13. D-DAY

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It was finally the wedding day. Hayun grabbed her camcorder and began recording some moments.

She entered the groom's room and continued "And now we will meet the groom, let's go. Woah! Here's Choi Yeonjun-ssi, our groom. Doesn't he look like a prince charming? And here we have some more handsome hunks, hi Soobin, Beomgyu, Huening Kai and Taehyun." "Hi!" they all greeted. Taehyun couldn't take his eyes off her seeing her in the blue gown he chose for Hayun. 

"Also we have Mr and Mrs Choi with us. Uncle and aunt, how does it feel to see your son become a groom?" Hayun pointed the camera at the old couple. "We're really happy that our boy found his true love." Mr. Choi said. "Hayun you should find yourself a handsome guy too, right Taehyun?" Mrs. Choi asked and Taehyun awkwardly replied "Yeah, right aunty." "Alright now let's go and meet the bride, bye everyone!" Hayun rushed outside to save herself from Mrs. Choi's teasing. Not just the youngsters but even Hayun's and Yeonjun's parents could see the cute chemistry between Hayun and Taehyun. Everyone were just waiting for one of them to take the next step.

"Who do we have here? Our gorgeous Oh Yeonhwa, soon to be Choi Yeonhwa" Hayun continued. "You look beautiful yourself Hayun." Yeonhwa replied. "But you look stunning. Now let's move to these beautiful bridesmaids Sohee, Bo Young, Heejin and of course me" she chuckled. "Hayun someone is looking for you, come" her mom called her.

Hayun followed the older woman and she saw a familiar back profile of a man talking to the groom. He turned to face the girl and her face lit up as she ran into his embrace. "You are back!" She exclaimed hugging him tightly. "Of course little pig, how have you been?" He chuckled. "You are the pig!" she pouted. "But I gotta say, my baby sister looks beautiful today just like always." he said cupping her face. "You don't look so bad either" she said pulling apart. "My idiot brother Lee Jong Suk is back! Not gonna lie I missed him." she said continuing to record in her camcorder. "I missed you too" he replied.

Soon the wedding began. The bride walked down the aisle with her father and the bridesmaids following behind.

After the ceremony when the bride threw her bouquet backwards for the girls to catch, it accidentally went to Taehyun and he catched it due to his fast reflexes. All eyes were on him and everyone laughed at the scene. Taehyun quickly handed the bouquet to Hayun and everyone began to cheer the two. "Just get married already" Heejin teased them.


Now that the wedding was successfully wrapped up, Yeonjun and Yeonhwa moved to a new apartment which was at a convenient distance from their workplaces.

They all went back to their normal life. Hayun's brother went back after spending few days with his family.

Taehyun was sitting in his cabin checking some documents. Hayun entered after knocking on his door. "Taehyun, it's Sunday tomorrow, would you like to go somewhere with me? I mean...you know we talked about it on the rooftop, about me helping you to get back your passion." she asked fidgeting with her fingers. "Where to?" He questioned. "You'll know everything tomorrow, I'll text you the location and we'll meet at 5 in the evening, is that okay?" She asked. "Alright. Let's see what you have in your mind." he chuckled.

Hayun suggested to reach the venue separately but Taehyun insisted on picking her up. Both of them headed to the directions that Hayun gave.

"What are we doing at this abandoned building?" Taehyun asked looking around where Hayun told him to stop his car.

"You'll see, follow me." she said carrying a bag on her shoulder. "Beomgyu and Yeonjun once brought me here because we wanted to skip the school. There was a group of university students so we joined them in doing this." she said pointing to a wall filled with graffiti. "We're going to decorate these walls today." she jumped in excitement.

She pulled out some spray paints from her bag and handed one to Taehyun while she kept one for herself. "Draw whatever comes to your mind. You don't have to care about proportions or perfection here." Hayun added and began scribbling random doodles over the walls.

Taehyun thought of many ideas but he couldn't bring himself to draw them. So he simply wrote something on the walls.


"I asked you to draw, not to write our names!" she facepalmed. She sighed and stood next to him and held his left hand which was holding the paint in such a way that her palm was touching the backside of his palm. "Now spray." she commanded and the boy did as he was told. She controlled both of their hands and made a smiley face on the wall. "Done!" she said looking proudly at the work although it was nothing huge. But it was appreciable because Taehyun made it with her help.

Taehyun on the other hand was lost in his thoughts at the sudden boldness of the girl that he didn't even pay attention to what they just drew on the wall. His heart began to beat faster. "Taehyun, look you made it." she tap on his shoulder to bring his attention towards her. He took a glance at the smiley and faced Hayun. "Correction, YOU made it." he said. "Alright then you try by yourself." she sighed.

Taking a deep breath he began to make a circle but stopped seeing how he messed up the circle which was shaped like an amoeba. He sighed. "Am I pushing you too much?" Hayun asked hoping that she didn't pressurize him too much. "No, not at all." he replied.

"We're here to have fun. Since you could write names then let's go with that? Let's just write names" Hayun suggested. They began to write names of their friends, family and favorite actors or idols.

Few hours passed and they watched the sunset. "If you don't mind can you show me the paintings you made earlier?" Hayun hesitantly asked. "Do you wanna come over to my place? You can take a proper look there." he suggested and the girl nodded.


Paint Me | Kang Taehyun Where stories live. Discover now