3| Hello Again

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You were wiping down the tables, picking up trash that was left from the previous people. Today was a rather slow day and not many people came by. It was 3 days after that man harassed you and you wondered if that pink haired boy would ever come back again.

The girl he was with was kind of sad when he left. That day so many males and females and non-binaries entered the cafe, trying to get a glimpse of the blue haired girl you were serving. You anime sweatdropped many times at the glow she seemed to have.

Teruhashi was trying to make herself look extra cute that day, for Saiki originally, but then she saw you and you didn't say 'Oh wow!' like everyone else so she made it her plan to get Saiki AND you to fall for her. That day was on of the best day's the cafe has had in a while

The bell rang, signaling a customer had came in, you look around the place, seeing all your co-workers busy with other people, so you sigh and turn around, walking to the person.

You realize it was the same pink haired boy from three days ago. You walked a little faster to get to him and you pick up one of the menu's and hold it to your chest. 

"Welcome again, master!" You say happily. He just looked at you with a straight face, although he was panicking a little on the inside. 

You asked if he would like you to seat him at a table and he nodded, following you again. You pull out the chair for him and he sat down, scanning the room.

"Would you like to order?" You ask, taking out your notepad and paper to write. He nodded, ordering his delicious coffee jelly.  

"May I get a name from my master?~" You ask, winking at him. (That STILL feels so weird to write...) He read your thoughts. 'He's the guy that saved me the other day! Maybe we could be friends!' 

"Kusuo Saiki." He said, telepathically, you writing it down for the order and totally not to remember it later. You nod, leaving the table to fetch his order.

You came back, with his jelly, placing it down in front of him and bowing. You turned around but before you could leave, he grabbed your arm. He didn't know what he was doing or why his arm went out to grab yours but it happened.

"Yes?" You asked, hoping he wouldn't harass you so you wouldn't have to kick him out. He slowly let go of your wrist, the warmth of his hand leaving the area he touched. 

"Could I get a name of my maid?" He asked, smirking a bit. Your face turned warm. Sure you've had people ask that to you but they never called you that and they weren't hot!

'Oh shit he call me his maid... ohshitohshitohshit....' You thought ran and Saiki smirked. "So can I get it or not?" He asked again, your face increasing in temperature. 

"L-L/n Y/n-n." You stuttered, mentally cursing yourself afterwords. He smiled and took a bite of his coffee jelly, eyes sparkling like the first day you met. You rush to the backroom after he was distracted. 

Your hands slapped your cheeks, attempting to calm yourself down. Your co-workers were confused but most shrugged and left. 'AH! I just left. Why'd he call me his maid? Why is he so cute? I really hope no one can read my mind because this is really embarrassing.' You think, panicking around.

'If only you knew L/n...' Kusuo thought, taking a sip of water he got from a tray. One of your fellow employees noticed you, and to your luck, it was one of your best friends, Miu Iruma. 

"Y/n? You okay?" She asked, while you look up to the circle window in the middle of the door, looking to see what the pink haired boy was doing. "Huh? Are you blushing?~" She said, peaking next to you and seeing the boy you were starting at.

"YOU'RE STARING AT HIM! HES HOT!" She yelled, somehow not getting everyone's attention. "WHAT KINKS DO YOU THINK HE HAS?" She started shaking you.

"I ship~" She said, not screaming and shoving you between her boobs to give you a hug. "Have you guys fucked yet?" She asked, letting you push away and shake your head. 

"N-NO! I only know his name!" You say, waving your hands around, making her laugh and twirl her blond hair. "I'm just messing with ya! But I still ship-" You covered her mouth with your hands. 

"dalm yofve got a gag kinkk" She said, voice muffled over your hand although you pulled away at what she said. You roll your eyes and she smirks, looking back at Saiki, who was totally not listening to you guys.

"So dibs?" Miu asked, wanting to see your reaction, and honestly, Saiki wanted to see it as well. You glare at her and she puts her hands up nervously. "I'm kidding, kidding...  I'll just steal you away from him." She said, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and standing in, bringing you with her.

Miu was a big flirt with everyone and you were no exception to her. She constantly flirted with you and other people in the cafe. She literally didn't care what pronouns they used, she'd just throw a perverted comment. You and her have kissed a few times but that was the most you've guys done. (Me: Mentally arguing with myself on if I should make a Miu x Reader)

"Okay now go get your man!" She pushed you out the doors, making you stumble out and fall on the ground, making you glare at her again, who nervously chuckled.

"Um... What was that?! The manager needs me? OKAY GOTTA GO BYE!" She rushed out of there, running back to the backroom. You roll your eyes and stand up, looking at where Saiki was sitting only to find it empty.

You sigh and walk closer to pick up the plate and spoon that was left there but you found a note on the plate, neatly folded. 

You opened it and smiled, looking around the cafe to see if he was there but you couldn't see him. You stuff the piece of paper in your pocket that you had on your outfit and carried on with your duties.

I don't usually do this

Kusuo Saiki

(xxx) - xxx - xxxx

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