Kidnapped and Reuntited

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Taylor's POV:

I was walking home from my stepdads house and I have to go through an alley. I was supposed to be home about 2 hours ago but if my stepdad wasnt abusive then I wouldn't have been this long. As I walk down the alley, I feel like someone is watching me. I need to get outta here quick. As that thought passed through my head, I was grabbed by someone. Their hand was over my mouth so I couldn't scream for help. "Stay quiet and you wont get hurt." One guy said. I stayed quiet. "We'll take her to the room." Another said. What room? I thought. I followed them into the car and they let me breathe. I was trying to catch my breath but ended up having a panic attack. "Hey hey it's ok. You're safe, it's ok we wont hurt u." One guy said. I calmed down. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" I ask. "I'm Josh. It's nice to meet u Taylor." The driver says. "How do u know my nam-" I was cut off. "We know everything about u so dont worry." Josh said. "I'm Anthony but u can call me Ant." The guy sitting next to me said. "Ok." I said still scared a bit. "And I'm Bryce." The one in the passenger seat said. "Hi, u all know who I am I'm guessing." "Yep." Ant said. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask. "We are bringing u to the boss. Well first into a room so we can get some tests done but then the boss will see u." "What do I have that your boss needs." I ask still scared and confused. "U know someone and may have some information on them that he needs." Bryce says. "If ur asking about my stepdad, I know a lot. So please get me away from him and keep me wherever u need. I cant go back there." I say. "We are, as a matter of fact. Is ur stepdads name Gale Groves?" Josh asks. "Yep and I know who he has and plans on killing. And by the way, I'm on that list so if u want info, protect me because he used to talk to me about his plans when I was a bit younger but I would write everything down that he was saying." I say knowing I can help kill him. "Alright we're here." Ant says. "Act like u r scared when we walk in." Bryce said. "I dont gotta act." I say jokingly. We walk into a big building and into a room with a bunch of girls. Why are they here? The doctor hooks me up to a blood pressure machine and a heart monitor to make sure I'm ok. After, the test results were handed to Josh. The doctor helped me into a hospital bed and I laid there. I heard the doors open into the room and a guy comes to me with Josh behind him. "Hello babygirl, what's ur name?" "T-Taylor." I say nervously because I dont know who he is. "I'm Jaden, Jaden Hossler. U can call me Jaden or even better daddy." He says. I giggle a bit. "Shes got a sense of humor. I like her." Jaden says. "We talked a bit in the car because she had a panic attack." Josh says. "Alright so she has a bit of anxiety. We can work with that." Jaden says. I hear the doors open again. "Hossler, dont touch her!" I hear a girl say. That voice!? Where do I know that voice from?!? Jaden moves to the side. "NESS?!?!?!?!?" I say. "TAYLOR?!?!?!" She runs over and pulls me into a hug. "Wha- how- oh my god Nessa!" My bestfriend who has been missing for over a year and a half. "I cant believe its u!" I say. "I know bub! I missed u so much." She says. Jaden coughs awkwardly. "How do yall know eachother exactly?" He asks. "Nessas my bestfriend. She went missing a year and a half ago and I was losing hope in finding her. I thought yall knew everything about me?" I say. "We do but we havent been tracking u that long." Josh says. "Oh my god Taylor!" She says. "What?!?!" I reply. "I got a boyfriend!!!!" She says. "Holy shit Ness that's amazing! When do I get to meet him?!" I ask super excited. "U already did." Josh pipes in pointing to himself. "Omg I can see it. Yall are so cute!" I say. By this time Jaden had left to talk to Bryce and Ant. "But u and Jaden tho?!?!" She says. "Nessa come on. I just met him. He literally told me to call him Jaden or even better daddy. I have to admit he's pretty hot but he's gonna end up killing me soooooooo." I say. "He isn't going to kill u silly. We both have info that he needs on Gale. That's why they took me." She says. I sigh in relief knowing Nessa isn't dead and that I wont die. Jaden walks back in. "Come with me babygirl." Jaden says to me. "Ok." "So we've got a listener on our hands." Jaden says. "I listen when I want but right now I dont want to end up dead." I say. "U wont die babygirl." He says. We walk out of the room and go into a meeting room. "We need to know all the names on Gales kill list." He says. "Let me get my notebook." I say, knowing everything is written down in there. I go into my bag and pull it out. I pass the book to Jaden and he flips through it. "U recorded this and he didnt question what u were doing?" He asks. "Yep he thought I was to dumb to remember or write it down." I say. "Thank you babygirl. We are going home now." He says. "What about Nessa?" I ask. "She lives with us dont worry. She already has a job here so she'll be home 20 minutes at most after us." He says. "Ok thank you Jaden." We get into the car and drive. We pull up to a huge house. "Wow." I say amazed. "I will show u to your room." Jaden says. "Alright." We head inside and it gets even better. We go up a flight of stairs and into a room at the end of the hall. "Here is you bedroom. Across from Nessas and Josh's and beside mine." He says. "Thanks Jaden but I dont have any clothes." I say. "You can borrow some of mine until we get u some from the mall." He says. I blush at the thought of wearing Jadens clothes. He hands me a blue hoodie with 'Hossler' on the back and a pair of black sweats with 'fuck off' printed in blue on each knee. "Here. Meet me downstairs in 10." He says. I nod. I get changed and run downstairs with a minute to spare. I dont want to be late because I dont know what he would do. "And with a minute to spare." He says as he stops a stopwatch. "You were timing me?" I say, kind of caught off guard. "Ya but dont worry u passed with flying colours." He says. I smile at his comment. He smiles back. Ugh!! He is so hot I cant even. He's been pretty nice so far. I dont want to get on his bad side though. I dont know what would happen then. He walks into the kitchen leaving his phone on the table. "Babygirl," he says. "Yes daddy?" I say just to tease him. I heard him groan at the name before saying, "Can u bring me my phone?" "Yep!" I run into the kitchen, phone in hand. "Thank you." He says as I give him his phone. "Welcome." I run out of the kitchen and into the living room. I turn the tv on and watch some netflix. Jaden came in not long after and sat next to me. I wasnt uncomfortable surprisingly. He leaned back and out his hand on my thigh. Wtf?!?!?! Why is my heart racing? He started to rub my thigh until I move around just to adjust my position on the couch. I turn around and lay my head on his chest. He seemed shocked at first but immediately put his hands around waist. He pulls me onto his lap and I put my head in the crook of his neck. I end up falling asleep.

