Chapter 3: Moving

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Milo's Pov:

I was currently at my apartment with Jamie. We were packing and labelling boxes. Jamie was being very overprotective of me since we found out and would barely let me help. "Jamie please, I'm literally like a month pregnant, you don't need to coddle me." She scoffed. "Until you go to your first doctor's appointment, I'm going to make sure that you're being safe and eating right." I put my hands on my hips.

"Well, my first appointment is tomorrow so you don't need to worry for much longer." With that, we continued to pack and move my stuff into the truck. I wanted to move closer to Jamie and the hospital because I was going to have a baby in nine months. Besides, I applied for a job at Sharpe Industries, they needed a new graphic designer because their other one quit.

I heard it was because of the boss, Elliot Sharpe, son of James Sharpe, the founder of the company. Elliot Sharpe is known around the world as one of the wealthiest men, and one of the coldest. I believe people describe him as, a dick, a jackass, bastard, cold hearted sociopath, and many other colorful words. It didn't matter though, the pay was good, I could work from home on maternity leave, and I could handle an awful boss.

I was used to dealing with people who didn't like or respect me. I mean, I was an artist, gay, and 5'7'', so people didn't actually respect me most of the time. When we were done, we got into the truck and drove to my new apartment. I fell asleep on the way there and Jamie shook me awake when we got there. "Lo, you have to wake up, we're here." The movers had already gotten the big things like the couch, TV, and bed there so there wasn't much to bring up.

Once we finished bringing everything up, Jamie left to return the truck, reluctantly leaving me alone. When she came back, I ordered some pizza and she started up Netflix. "Hey, you applied to Sharpe Industries right?" "Yeah why?" I said, coming to the couch with a bag of Ruffles. "Are you sure you wanna work there Lo? I mean, the company is very high pace and you're pregnant. Besides, the Sharpe family is crazy. I don't want you in that type of environment."

"JJ, I'll be fine in that type of environment. You know where I used to live, this'll be nothing. Now come on, I have no intention in getting involved with rich family drama so you have nothing to worry about."

She still looked worried but she stopped badgering me and put on a TV show. "I wanted to do some more research on the company though." She got out her laptop out of her bag and started to look up the company. "Here, why don't I show you the boss so you know who to avoid when you get there." She said, looking him up. "I'm sure I'll be fine, but it would be good to know."

"There ya go." She said, pulling up images. I scrolled through the images and as I kept scrolling, he looked more and more familiar. "He doesn't smile does he?" I asked. "No, he doesn't. I heard that he and his wife are having problems so he's been extra sociopathic over the last, like month." I rolled my eyes. "Great, just great. Well, we don't even know if I'll get the job."

"I'm sure you will Milo, you just need more confidence." After some more research, we shut the laptop and started to watch our show again. I've been starting to get cravings and morning sickness, which wasn't the best combo, but I dealt with it. At least  I could still keep food down. Jamie left at 10:00, saying that I needed to go to bed so I could be ready for my doctors appointment.

I did my nightly routine and got into my favorite pj's. A pair of baby blue fluffy pj bottoms, and a big shirt. I wore the guy's shirt that I kind of stole. I really liked it. It felt expensive and soft, and it was really oversized on me and I liked it. I felt bad that I kept it, but I couldn't helped myself. It also smelled like him, which I found weirdly comforting.

As I got into bed I started to think about him. I couldn't really remember much about him, but I remember the way he smelled because of his shirt, and I remember the way he held me, almost protectively, like he wanted to keep me safe. Then I thought about what he did to me. He got me pregnant and he didn't even know.

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