Chapter 28: I Hate Hospitals

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No One's Pov:

The first thing he seemed to comprehend was the smell. Wherever he was smelled sterile, like hand sanitizer and cleaning spray. He couldn't see, the ringing in his ears too loud to allow him to use too many of his senses at once. As the ringing slowly faded he became more aware, first slowly opening his eyes, immediately greeted with the bright and awful florescent lighting that could only mean he was in one place. The hospital. God he hated the hospital.

Of course he knew that he was headed in that direction, being kidnapped and beaten and all, but he hated it nonetheless. The rooms always felt cold and lonely, yet so full of people which only made it worse. The walls of his room were a plain white, a large window to his right that brightened the room slightly, yet not enough that he didn't feel suffocated by the natural coldness of the hospital. As he got a better look of his surroundings he saw Elliot, sitting in a hospital chair that he imagined wasn't very comfortable, and sleeping with his head rested against the bed.

Milo pet Elliot's hair softly, as to not wake the sleeping man. He looked exhausted, dark bags under his eyes and obvious tear stains on his cheeks. He looked all around disheveled, so different from the put together man he knew. He smiled at the man and closed his eyes again, still exhausted from everything that happened. He felt movement coming from his side, which he assumed was from Elliot. Milo opened his eyes and moved his head over to see if Elliot was awake or not, not having the strength to lift his head off the pillow.

Elliot stirred and slowly sat up, a crack from his back as he did so because of the awful position. "Hey babe, had a nice nap?" He asked hoarsely and quietly, simultaneously from lack of moisture and to not startle Elliot. Elliot's eyes lit up when he saw Milo stare back at him. "Hold on real quick babe, I'll get you some ice chips." He left the room quickly and came back a minute later with a paper cup, slowly feeding Milo the ice chips. "How are you feeling Milo?" "Better after the ice chips, but really tired and sore." "Yeah, I bet." He said with a soft smile.

"You've been drifting in and out of consciousness since they brought you here. But you never stayed awake too long." "Did I say anything weird?" "No, just that you wanted to see Liam and you were glad to see me." "Mm, I am. I missed you both so much. It was awful." He said sadly, tears threatening to fall. "I know darling, we missed you too. I couldn't cope without you and Liam has been restless. But now that you're here again, and safe, I won't let you go." He pressed their foreheads together and pressed a soft kiss to Milo's lips.

"Is Liam here with you?" "No, he's at home. Jamie and Caleb are watching him." Milo let out a weak laugh. "Oh no, I hope you're ready to go home to a complete mess." "What do you mean?" "Those two can't take care of a baby together, I don't really understand why either. Separately, they're amazing. Together, they're a trainwreck. They were babysitting Caleb's niece once and I left to get more baby food, and when I came back the house looked like it was hit by a tornado and all three of them were covered in food."

"I don't understand, I thought you went to get more food." "I did, but his niece got restless and they tried to make their own baby food." "Oh god, I left them with our child unsupervised." "I'm sure he'll be alive by the time you get back babe, just be mentally prepared because you might not come back to a house." Milo laughed at Elliot's terrified face, happy that things were light and he felt something other than pain and despair for the first time in a long while.

"When will I be able to go home?" Elliot sighed and carded his fingers through Milo's hair. "The doctor's want to keep you here for observation for a couple days to make sure your wounds are healing correctly and don't get infections, and..." His voice drifted and he looked at anything in the room except Milo. "What is it babe? Come on just tell me, it can't be that bad." "They wanna give you a psych evaluation because of what you went through. If they find that you have a lot of trauma or are a danger to yourself then they're gonna keep you here or some type of center for this stuff indefinitely."

"O-oh. Um, okay. Yeah- yeah that's not that bad." He stuttered nervously. Milo had been through a lot in his life. Not just this, but this was obviously the most recent and the emotional scars were the freshest of them all. But what concerned him was that he would be prohibited from going home to be with his family because of his past. He didn't know what he'd do if his past were still trying to ruin his life, even after all these years.

All he could do now was hope that he would be stable enough to be given the all clear. "I hope so, but my main priority is to make sure you're safe and happy princess. After everything you've been through, I don't want to force you back into normalcy so quickly if you need time to process everything that happened." "That's sweet of you, but right now I think I need some normalcy. And food, is there any food?" Elliot laughed a little, happy that Milo seemed to be a little more like himself. "Sure princess, I'll ask the nurse if you can eat something, and then maybe I can go home and bring Liam here."

"Is that for my benefit or is it to see what my idiot best friends have done to your house?" "Why can't it be both?" Milo laughed and watched Elliot exit the room, now alone with his own thoughts. He felt numb almost, like he didn't really feel the affects of the kidnapping. It was odd, but not painful in a way. He chose not to dwell on the pain, or lack thereof, and turned on the TV to see what was on. All there was left to do now, was wait.


Okay before you yell at me because I said chapters would be coming out sooner and then didn't upload for 2 months, I've been busy and had an insane amount of writer's block. Also, writing hospital scenes is hard. As of now I'm not in school but I do have other things going on, which will either give me a lot of inspiration, or cause me to be distracted and I won't come out with new chapters all that often. Anyway, I hope to be writing more, and while you're waiting for this you could check out my other books, but they might not be your speed. With that being said, I hope there's no continuity errors or spelling mistakes but there probably is, but I hope it's still enjoyable and thank you for being so patient with me about my inconsistency. That's all from me.

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