Jadens POV:

Taylor fell asleep in my lap and she was so cute. I decided to bring her up to her room. I walked up the stairs and tucked her into her bed. I kissed her forehead. "Goodnight princess." I whisper. I hear her door open and see Nessa and Josh. "Awwwwwwwww!" I hear Nessa say. "Shut up Nessa." I say. "Dude I think your in love. We watched on the security cameras how u look at her and how u act around her. Shes different to u and u know it." Josh says. "Fuck. I forgot u had the security camera app on ur phone." I say in realization. "Ya and it was so cute! She didnt even do that to any other boy shes ever met. Ur special to her Jaden." Nessa says. "Maybe......" I say looking back to Taylor sleeping. I smiled. "Not maybe, definitely. I've known her for 15 years and she has never looked at someone the way she looks at u Jaden. Not even her ex boyfriend who was her everything until that went to shit." Nessa said. Both Josh and I's heads snap to Nessa. "What?" Josh said. "She was cheated on by her boyfriend the day of their 5th year anniversary. She was so hurt and broken that she pushed everyone out." Nessa continues. "So your saying, shes been broken before and if she trusts me that's really good?" I ask. "Yes Jaden. She trusts u. She thought u were going to use her for information and then kill her. I told her that's not what u were doing and that she wouldn't die. Shes scared but knowing she has people around her who love and care for her is the best thing for Taylor." Nessa states. "Ok thank you for telling me." I say. "Same." Josh says. They went into their room and left me in Taylor's. I have to protect her. Not only for work reasons but shes different and knowing that I'm different in her eyes makes my heart do flips. I decided to lay down next to Taylor.

Taylor's POV:
I walked into my boyfriends house and I saw a pair of shoes I'd never seen his sister wear or his mom. Weird. I walk into the kitchen and I past his mom.
"Hi sweetie! I just got home I'm pretty sure he's in his room." She says
"Alright, thank you!" I say
I walk up the stairs and into his room and I see what I never wanted to see. My boyfriend of 5 years to that day, cheating on me with my bestfriend of 13 years. I couldn't believe it.

Jadens POV:
I had woken up to go to the bathroom and to get some water. When I got back into Taylor's room I heard her talking. "No." She constantly repeated. I needed to wake her up. "Taylor? Babygirl? Wake up bub." I say in a quiet soft tone. She wakes up. "Huh?" She says. Shes shaking and crying. "Its ok babygirl, dont worry." I crawl into bed with her. "Daddys got you, ur always safe in my arms and he isn't going to get you." I say trying to calm her down. It seemed to have worked because she stopped shaking. "Thank you Jae." She says. Jae? No ones ever called me that. I kinda like it though. Jae? Jae. Jae! I like it! Especially coming from Taylor's mouth. She ended up falling asleep and I went to sleep with her.

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