Bonfires and a cave.

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The next morning Talia took a shower, donned some running clothes, and ran her way through Forks until her fit bit chimed twelve miles. She'd tried going down Highway 110 and found a barricade with a gruff Officer Jensen telling her to lap Forks.

And she had until Liam's name popped up on her watch's screen.

Having a bonfire tonight. Pick you up at seven.

They hadn't even lifted the ban and she wasn't sure if Ruby beach was a place they could do something like that. The only other places were off-limits.

She spent the next half hour heading home to take a shower and go over the last few days, but when she got home a note hung on the fridge. Her mother would be in Port Angeles and Edmund had gone fishing. They both warned to stay home after dark.

It meant Emily would be out late and Edmund would be home after dusk. 

She rummaged through the fridge, found the pizza from last night, and started the microwave. She went through her phone. A couple of texts were from Liam explaining details about the night's plans and one was from Andrea. But Jason's name appeared between the two.

It simply read: I'm sorry.

The microwave dinged and Talia jumped. It didn't take her long to grab her plate, ignore Jason's text and head up to her room.

It didn't matter if he was sorry. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of any response. She slipped onto her bed and turned on the tv. Supernatural would help her relax.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

A tiny motion of his wrist and he had the hunting knife plunged into her chest to the hilt. He'd been too fast for her to react.

He smiled and pulled the blade out and let her fall to the ground. He stepped over her and let a few drops of blood mix in with the burning sage and nettle in his grain bowl. He'd been planning this since coming to meet her.

"Bind this great spirit," Kiyaya touched her wound and sent singing sensations throughout her body. He wiped designs across his face. "Bind her to the oceans, to the moon, to the wolves. Let her soul not rest until she is called back and curse her skin as pale as snow."

Her chest burned as the rest of her surroundings blurred. The pull of death was too strong and she begged the mother to keep her here until he could come. Until her wolf could find her and she could give him his gift.

Talia gasped for air and knocked off her half-eaten plate of food off the bed. Her scar ached and burned to the touch. She glanced at her phone and cursed.

Talia sat up.

Her bedroom window sat wide open with a puddle of water on the floor underneath. She got out of bed, sloshed in the puddle, and closed the window.

A shadow ran across the Auto shop's parking lot. It seemed the person held something close to their chest, but the downpour made it hard to distinguish what it was. Or who it was.

She didn't give it much thought and was out to her car before she realized something. Back when she used to come for the summers, Edmund would let people know that the shop would be closed for the day. 

A parts guy wouldn't have shown up.

She saw a large black truck pull out of the lot as she came to the four-way stop connecting her street to the next one.

She paused. She could follow the truck and see if it was Jason. Or she could go back inside and tell Liam she wasn't going to come to the stupid bonfire and that she'd rather have company at her house. Because her father had died in a downpour like this after making a hasty choice.

The Heart of the Sea- A supernatural thrillerWhere stories live. Discover now