Chapter 26: Giving Up

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No One's Pov:




That annoying sound of water dripping was driving him crazy. He didn't know where it was coming from and the constant noise was making his body burn. He was tired and angry and homesick, he just wanted to get out of here. He started to keep track of the days, using a small rock to carve tallies in the wall. He wasn't sure how accurate his counting was, but it was the only thing that seemed to keep him tethered.

He let out a shaky and shallow breath, his chest constricting at the attempt of taking a deep one, and closed his eyes. He just wanted to see his son and boyfriend again, even just to say goodbye. The distant memory of their family time together made him want to cry and curl into himself. He missed his baby, his beautiful little boy. He had his father's hair and face but he had his eyes, the perfect mix.

And his boyfriend, his amazing overprotective boyfriend who was now being left alone with their child. He had faith that he was taking care of Liam the best he could, but he also knew that Elliot probably wasn't doing too well, not knowing where he was and probably still dealing with the aftermath of his coming out. He felt awful for leaving him alone after something so big, even though he knew it wasn't his fault. The coming out probably made this all that more public and difficult. He could only imagine the type of pressure Elliot was under.

Elliot's Pov:

Things were getting worse. It was now three weeks since Milo was kidnapped and I was only getting more anxious and irritated. I spent all my time working, trying to find him, or taking care of Liam. I had barely slept since he was gone, only passing out from exhaustion and crashing from all the coffee I was consuming. I tried to keep up my appearance because the press seemed to be everywhere, but the dark circles under my eyes were getting more noticeable and it took a lot more strength than it should have to take a comb through my hair.

While I was feeling lonely and depressed, I was visited often by Milo's friends and Chase. Even my father called me once after he heard about Milo to ask me how I was doing. This was without my mother's knowledge of course. Ruby and Elijah would come up during their lunch break to ask me how I was doing and Ruby basically forced me to eat, using Milo when I got difficult. Jamie had practically moved in, saying how she needed to be at the house to look after her best friend's boys.

I really appreciated the help, and I was more comfortable leaving Liam with her than nannies. Chase called me everyday to see how I was doing, and came over a couple times to try and take my mind off things. Even Caleb showed up a couple times. We weren't exactly close, I never really liked him all that much, but he helped with Liam and asked how I was doing so he was alright. I found myself staring of the picture I had if Milo on my desk more often than I'd like.

I usually ended up crying when I looked at it for too long so I had to force myself to look away. I could only imagine the type of pain he was going through right now. I just wished there was something more I could do for him, to find him. My body was barely running these days, soon the coffee would catch up to me again and I'd have to crash, hopefully at home instead of at work this time. The day work day was almost over which meant I had to get home soon. I dread leaving the office because more often than not, paparazzi and reporters were swarming me to ask me about Milo, whether it was about our relationship or his whereabouts.

I signed and put all my papers away, grabbing my coat and phone to head out. When I walked out of my office, April gave me a soft 'have a nice day' and that was it. I nodded and walked towards my elevator, mentally preparing for what may or may not be waiting outside for me. Reaching the front door, I didn't see any paparazzi or reporters in plain sight or in any bushes so I walked to my car before I jinxed myself and one popped up. The drive home was quiet, like usual. I turned the radio on just to try to drown out the loud silence, but it didn't really help.

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