Chapter 1

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 "Grandma! Grandpa! Wake up! I found a map!"

That was the discovery that led Arnold to action. Two weeks later in the middle of the day, A mailman holding a brown parcel --not Harvey-- knocked on the door of the boarding house. The door was eventually opened by Arnold, who took a clipboard from the mailman to sign a form, then received his package.

"Thanks a lot," said Arnold.

"You're welcome, Mr..." the mailman looked down at Arnold's signature; his lips curled into a crooked smile. "Shortman...?" he read, trying hard to suppress a snicker."

"Uh, yeah...that's my last name," replied Arnold.

"Right, right...well, you have a nice day...Mr. Shortman...HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The mailman bursts out laughing as he walked away. Arnold rolled his eyes and went back into the boarding house. He passed by the kitchen, where Grandma and Grandpa were sitting and enjoying lunch.

"Well, hey there, short man," said Grandpa Phil. "Whatcha got there?"

"Hi, Grandpa," said Arnold. "Just some more information on San Lorenzo. I'm going to do as much research as I possibly can to make sense of the map. It's a long shot, but I feel as though I'm getting closer with every delivery. Every textbook, every pamphlet, every brochure - I can feel it. I'm getting close!"

Grandpa smiled gently at his grandson. "Well, then you keep at it, short man. I'm sure that with time, you'll find what you're looking for."

"Thanks, Grandpa. Well, I'd better get back to work."

As Arnold turned and headed toward his room, Grandpa sighed when he was safely out of earshot.

"Oh, Pookie," he sighed. "I'd hate to see him disappointed. I don't want to discourage him, but..."

Unexpectedly, Grandma had placed her hand over Grandpa's in an attempt to console him.

"It's okay, Phil," said Grandma. "I'm sure that Arnold will understand eventually. Let him search, it's for the best."

Grandpa sighed again, but smiled at his wife. "You're right,'s for the best..."

And that was the beginning of Arnold's obsession to try and decipher his father's map. For weeks he slaved over mountains of written literature, made scores upon scores of notes, and would only occasionally find the time for a few impromptu nap breaks inbetween. At some point Arnold's progress had reached a plateau where he could glean no further clues or information. One afternoon he sat patiently upon the steps of the Sunset Arms, awaiting the arrival of the mailman. Arnold watched eagerly when he appeared, only to be disappointed when the mailman shook his head.

"Sorry kid, nothing today" said the mailman, who silently snickered to himself as he departed. "...Shortman..."

Arnold sighed in defeat and made his way back into the boarding house, dejected.

"Hey there, short man. How's it...going...?" said Grandpa as Arnold passed by the kitchen, but he was met with silence. Grandma and Grandpa looked at each other, both concerned for the well being of their grandson.

Arnold ascended the staircase in silent melancholy. His depressed reverie was interrupted, however, when he reached the top of the stairs and found Mr. Hynnh, Ernie Potts, and Oskar Kokoshka congregated in the hallway.

"I tell ya, it's not right!" barked Ernie. "He thinks he can just waltz back up in here like nothing happened..."

"...and just when I thought I could work Grandpa over for the room..." lamented Oskar.

Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie - SHAMEONPRETZEL'S VERSION [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now