Chapter 6: The Black Widow

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(Two months later)

I've been swinging around the streets of New York as a superhero for about 2 months, and for the most part it's been going pretty well.

I've been able to balance this with college and working at Oscorp. And no one has figured out who I am under the mask.

When it comes to the people of New York's reaction to me is 50/50. Some think I'm a hero doing the right thing, others think I'm a pain and getting in the way and stopping the police from doing their job.

Speaking of the police, they want to arrest me as in their eyes I'm a vigilante and want to arrest me. I guess technically I am a vigilante.

Also I can't help but feel like I'm being followed. I might just be paranoid, but I don't know.

But back to the present. I'm currently chasing a speeding car. Once I catch up to it I land on the hood.

Y/N: Hey guys, do mind slowing the car down please?

Robber #1: Shoot the freak.

They shoot at me but I manage to dodge the bullets.

Y/N: Hey. That's not nice.

I swing around and kick the driver out of the car and shoot a web to catch him. I then jump on the hood of the car and shoot out two webs to slow the car down. I then web up the car to stop the others from escaping.

Y/N: Well, that was fun. You guy's enjoy prison.

I then hear police sirens.

Y/N: I better go.

I web swing off and realise that I have to be at work in 10 minutes, apparently we have someone new joining us at Oscorp.

(Ten minutes later)

I make it to Oscorp and I see Dr. Connors.

Y/N: Hey doc. Sorry I'm late.

Dr. Connors: Its fine Y/N. I actually want you to meet a new member of our team.

We walk into the lab and I see a gorgeous redhead standing in the room.

Dr. Connors: Y/N L/N, I'd like you to meet Natalie Rushman. Natalie Rushman this is Y/N L/N.

We shake hands.

Natalie: Hi Y/N. Your the prodigy Dr. Connors has told me so much about.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess so. Its nice to meet you Miss. Rushman.

Natalie: Oh, please just call me Natalie.

Y/N: Okay, Natalie.

Dr. Connors: Y/N, if its alright would you mind giving Natalie here the tour. I've unfortunately got a meet to attend.

Y/N: Of course I'll show her around.

Dr. Connors: Thank you.

Dr. Connors then walks off to his office.

I looked at Natalie.

Y/N: So, shall we?

Natalie: Yes, of course.

(Five hours later)

After finishing work I was just casually swinging through the city. All I could do is think about Natalie, I mean I think she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is a few years old than me but who knows it could work.

My thoughts were interrupted when I got tackled after landing on the closest building.

When I look up to see a female redhead in a skin tight black suit.

Y/N: Alright, who are you? And what do you want?

???: You know who I am. And I know you. Y/N L/N.

I was confused on how she knew my name. She turns around to reveal Natalie Rushman.

I pull off my mask.

Y/N: Natalie?

Natalie: Actually. I'm Natasha Romanoff. I'm here uncover on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Y/N: S.H.I.E.L.D?

Natasha: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.

Y/N: Well, that's a mouth full. I'll just stick with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha: Yeah, we all do that.

There was a moment of silence and during that time all I could do was think about how hot she looked in that suit. I then snapped out of it to continue the conversation.

Y/N: So, why are you here Miss. Romanoff?

Natasha: Well, S.H.I.E.L.D has tasked me to keep an eye on you, as we believe you have the skills to be apart of a "project" S.H.I.E.L.D is working on.

Y/N: Okay, and I'm assuming I'm not allowed to know anymore than that.

Natasha then goes on to explain that part of her undercover job is to help me and give my suit an upgrade.

Natasha: When you get home you'll see the equipment to upgrade your suit. Do it however you see fit.

Y/N: Okay.

Natasha then walks off, but before she leaves I stop her.

Y/N: Natasha wait.

She turns to look at me.

Y/N: Thank you.

She smiles at me.

Natasha: Your welcome.

Natasha then jumps off the roof.

Y/N: Wow. I think I'm in love.

(One hour later)

After getting home I grab the equipment Natasha told me about and then went down into the basement to create my new suit. There was some trial and error, but I finally finish the suit. I put on the suit to make sure it fits.

Y/N: This. Is. Fucking. Spectacular.

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