Chapter 11

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Arnold and Helga hauled an injured Stonewall on a makeshift stretcher made from tree branches and one of the blankets they had taken from the deserted village.

Helga stood at the head of the stretcher, while Arnold carried from the rear. Stonewall sighed contently, as if he were merely relaxing in one of his hammocks.

"Ah..." said Stonewall. "Now this is the only way to travel."

"Don't make me hit you, pal," said Helga

"I gotta admit," continued Stonewall. "I'm impressed with the two of you. Most other kids would be hopelessly lost, out here in the jungle. But you've sure managed to hold your own. That takes some real...well, doesn't hurt that you've got such a multi-faceted bushman such as myself to lead the way...not to mention smart and handsome and..."

Stonewall was interrupted as Helga dropped her end of the stretcher unexpectedly. Stonewall groaned in pain.

"Whoops...clumsy me," said Helga, feigning innoncence. She then looked at Arnold. "I gotta go for a second."

Arnold blinked. "Go where?"

Helga gave Arnold a dirty look, at which he suddenly understood.

"Oh. Right," he said. "I'll keep watch."

"Don't let him try any funny stuff while I'm gone," said Helga, who disappearered into the brush to answer the "call of nature".

Arnold gently lowered his end of the stretcher onto the ground and took a moment to stretch.

"She didn't drop you too hard, did she?" he asked.

Stonewall waved him off. "No worries...that's quite a girlfriend you got there, mate. Sounds like she really cares for you."

Arnold looked at Stonewall in surprise. "Who, Helga? She's not my girlfriend. She's...well...Helga hates me."

Stonewall chuckled. "Lad, I've been around the block a few times. Broke my share of hearts...Whatever that girl feels for you, it certainly isn't hate."

"Yeah, well I don't think you know Helga G. Pataki."

"Oh, you'd be surprised..." Stonewall said coyly.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" asked Arnold,

But Stonewall deflected. "Ahh - pay me no mind. I'm just a dumb Aussie that's been brained on the noggin one too many times."

Helga returned and pointed the cutlass at Stonewall in warning. "In case you've forgotten, bucko, you're our prisoner of war. And if you don't pipe down I'm gonna MAKE you myself, got it?"

"Aye, aye, cap'n! We are at your mercy!" Stonewall did a salute.

Helga rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Come on, football-head – the sooner we drop this guy off, the sooner we can get off this island. We'll lift on three: one, two..."

Together, Arnold and Helga lifted the stretcher. Stonewall turned slightly to Arnold and winked, pointing his thumb at Helga.


Meanwhile an exhausted Harold, Sid and Stinky literally crawled through the jungle. Harold's stomach growled loudly and he collapsed.

"Ohhhhh...I'm so hungryyyyyy...!" he cried

"If I don't get something in my stomach, I'm gonna keel over..." said Sid.

"Ditto..." said Stinky.

Harold rolled onto his back and stared at the sky. In his peripheral vision, he noticed a flash of yellow hanging from one of the trees.

"Praise Thor, the Thunder God!" he cried.

Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie - SHAMEONPRETZEL'S VERSION [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now