16| America

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You sighed as you watched an angry lady with a bob cut yell at some innocent person who sat down at an empty table. She was making a big deal over nothing since there were exactly 4 empty tables she could sit at but of course, she just HAD to have that table. You wanted to leave but you also wanted to stay, finding the exchange interesting as you just watched while Miu recorded, she wanted video proof that this happened in case something escalated and she wanted to watch the drama.

You were tired from studying late at night again as well as calling Kusuo, though the last one wasn't that bad, as you did like the person you were studying with. You yawned, Miu noticing and looking at you, making a sexual comment on how big your mouth could handle or something, you weren't paying that much attention to her at the moment, brain still in organic chemistry mode. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one who noticed you yawn.

"See! They're tired of you not leaving, so get up from my spot and move." The angry lady yelled, jumping to conclusions and grabbing the dude by the collar until Miu interrupted, having limits to how much she can watch before intervening.

"Ma'am, leave. Now or I'll call the police." Miu said and the lady said a form of "you have no proof" or something.

Miu just held her phone to her lips, a slight smirk showed as she saw the lady look at the camera before looking at the man and scoffing, fixing her shirt while walking away, muttering a 'this place isn't even worth it.'

"You alright?" You asked the man as he looked in the direction of the bell that chimed, indicating that the lady left. The man looked at you and nodded his head before looking at Miu.

"Could I perhaps take you out as a thank you?" Now Miu would have said sure because free food but then he added on. "As a date?"

She just smiled at him, shaking her head. "No, I have my girlfriends. I hope you're not injured." You scanned over him one more time to make sure that there were no visible injuries.

And with that, you both walked out of the café, going to walk home to study for the exams tomorrow.

The walk wasn't long, the café was only a few minutes walk to your dorm and as soon as you walked through the door, you threw your bag on the bed and walked to your desk, opening your Organic Chemistry textbook and starting to read through it again to memorize it word for word. You got halfway through the 1264 pages before your phone buzzed and you fished it out of your jacked pocket that you threw on the ground and you answered the call.

"Hello?" You asked, putting the call on speaker as you continued to read through the book.

"Hi." You got a simple response from the other person and you knew that they just woke up, it being 6 am where he was. He spoke without telepathy since it was a phone call and he feels comfortable enough to actually talk with you, though in person he usually uses his powers since that's what he prefers.

There was a small silence until Kusuo spoke again. "Are you studying again?" Is what he asked and you gave a quiet "mhm" as you flipped another page. There was a small shuffle on the other end of the line until you head the call end and you looked at your phone, finding it weird that Kusuo didn't say goodbye but shrugged until a small gust of what seemed to be wind hit your back and you had to refrain yourself from smiling as you turned around, it's been a few weeks since he actually came over.

"Welcome back to America, Hope you enjoyed your 'flight'." You said, your fingers making quotation marks as you said flight, Kusuo rolling his eyes at you as he set down the bag of snacks that he bought from the Supermarket he went to before coming here. He leaned down more than usual since you were sitting down and he grabbed the back of your head gently before kissing your forehead softly. You smiled and when he moved back, you kissed his lips quickly before going back to your book.

Kusuo scoffed at the small peck, spinning the back of your chair around until you faced him directing, grabbing the backrest to stop it.

He grabbed your chin and pulled you closer, capturing his lips with yours unexpectedly as he started to gently caress your cheek. You let out a small squeak before melting into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer.

Once you both pulled away since oxygen is homophobic, you shook your head at Kusuo.

"What was that for?" You asked in a joking tone, going back to your book, while Kusuo pulled up another chair to sit next to you. He looked over your shoulder and responded with a simple, "the first one wasn't enough." You smiled before looking away from him and saying "You're being a distraction. Begone." Not listening to you, thankfully, Kusuo stayed right next to you and grabbed your backpack.

"Remind me again why I can't just memorize the textbook and give the memories to you?" He asked, while pulling out your study notes from your backpack and taking a sip of your coffee that you made for studying.

You rolled your eyes. "Because that's cheating." You say and Kusuo rolls his eyes before reading the first one.

"The spatial orientation of the atoms of a molecule is called its what?" He quizzed.

"OH ITS CONFIGURATION!" You said proudly before overthinking got in your way. "Is it? I', wrong aren't I, AH FUCK IM GOING TO FAIL-"

"No you aren't, and you were right. Stop overthinking, you idiot."


(A/n: i was never here. also only a few more chapters until the end of the book-)

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