen but she still felt nervous, hoping to not kick him or do something weird while sleeping.

She picked two pillows and placed them in between to create a border and Taehyun gave a weird expression trying to process her actions. "D-don't misunderstand. I'm just worried that I don't do anything stupid in my sleep" she chuckled nervously. "So you mean you won't be able to control yourself because you're sleeping next to me?" and there his stupid smirk returned on his face. Her face heated up in embarrassment. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face. "J-just go to sleep" she said and layed down on the bed with her back facing him. 'He's so narcissistic, but I love it.'


Paint Me | Kang Taehyun Where stories live. Discover now