8| Meeting the Parents

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You waited for Saiki at his school, looking through your phone and (watching tiktok; reading wattpad; ect.) The bell rang and students flooded out of the building. Many stopped to stare at you, commenting on your beauty and you think you heard a few kids talking about starting a fanclub about you.

Saiki heard your thoughts, getting out of school and away from the nuisances that call themselves his "friends." You didn't hear him coming towards you, too caught up in the fanfic you were reading.

Saiki was standing over you, looking over your shoulder. "Levi Ackerman Smut? Really?" He asked telepathically, making you jump in fear and closing your phone as fast as you could.

"Shut up." You say, slapping his shoulder making him look at you weirdly. "It's not my fault they made him so hot." He just nodded and left, leaving you behind.

"WAIT!" You yelled, running after him. He stopped and looked at you, waiting for you to catch up. You rested your hands on your knees panting. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your arm, walking again and dragging you along with him.

After a while and a ton of 'Slow downs' and 'let me go.' He brought you to his house, his parents not home for another 2 hours from what they told him. (Oh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) He opened the door and yeeted you on the couch, grabbing coffee jelly from the fridge.

You were laying on the couch, still tired from walking all this way when he got back, so he did what Kusuo Saiki would do. He threw your legs off the couch and ate his coffee jelly innocently, like he didn't just yeet half your body off the couch.

"Kusuo Saiki." You said darkly, making him glup. You tackled him on the couch, trying to take his coffee when he suddenly stopped struggling. What you didn't know was that he heard two very familiar lovey dovey thoughts just outside the front door.

Before Saiki could hide you, the door swung open, making you both fully fall off the couch. "KU! WE'RE HO- Oh what was that crash?" A black haired lady yelled, cutting herself off and looking on the other side of the couch, where you and Saiki were not in the... best position.

His hands were on each side of your head, knee in between your legs, hair messy. You were a blushing mess, 1. Because of the position. 2. Because you got caught in the position.

"Oh! Kusuo never told us he had a girlfriend!" The same lady said, a childish aura surrounding her. A man with brown hair and glasses came in after, closing his eyes and smiling.

"What? Kusuo has a girlfriend. There's no way anyone would fall for h- AH" He screamed when he opened his eyes, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes to make sure that there was actually a girl under his pink haired son and not just a figment of his imagination.

"WHAT? SAIKI HAS A GIRLFRIEND?" He yelled, probably getting the attention of the other side of the world. Saiki glared at him, standing up and getting off of you. "She's not my girlfriend." He said, holding out an arm for you to take to get up, you still a blushing mess, grabbing it and getting lifted off the floor.

You walked near the two and held out your hand. "Hi. I'm L/n Y/n." You say nervously, the lady taking your hand. "Hello! I'm Ku's mother, Saiki Kurumi." She said, smiling, making you smile. 'Ku.' You think, mentally reminding yourself to use it later, making Saiki roll his eyes.

"I'm Kusuo's dad, Saiki Kuniharu" He said, shaking your hand as well. (I think that's how the names go...) Mrs. Saiki smiled at you. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" She asked. You were going to decline, not wanting to intrude. "I made too much earlier and it would be a shame for it to go to waste." She added, as if reading your mind.

You agree then, making Saiki roll his eyes. Mrs. Saiki walked to the kitchen, you followed. She grabbed plates filled with delicious looking food and you helped her grab them to set on the table.

"Aw, L/n you don't have to do this!" She said, looking at you because you were a guest. You shake your head. "It's fine Mrs. Saiki." You say, smiling back at her.

"Please just call me Kurumi. Or mom! That's okay too!" She said, making you blush. You were about to speak when Saiki came and grabbed your shoulders, dragging you to the table.

Once the table was set, you all sat down, saying thanks before digging in. Kurumi was the first to break the silence. "So when did you two get together?" She said. "Again. She's not my girlfriend." Saiki told her, making her pout.

"But you two would look good together!" She said happily, hinting to the both of you and making you blush, Saiki's cheeks tinted a little pink before going away with his powers. You just look down and laugh nervously.

Dinner was good, Kurumi making the occasional hint to the both of you from 'Saiki, she's a keeper.' to 'Aww your kids would look so cute!' to 'So when's the wedding and am I invited?'

You blushed a lot, making Saiki smirk but soon it was time to go home. You told them you had to go, they were sad but understanding. They all were at the front, waving goodbye.

"Remember you're welcome here anytime!" Kurumi said/yelled at you, waving at the porch, waving back. "Ku go take her home." She said to her son, who just shook his head and was about to walk back inside when Kurumi grabbed his ear.

"Now, Kusuo~." She said in a sweet tone, though her aura was not matching it. The pink haired boy gulped in fear, walking next to you, who was laughing at the scene. Saiki glared at you, making you stop.

The walk was quiet but not an awkward one. It was more calming. Somehow along the path, Saiki slipped his hand in yours, holding your hand for the rest of the walk. Soon your house was in sight and you walked a few more seconds before going completely in front of the driveway.

You sadly let go of his hand, the both of you missing the warmth, though, one of you knew the other felt this way and the other didn't.

"Bye Saiki!" You say, walking towards the front door. "Kusuo" You heard before you could leave. "Hm?" You say, turning back around to face him. "Call me Kusuo." He said again. You came closer to him and smiled.

You gave Kusuo a quick kiss on the cheek, running into your house and closing the door, sliding down it and squealing, not noticing the pink haired physic's flustered face before teleporting home.

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