Bonus: Poem 2

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[This is based directly on Chapter 20]

Space is a vacuum, and I'm but a speck

Of dust on a giant and blood-stained deck.

The weight of my ship is forcing me out

To the place where no one can hear my shout.

Maybe I'm safer, out here in the dark,

For nothing back there awaits but fear stark.

But as I spin, and the shadows impose,

My suit's air—my life—low levels appose.

There's nothing left for me to hope for,

My crew is caught in a frightening war

With traitors—impostors—willing to kill

Saying "who here has the most blood to spill?"

I came on as captain, so full of life;

Now seven percent looms o'er like a knife.

E'en if there was hope for me to return,

I am but a speck; I couldn't upturn.

Space is a void and I cannot evade

The black veil in which I threaten to fade

I'm spinning and spinning and spinning still

My ship's no longer as big as a pill.

Gen—are you there? Please give me a sign

That e'en though you're far that you will be fine.

"No point," I reply, tears stinging my eyes,

"My mission's been filled with nothing but lies."

That's true, but look at how far you have come

All else have saved none but you still have some.

"The killers will find them, finish them off.

This mission was rigged before our liftoff."

Snap out of it, Gen! Do you not hear it?

Do not give up when they want you to quit.

Now, listen to me, and listen real hard,

There's one last hope that can catch them off guard.

"Forget it," I say, "I cannot get back.

The odds against me do nothing but stack.

Besides, even if the stars would align,

They gave me this job so I would resign."

Now that is a lie, you know how I know?

The spy in our midst viewed you as a foe.

You know how he tried to steer you away

For his side would win if you had to stay.

"You're framing it wrong; I know what I heard;

I tried for months but they said I'm absurd.

Now you're telling me that here, the whole time,

All of it was meant to cover their crime?"

Yes, though now I'm surprised they feared you,

You're denser than gum stuck under my shoe.

But here—I'll send out a tethering cord

So you can find your way back on board.

"What if I come, and they're waiting for me?

I'm but a plankton in a storming sea."

Look 'round; do you see the shimmering stars?

Or the faint and red silhouette of Mars?

You're naught but a tiny blemish, you claim,

The stars may be specks, but they all have a name.

Although I feel I'm at fault for the plight,

I cannot lose hope 'til I do what is right.

But tell me, Miss Uda, what is the key

To saving my crew and setting us free?

With your passion before, I thought you knew;

The final hope that I speak of is you.

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