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Skin hung from the pale bones on her face and a sickening smile stretched the exposed tendons. Bile rose up Talia's throat as the dull grey eyes caught hers and clack of her bone teeth snapped down Talia's spine. This wasn't the Anna-lee from a week ago. She hadn't been decomposing than.

Talia noticed her skin hung in places all over. Not just on her face.

"It should have been you," Anna-lee snarled.

The creature took a step in her direction and the smell of rotting flesh, dirt, and moss made Talia's stomach flip. The ground swayed under her feet and her hands were damp.

Petty had said Anna-lee looked like Talia and the girl on the beach probably did too. She shivered.

Talia didn't believe in the supernatural. She'd scoffed at the ideas whenever they were brought up in her history classes, but the last month had her questioning if there truths to it.

Maybe there was a side to Forks Talia didn't want to know about.

"What do you mean?" Talia shuddered as those grey lifeless eyes scanned over her. The toothy smile made Talia cover her mouth to keep from vomiting.

Flesh dripped to the ground in sickening wet thumps. Talia contemplated running, screaming even, but she was pretty sure the creature in front of her would kill her before she would gather any attention.

She really should have listened to her gut and not followed those boys.

"You're the one he wants," Anna-lee said. Her words gurgled as if her lungs were still filled with seawater. "And yet he kills others before he kills you,"

"Who wants me?" she took a step towards the forest. She could lose the creature in the foliage better than the open gravel path.

Anna-lee looked up at the sky and bones snapped again. Her body slowly broke apart each time she appeared. She snapped her gaze back to Talia and the sickening smile came back.

"If you don't know then you are already dead wolf girl," she twisted her head and lept towards Talia. A screech filled the forest.

Talia bolted left and into the forest. Another bone-chilling shriek erupted behind her, but Talia kept running. She could try swimming to first beach if the waters would let her. Anything to get away from the creature pursuing her.

She broke through another copse of trees and slammed foot first into the dirt so she wouldn't slam into the plank house.

Who the hell would build a house in the middle of the forest like this, Talia thought. If Talia were in a logical situation she'd question going in. Question its validity, but with Anna-lee's murder hungry corpse after her Talia didn't care if there was something worse inside.

She slammed into the door and fell into a dusty room. It was filled with trinkets, shelves full of odd things, and a small table across the dirt floor. She picked herself up, heard a loud scream, and shut the door behind her.

She looked around the house for a weapon. If Anna-lee found her in here, she'd need something to protect herself. There were a few carvings that she knew told some kind of story, but they were jumbled up and a bird over a human didn't mean much to her. She was really wishing she'd kept running now. The shelves weren't much better for something to use. But she came across a leather-bound book with words in Quileute carved across the cover.

It looked to be over hundreds of years old. But it couldn't be historical. Everything valuable had been destroyed in the fire of 1899. She hovered her hand over the cover and electricity prickled through her arm.

The Heart of the Sea- A supernatural thrillerWhere stories live. Discover now