Bonus: Poem 1

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On the ship,

It starts slow.

We scatter

Lists in tow.

I look down,

See "swipe card",

I confess

It is hard.

"Prime the shields"

Is the next,

But lately

We've been vexed

There's someone

In our ranks

Who sneaks up

On our flanks.

I hear rumors

From the walls

That one mate

Stalks the halls

Armed with wit

And a knife

That some say

Appears rife

I am told

To endure

They'll find him,

They assure.

But all day

As I tend

I think of

My own end.

My next task

Takes me east

To pilot

Space's beast.


I see blood.

A crimson,

Pooling flood.

The killer,

He is here.

Eyes glinting

Like a seer.

Metal creaks,

He departs,


No headstart

Mates enter,

I am caught

They accuse

With no thought.

I'm sentenced

To be thrown

To frigid

Space alone.


I exhort

Not to cut

My life short.

None listen,

And they take

My thrashing

To Black Lake.

There's nothing

To be said

That can change

Fate a shred.

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