4| Regular

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Saiki became a regular at the cafe after he gave you his number. You texted him, taking 2 hours to send the first text because you were scared it would be cringy and he would hate you, and you have been in touch ever since. 

You found out that he was in high school as well and that he loved coffee jelly. He came by the cafe either every day or every other day but you weren't complaining. You actually you look forward to his visits. To the point where Miu would tease you every shift.

"So when's you're boyfriend coming?" She would ask, nudging your rib with her elbow. You swatted her away, looking at the door waiting for him. 

"Well if he doesn't treat you right, you know where to find me." She said, winking at you and kissing your cheek before leaving. You rolled your eyes and waved bye, grabbing the coffee someone ordered.

You gave the coffee to the person who ordered it, whom they trued to get your number but you decline and they actually understood, and the door's bell rang and your head never turned faster.

There he was, Saiki, at the door, waiting for you to seat him. Miu had to come out right that second and wolf whistle at the both of you, making the employees look over at the both of you and smirk.

He smiled when he saw you walking over, because everyone shipped it and they wanted you to help him. You grabbed the menu and his head, dragging him to his usual table and without asking him, you wrote down his order,

He took a seat, face emotionless but was mentally smiling. You left the table, going to get his coffee jelly when Saiki heard the door open and the thoughts of a very familiar person rang through his head.

'Maybe I could see that girl today! And then she can say "Oh wow!" to me. Then we could ge- Wait? Is that Saiki?!" The new customer was none other then his classmate. 

"Saiki? Is that you??" She asked, walking up to the boy. The one with the said name just ignored her, waiting for his coffee jelly. 

"Do you come here often? I saw you last time!" She pulled the chair that was across from him out and sat down, smiling at him like they were on a date. "We haven't talked in a while! How's your mom and dad?" Teruhashi asked, trying to make small talk.

"Fine." He answered and before she could say anything else, you came with his coffee jelly. "One coffee jelly." You say, placing down his order in front of him, who immediately dug in, not giving the girl across from him a glance, unlike what you did.

"Oh? Hello are you Saiki's girlfriend?" You asked her, smiling at the blue haired girl, who blushed at your question. "N-NO! WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT? I T-TOTALLY D-DONT LIKE SAIKI-I OR Y-YOU O-" Before she could say anything else, she slapped a hand over her mouth, calming herself and her cheeks down.

Saiki shook his head. "No. She's a classmate from school." He explained bluntly, taking another bite of coffee jelly. You nod smiling, looking back at the girl next to him.

"Is there anything you would like to order mistress?" You asked, making her flustered with the title you called her. She waved her arms around. "M-Mistress? Just Teruhashi is fine!" She said, stuttering at the beginning before regaining her posture.

"Okay Teruhashi! Is there anything on the menu that interests you?" Reasking her again, she scanned through the menu you handed her, looking at it for a few seconds before ordering. "Could I get the strawberry cream croissant?" She asked and you nodded, holding out a hand for the menu. She placed it and you left, walking to the backroom.

You were grabbing the order when Miu grabbed your shoulders. "Wow... who's that?" She asked, pointing in Teruhashi's direction, who was failing miserably at a conversation with the pink haired boy.

"Do you think she swings that way?" She asked, wrapping her arms around your waist and putting her head on your shoulder, hugging you from behind. You leaned into her embrace. ("Friends" Totally Y/n. Totally.)

"Maybe. I don't know, why don't you ask?" You say, grabbing the order and walking to the table, dragging Miu with you, who stuttered trying to pull away.

You pushed her in front of the blue haired girl, setting down the croissant on the table and watching how they would interact. 

"I-I'm Miu..." She said, holding out her hand and blushing a bit. Teruhashi blushed too, shaking the outstretched hand. "Teruhashi."

Miu smiled. "So... Girl in Red?" She asked, letting go of the beauty's hand. Teruhashi chuckled. "Sweater Weather." And Miu suddenly regained her confidence. 

"Yeah! Of course a beauty like you swings both ways! SCORE!" She yelled, pumping her fists up and down. She started shaking you, who was sipping tea at the two gays, chilling in a cafe, not five feet apart cuz their very gay.

The strawberry blonde haired girl grabbed the one sitting down, hugging her and crushing her with her giant boobs. (I'm basing Miu off of Danganronpa if you didn't know.) Teruhashi turned red and Miu let go, grabbing her arms and running out the cafe door.

"GOING ON A DATE! COVER FOR ME N/N!" She yelled, making Teruhashi blush because of her bluntness and confidence. You laugh, waving goodbye to the two and turning to Saiki.

Saiki was so relieved that Teruhashi would stop trying to get him to say "Oh wow" to her now that Miu would probably be with her 25/8. He read your, Miu's, and Teruhashi's mind to know what's going to happen now. 'Happily Ever After.' He thought sarcastically.

You stare at Saiki and elbow him. He looked at you weirdly. "I ship~" You sang, turning around and walking to the backroom, letting Saiki finish his coffee jelly in peace.

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