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I drove to the house to find Ness and Josh. I got to the door and ran inside almost in tears. Nessa is sitting on the couch in the living room so she sees me first. "Hey Ta- woah what's going on? What's wrong." She says shocked to see me crying. "J-Jaden ch-cheat-ed.." I say crying. "Oh my fucking god! That son of a bitch. JOSHUA!" She yells. "YA WHATS UP?" Josh yells back. "WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK IS YOUR BESTFRIEND CHEATING ON TAY?!?" "OMFG HE DID IT AGAIN? IS IT THE GIRL FROM THE CLUB?" He asks. Nessa turns to look at me and I nod. "APPARENTLY IT IS." Josh comes running down the stairs. "Ness, is it ok if I hug T?" "Josh. Taylor isn't one of the people we hang around that I'm worried about. Go ahead. She needs it right now." Nessa answers genuinely. I smile at her and Josh bring me into a big hug. "I think I should leave... wothout telling Jaden." I say. "If u want, I still have my old apartment 20 minutes from here u could have. I dont use it and it's kinda ur style. I think you'd like it." He said. "I'd love to see it. When could we go?" I ask. "Wanna go now? Ness hasn't even seen it." "Ok let's go."

We drive to the apartment and go inside. It's beautiful and I would love it. After, josh gave me a tour. "Wow! This is beautiful Josh!" "Ya, u like it?" He asks. "Its beautiful! I could definitely see myself living here." "Well live here then! The keys are yours." "Wow! Thank you so much Josh!" "No problem T."

We drove back to the house and I packed all my things. We got into the car and drove off back to the apartment. We unpacked and they left. I settled in and decided to take a nap.

Josh's POV:

When Taylor came home crying, saying Jaden cheated, I was more than furious. I told him last time that he would lose her and he did.

20 minutes after me and Ness got home from helping Taylor, Jaden came home. He looked sad and panicked but that's on him. "Wheres Taylor?" He asks anxiously. "Away from you." Nessa says annoyed. "Whyd you do it man?! We talked about this?" "I know I know." "WELL CLEARLY YOU DONT BECAUSE TAYLOR JUST MOVED OUT 20 MINUTES AGO! SHE DIDNT FEEL SAFE AND OR COMFORTABLE HERE DUMBASS!" Nessa yells out of anger as she storms upstairs. I knew Ness was upset, but I didnt know to the point that she would yell. "W-what? Sh-she moved out? Why?!" "Because ur dumbass decided to cheat for the second time and she needs time away from you. Also please remember you kidnapped her and took her from her family. That's a shitty move. So dont play victim Jaden." I say walking upstairs to see Ness. I open the door to our bedroom and see Nessa with her head in her hands crying. "Aww baby it'll be ok. At least Taylor feels safe now. Ok?" I say. "Y-ya I j-ju-st mis-s her a-lot." She says. My heart melts when I see Ness or Taylor like this because they are both amazing girls and dont deserve to feel pain.

The Mafia Boss - Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now