Chapter 17: Free

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Elliot's Pov:

I woke up with a new feeling of happiness that had been ripped away four months prior. I got out of bed and went straight for my clothes to organize them back in my suitcase. When I had done that I got everything in order and made sure that I didn't leave anything behind before going down to the lobby. When I got to the front desk I gave the woman there my room keys. "Hi, I'd like to check out." "Can I get your name and room number?" "Elliot Sharpe, and it's room 628." She took the keys and put that into the computer I'm assuming. "It says here that you still have almost a week here Mr. Sharpe."

"I'm aware but I'm leaving early." "Well I'll need your card to reimburse you for the days you won't be staying." I handed her my card and she did her thing. I honestly didn't care whether they reimbursed me or not but they were going to so I wasn't going to complain. "Here's your card sir, and everything's been settled so you can leave if you want." "Okay thank you." "Have a nice day!" "You too." I grabbed my suitcase and walked out of the hotel and got an Uber to take me to my princess's place. When I got to the building I groaned, remembering the stairs and started my climb.

I knocked on the door and he answered with a smile and his face and Liam in his arms. "Morning Princess." I gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Morning handsome." He moved away from the door and I walked in, going to his room to put my stuff down. On my way there I saw the three guys I met yesterday. It was Fabian, Zach, and I never got the third guy's name. "Hello there." "What's up?" "Yo." "Hey." I put my stuff in Milo's room and came back out to see that Milo had joined them. I sat next to him on the couch and put my arm around him.

He cuddled up to me and Liam looked at us and babbled. "So what have you guys been up to?" I asked. "We're watching the game." "What's your name? I never actually got it." "Oh yeah I'm Ryder, nice to meet you." "You too." We continued to watch the game until Liam started to fuss so I took him to the other room to calm him down. "What's wrong bud? Why are you crying?" He continued to cry and I rocked him in my arms until he fell asleep. "You two look cute." I looked up to see Milo leaning against the door. "Thanks, I'm just glad to spend some time with him after missing so much."

"Remember that when he wakes up at 2 am and needs to cries and screams like a banshee." He laughed and have us both a kiss in the cheek. "How's the game going?" "It's fine, our team's winning." "That's nice." "Yeah." There was silence for a minute, a little uncomfortable because I was avoiding something. I decided that I wasn't going to beat around the bush with him anymore, I wanted to be serious. "I want you to come back with me when I go back to New York." I said, breaking the silence. His head jolted up at me so fast I thought I heard a crack.

"What?" "When I go back home at the end of the week I want you to come with me and move in with me immediately. I don't want to wait anymore." His mouth opened like he was going to say something but he closed it, seemingly shocked and concerned. "I mean, I know we briefly talked about this yesterday but how am I supposed to just leave this place? I have a lease that won't expire for another 8 months." "I'll pay for it." "I don't want you to pay for it Elliot." "It's not a big deal, I have the money." "I know that Elliot but I don't want to just spend your money."

"Hey, we're in this together princess, and that means we share everything, even costs, alright?" "Fine, but that means that I'll be paying sometimes too rich boy." "I wouldn't have it any other way." I kissed his forehead and he scrunched his face. "I'll call some people to start shipping your stuff over back home." "I have an idea actually." "What would that be?" "What if we just pay rent like I'm living here instead of getting out of the lease and we can let Zach stay here and he'll pay the other bills?" "Wouldn't it be easier if we just paid to get you out of the lease?"

"Well yeah, but Zach's apartment is crappy and he's been trying to save up recently so I think this could really work out. Plus, it would solve the logistical nightmare of getting out of the lease." "If he says yes then I'm okay with that. As long as you and Liam come home with me I'm alright with that." "Yay!" We walked out to the living room and Milo tapped Zach's shoulder. "Hey Zach can we talk to you for a moment?" "Uh, sure." He seemed confused but got up anyway. "So I'm going back home with Elliot when his vacation ends this week." "Oh man, I'm gonna miss you dude."

