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Before Matt and Y/n could start some bodyguard of Y/n interrupted.
Bodyguard 1:"Miss Y/n, he's calling you again."
Y/n:"Ugh, give me the phone."
Y/n:"Heyy! What do you want? WHAT!? NOOO!! Please don't tell mommy and daddy! Yeah yeah, I'll be save! Bye bye, for now mwah!"
Mello:"Seriously, "mommy" and "daddy". Pfft, how childish." -He said while rolling his eyes at her.-
Matt:"Don't mind Mello, anyways who was that Y/n?"
Y/n:"Oh, it was just my brother Beyond! He was calling me to be safe. Ugh, he's so protective."
Matt:"Wait- Beyond is your brother?.."
Y/n:"Yes! Why? Do you know him?"
Matt:"Yes! Me and Mello where friends with Beyond when we where at Wammys. But it all changed when he decided to kill people, and then he escaped wammys and after that, we never saw or heard of him again."
Y/n:"Oh wow, Beyond never told me."
Mello:"Ugh, why did you bring her here? She's just gonna kill us like her psycho brother."
Y/n:"Oh Mello PLEASE! I'm not like that! I'm nice, and an psycho like Beyond! U can trust me."
Mello:"Ur an mafia u kill."
Y/n:"Cliché! BUT, you guys are two! So we're at the same level."
Matt:"What's wrong?"
Mello:"GOSH stop screaming woman."
Y/n:"Silly me! I forgot to give you all the presents i brought with me!!"
Matt:"U bought presents why?"
Y/n:"I always do that! I like giving presents to people! Also i brought presents for EVERYONE who works here! The presents are in the black bag. They have names written on them, so go grab your presents everyone!"
Rod:"Damn you are an kind person!"
Y/n:"I know right!"
Mello:"I know right!" -He said in an mocking tone.-
Y/n:"Ugh, why is it SOOO hot in here!? Max, come here and take my jacket!!"
I told Max to come here and take my jacket. Gosh this place is so warm. He came behind me, and removed my jacket from behind. Such an gentleman ;). And now I'm only left with my white top, and black short skirt.
*this is what your wearing btw*

I look forward to only catch that Mello guy staring at me

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I look forward to only catch that Mello guy staring at me. Mhm.....

𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 melloxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now