Chapter 24: Coming Out

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Milo's Pov:

I slowly opened my eyes from a deep and tired sleep. Liam had been crying the entire night and I had no idea why. It took absolutely ages to calm him down. When my eyes focused I was immediately presented with my boyfriend's face way too close. I let out a screech and he pulled away fast. "What's wrong?" "What the hell babe?! You can't just put your face so close to me when I wake up!" "Why not?" His head was tilted like a puppy. I swear I did not think that this was the man I'd be in a relationship with, but I love him so whatever.

"Cause that's terrifying! I almost had a heart attack!" He kissed my lips then my forehead. "Sorry princess I was just excited." "What's got you so excited at 8:15 in the morning?" He smiled giddily. "I'm going to come out." "You're going to what?" "I'm going to come out. Ya know, when a guy tells people that he likes other dudes." I rolled my eyes. "I know what coming out is love. I never actually came out because I was kind of outed but I do know what it is. My question is who? Your family and friends already know."

"My sweet, beautiful, dumb boyfriend, I don't mean them." "Okay then who do you mean?" "I'm talking about the public. All the people in the world who have knowledge about me will know I'm gay and have a beautiful boyfriend and child." He wanted to tell everyone? Don't get me wrong I'm happy for him, but this could bring a lot of terrible things, like hate or threats. He wasn't exactly popular, despite his massive amount of wealth. "Are you sure babe? You know that you won't be able to back out if this if you regret it."

"I know that, but I want people to know. I want to be able to go out in public with you and Liam and hold your hand and kiss you whenever I want." "Well I support you either way, you know that." I kissed him and smiled. "Well since I've had this epiphany, what if we celebrate?" He said suggestively, moving his hands under my shirt. I gave him a smile and as soon as he got close to my lips there was a piercing cry. He groaned and I giggled at his annoyance. "Cock block." "Aw honey, you should have known this would happen when we had kids."

"You didn't even want me near you when you were pregnant, how was I going to prepare myself for getting blocked from sex that might not even be in the cards?" "Very true. You know, you are very smart." He gave me a big smile and kissed my cheek. "Kinda have to be, being a rich CEO and all." The snarkiness in his voice made me groan in annoyance and attempt to get up. "Get off me you big lug I have to go see if our child is okay." "Fine fine." He rolled off of me and I went to Liam's room to see him sitting and crying in his crib.

"What's wrong there baby? Did you sense your parents getting intimate and you had to stop it?" I questioned with a smile. Liam just kept crying and I smiled softly and picked him up, seeing he had a dirty diaper. "Oh I bet that's uncomfortable, let's get you changed honey." "You can do that, I'll go make breakfast. What do you want?" "Whatever you wanna make love." "Waffles and eggs it is then." I put Liam on his changing table and changed his diaper, putting a new onesie on him.

"Well don't you look absolutely adorable my little prince." I kissed his cheek and squeezed him. "Now let's go downstairs to see what's your daddy's making." "Mama." "That's right baby, I'm mama." I walked down with Liam, hearing whistling coming from the kitchen where I found my boyfriend in his cute apron, making eggs. God he was the best. I smiled and walked up behind him, wrapping one arm around him. "Whatcha humming there handsome?" "Oh just a tune."

I let go of him and put Liam in his high chair then going to the cabinet to get his food. "Have you been taking cooking classes or something because your cooking has gotten a lot better over the past month." "I might have been taking some, why, does it impress you?" "It does, very much so." I gave him a peck on the cheek and put the food on the table and walked back to him, getting close to his ear. "I also think it's really sexy." I whispered. "Oh yeah?" He smirked. I nodded and bit my bottom lip, getting a little spoon and walking back to the dining table.

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