"I'll miss you too but that's not what I wanted to tell you." "Oh my bad, continue." "Well since I still need to stay until the end of my lease I was wondering if you wanted to move in here since your place is crappy. You wouldn't have to pay rent, just gas, water, electricity, stuff like that." "Are you sure? I mean this is amazing and I'd love to but are you sure you want to pay rent for a place you won't be staying in?" "Of course. I know you need to save up some money and I think this works out perfectly. Besides, Elliot's rich rich." "You're rich rich?" He asked looking at me for the first time in this conversation.

"I don't know what rich rich means but if you mean I have a lot of money then yes." They both just started to laugh, leaving me very confused and out of the loop. They soon calmed down and we sat down with the other two and enjoyed the remainder of the game. Liam seemed to enjoy it as he kept going crazy and laughed a lot when Ryder and Fabian would go crazy and cheer. "You know he gets his personality mostly from me." Milo said. "How so?" "He smiles and laughs a lot." "And I don't?" "Well your track record shows you're a very serious person babe."

"Well I can't help it." "I didn't say it was a bad thing love, it's just the way you are and I love you for it." "Smooth." "I thought so." I laughed a little and gave him a kiss. He kissed back with a smile on his face. "Get a room you two." Ryder joked. "We did, you just happen to be in it." Milo said very sassily. Ryder scoffed but laughed and the other two joined in. They all had to go home after the game was over which left me with my  beautiful boyfriend and adorable son. "You know what I just realized?" "What is that?" He asked, tidying up. "We're free and have nothing to worry about for like the first time in our relationship."

"How so?" "Well, I'm no longer married and you're no longer being threatened, we have our son, and you're going to be living with me so we're going to be fine." "Don't jinx us Elliot, but yes, it is nice to not worry about anything for a little. I finally feel like I can breathe." I walked over to him and hugged him. He felt so small against me, very delicate. "You know you're very affectionate." "Hm?" "Well I find it so funny that you're the complete opposite of what people said." "What do you mean?" "Well, you've obviously been in the public eye for a while which means that people pick up on a lot.

When I found out that Liam was yours I did a lot of research on you, like a lot. I looked at articles, interviews, and anything else I could find and they all said essentially the same thing." "And what was that?" "That you were very closed off, unemotional, angry, and unaffectionate." "Unaffectionate?" "Yeah, like how you never hugged or kissed your wife in public and barely held her hand. Now I find that so hard to believe because you're very affectionate towards me, I mean you have difficulty keeping your hands to yourself.

It's been that way since the night we met." He laughed at the end of his sentence." "Well that's true, I was never affectionate towards her and I thought that it was just the way I was, but I guess you bring something out in me." "Do you wanna know what I think?" "What is that?" "I think you're a very loving person but you were taught to be cold, just saying." "Maybe you're onto something, just maybe." He laughed and nuzzled into the jug more, sighing in contentment. "I love you." "I love you too princess."

The rest of the day was like a little family day, and I was hoping that we'd spend many days like this. I knew vacation would end and I'd have to go back to work but my princess would be there and so would our little dragon. There was one aching feeling of dread in the back of my mind but I pushed it as far away as possible and locked it in a box then threw it in a bottomless pit. I wasn't going to sabotage what little peace we've gotten in the last year, over a year actually. "Why are you so tense all of a sudden?"

He looked up at me with concern and sleep in his eyes. "It's nothing princess, just go back to sleep." I said ruffling his hair. He yawned and nodded, using my chest as his pillow like usual. Can I say as usual? Have we gotten to as usual with these things yet? As I questioned myself I realized how screwed up my life was. I've barely slept in the same bed as my boyfriend in our entire relationship and we'll be living together in a few days, with our four month old child might I add. Everything was just so screwed up and I fell asleep thinking about it.


I feel like it's been forever since I've updated this book and I apologize but I just finished another book so that's what I was doing. I've also been redoing my first book so there's that but I hope you liked the chapter. If you have any suggestions or anything feel free to comment or pm me so yeah I hope there weren't too many mistakes and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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