Chapter 55: Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster

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(The next day)

After searching all night we finally find out that Ultron recruited the Maximoff twins, they were the enhanced inviduals from Sokavia. They helped killed their old boss Strucker.

We also found out that their going to African coast to meet with a black market arms dealer named Ulysses Klaue as he has something Ultron needs.

After getting this information and suiting up we head down to the African coast to find out what Ultron needs vibranium for, and to hopefully stop him.

(African coast)

Once we get to Klaue's base of operations Steve, Tony, Thor and I go for Ultron and the twins, while Nat and Clint get into position above us to give us cover.

Ultron: I'm nothing like Stark he's a sickness.

As Steve, Thor and I walk up Tony lands infront of us.

Tony: Oh Jr. You're gonna break your old man's heart.

Ultron: If I have to.

Thor: No-one has to break anything.

Ultron: Then you've clearly never made an omelet.

Tony: He beat me by one second.

I hold back a chuckle.

Pietro Maximoff walk forward.

Pietro: So, Mr. Stark. Does this place feel comfortable? Like old times?

Tony: This was never my life kid.

Steve then looks to the twins.

Steve: You two can still walk away from this.

Wanda Maximoff then spoke.

Wanda: Oh, we will.

Steve: I know you've suffered...

Ultron: Oh, Captain America, God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but...

Y/N: If you believe in peace then let us keep it.

Ultron: I think your confusing "peace" with "quiet" Mr. L/N.

Tony: Yeah yeah. So, what's the vibranium for?

Ultron: I'm glad you asked that, because I'd like to take the time to explain my evil plan to you.

Ultron then blasts Tony away and the two continue to fight as the rest of us deal with Ultron's bot's.

As I move forward towards Wanda she hits me with a blast of energy knocking me backwards.

After a few minutes of fighting Ultron's bot's I look up to see Thor standing around dazed.

I get on the comms.

Y/N: Thor Status?

Thor: The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care I doubt a human can keep her at bay...

I then lose contact with Thor.

As I continue to fight the bot's one by one the team gets taken down aside from Clint and I.

I run over to Nat as I see her dazed sitting on the steps.

Clint: Hey guys, whoever is still standing we gotta move.

Y/N: Clint the team's down. It's only you, Tony and I.

Clint: Shit. Okay, I'm making my way to you.

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