5: The Day I Seek Out Information Only to Become More Confused

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Genesis (1st-person POV)

I sat in my bunk, wringing my hands over and over and over again.

Something went wrong. Really wrong. And I had let it happen. As captain, it may as well have been me who did it. Now everyone was beyond paranoid, and I would have to have a really good explanation for the big guys, who I was required to contact by tomorrow with a weekly update.

Even now, I thought that by being here, not constantly watching my crewmates, something bad was going to happen. I still felt sick to my core about sentencing Graham to his death for a crime it was possible he didn't commit. But I had to issue an ultimatum to the killer, whoever it was. I had to discourage them from murdering anyone else if it meant they too could die, almost right then and there.

But I hoped we wouldn't have any more issues at all because the killer was gone. Graham did seem suspicious, to a degree. But did I go along with it just because I didn't like him? What kind of a captain was I, then? Not the best, that was for sure. But probably not the worst, either. Not that that conclusion helped.

Zaniah came in and sat next to me on my bunk. We were silent for a minute or two, then she patted my knee.

"I haven't changed my mind about you," she said. "What you did...that was needed."

"Really?" I asked her. "Really no one else seems to think so. Especially Graham."

"Graham could have been the killer, Captain. You could have saved us."

"And if I didn't?" My voice cracked against my will. Curse my stupid voice for making me seem vulnerable. That was the opposite of what I needed right now.

Zaniah rubbed circles on my back. It helped ease the tension a little bit. "Then you will bounce back, alright? Captains keep trying when things get difficult. No matter what happens, they put the good of the crew and the ship first. If that means purging us of people that even seem suspicious, then you've done the right thing. You've kept them safe for four days now. Maybe that'll last for the rest of the voyage.

"But do us a favor, Genesis: don't doubt yourself. If you feel like something is wrong, you come out and say it. If you have an idea, make the world hear you out. I know I'll listen."

I sighed, fingering the comm device that would get me through to the big guys. "Okay, I will." I turned the walkie-talkie-thing once over in my hand. "Thank you."

Zaniah smiled and got up. "You want to say anything to your crew?"

"Could you tell them to keep going on their tasks? I have a call to make."


"You've reached the office of Nareem. I am Gary. How may I help you?"

"Uh, yeah, this is Captain Genesis of the Skeld. Could I speak with him personally? Or any of his entourage?"

"You mean Mr. And Mrs. O'Reilly?"

"Wait, they're married?"

"They're twins. Please hold."

Some jazzy music played through the speaker. I thought that when they had told me I had 24/7 direct contact, it was direct. Turns out it went to their backup receptionist every time. I kind of wished Miss Uda was on shift today, but according to this intern guy she was on vacation for the next two weeks.

The music abruptly stopped, and Gary picked up again. "Let me transfer you over to him."

His voice was replaced by static. After several seconds, it stopped.

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