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As usual Hayun was at her work but her mind was somewhere else, she was looking for Taehyun. She was disappointed for being unable to see him anywhere even though it was past the lunch break but at the same time was relieved because she didn't want to face him after what happened at his home. Her heart begins to race thinking of the moment when the lights suddenly turned on and Taehyun's face was just a few inches apart from hers. She was going crazy thinking why she felt that way.

Taehyun on the other hand had to attend a meeting with some of the sponsors. When he went to the art museum, he saw Hayun and gave a gentle and calm smile to her. The girl awkwardly returned a smile 'Am I just overthinking about what happened last night? He seems totally normal' she thought to herself. Little did the girl know that even Taehyun was screaming internally in nervousness. Their eyes briefly met but the two awkwardly broke the eye contact and parted ways without saying anything.

It was midnight and Hayun being unable to fall asleep kept thinking about Taehyun. 'Get yourself together, you promised to help Taehyun so stop acting like this, forget whatever happened and find a way soon.' She sat up straight thinking about ways to heal him.

The next morning she excitedly got ready for work. ''Someone looks super happy'' Beomgyu who was on his way to work said seeing Hayun making her way to her car. ''Good morning to you too!'' she greeted as her smile reached the ears.

"Hey Taehyun! You know the art workshop that we're going to conduct in the nearby elementary school...how about you join us for that?" Hayun suggested as soon as she saw her boss. He looked at the girl in confusion "Is it something related to what you've been planning?" he asked. "Yes, just let me know if I'm pushing you, I just don't want to make things worse for you." she replied. "Don't worry you won't do that and yes I'll join you all tomorrow for the workshop." he replied with a smile which never failed to melt the girl's heart.

Next day at the elementary school Hayun, and some of her co-workers like Miss. Kim and Huening Kai along with Taehyun and some more were gathered to enlighten the little ones about art. The children were told how art holds a huge meaning and importance in our daily lives in a way they could easily understand. Then they were each given a white sheet of paper to draw whatever came to their mind. The kids brought their colourful sticks and began scribbling whatever they liked.

Hayun and others helped the kids giving them some ideas while Taehyun stood watching everyone do their work in amazement.

After some time a group of kids gathered around him. "Mister tell us who did best." said one of the students as the group showed him their drawings. He didn't want to break the heart of any of the kid thinking that they are too young to understand winning and losing so for each one he told them what he liked the most in their drawing and the little ones giggled in joy.

"Mister why don't you draw something for us?" Asked one of the boys. Hayun looked at Taehyun expectantly at what he'd do next as the whole incident about the group of kids was her idea. "I'm sorry kid but I can't draw right now." Taehyun softly replied trying to not sound rude to the kid. "Do you want me to teach you how to draw?" A girl asked him and Taehyun chuckled, then his eyes met Hayun's and he understood what was going on so he gave in "Alright Miss please teach me." he said patting the little girl's head.

"Let's draw her!" The girl exclaimed pointing towards Hayun who was busy helping other kids. Taehyun smiled widely looking at Hayun seeing how some of the kids were gathered around her in excitement as if the young lady was a candy seller. She sang songs for them and made funny faces which attracted the little ones.

The little girl held Taehyun's hand and guided him to draw.

Taehyun's hand were shaky as he wasn't confident about it. He took another glance at Hayun and felt a sting in his heart. He felt bad as she kept thinking of ways to get him back on track but he kept failing every time. So he decided to brush off negative thoughts and just go with the flow giving his best to fight his fear.

The little girl began to move Taehyun's palms in a manner so that they can draw Hayun.

After some time the girl walked towards Hayun showing the drawing and left. Hayun kept staring at the drawing with a huge smile on her face. "I know it looks funny." Taehyun sighed in disappointment because the drawing looked like it was made by a 10-year-old, well it actually was, but still Taehyun also had a part in that. "I know this looks like a kid's drawing but come on, you're making progress. Remember, there was a time when we drew like this as well but with practice, we improved. So keep practicing. Alright?" Hayun encouraged him.

Soon the workshop ended and they all left.

But this wasn't the end for Taehyun. After he went home, he grabbed some blank pages and kept scribbling over them, but not just random scribbles. He kept imagining Hayun's face and kept drawing. Soon he began to gain confidence in himself. But he couldn't understand why he kept thinking about her. Was it because she was his healer who kept helping him or was it because he became a lover for her? 

Few days passed and he kept improving.


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