5| Cat Ears and Karens

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It was cat ear day at the cafe and all the employees had to wear... well, cat ears. You were in the backroom, fixing the two little accessories that were placed on the sides of you head.

You didn't necessarily hate them but you didn't really like them either. You weren't sure if it was because they had bells on them or because you could see someone you knew and get embarrassed or you just didn't like them in particular.

You sigh, adjusting them one last time before walking out of the room and attending a nearby table with a group of people laughing.

"Hello~! What could I get you all?" You ask, giving them a closed eye smile. They scan through the menu, taking a good 5 minutes to look before ordering.

"Get me a cheesecake." This one girl said, twirling her green hair. She glared at you and you wrote the order down quickly, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible now. "Anything else?" You asked the others.

"An ice cream and your number." This brown haired boy said, winking at the end. You write down the ice cream part and the other orders of the group, but not your number.

You left, getting the orders. Miu was there, telling about the date she and Teruhashi went on. "And then I took her to this really good cafe, it's called Maid Latte, it's like ours but there was this blond guy in the corner staring at one of the girls there, he looked like a stalker."

"And then the funniest thing happened, when we were about to pay, EVERYONE in the place volunteered to order. Well not everyone BUT YOU GET MY POINT. We got a discount and I paid for it, punching someone who tried to grope us after, and this really pretty worker kicked him out, yelling pervert."

"And then the blond guy, who was in the corner, had to grab her and pull her away from killing the dude. Then the girl started yelling at him so we asked if he was her boyfriend and he said he was just a stalker, and he got punched by the girl."

You nod along, listening and grabbing the orders of the table. "Wait so are they together or not?" You asked, twirling the ice cream cone to make the perfect swirl. "I think so but she's a tsundere," Miu said, grabbing a nearby ice cream and licking it. "I ship it."

"Anyways, then these three idiots looked at us and bowed in front of the three of us, repeating 'goddess, goddess!' and the pretty worker kicked them out, and we got her name. Her name was Misaki." She sucked her ice cream, looking at you and winking before continuing.

"And then we went to the park and I kissed Teruhashi and she kissed me back and we exchanged numbers." She finished her story, taking out her phone and scrolling through her contacts. She shoved her phone in your face, revealing the beauty's number.

"You also haven't said thank you for covering your ass." You say, pushing the phone back at her. "Boss asked where you were multiple times."

"Well thank you my awesome, amazing, sexy, beautiful, hot best friend with benefits!" She said, throwing her arms around you and kissing your cheek multiple times.

You laugh at her excitement. "No more kissing me now, You've got Teruhashi." You say, winking and she gave you a flirtatious smirk, leaning into your face. "Well don't miss em too much." And you flicked her forehead.

"OW!" She rubbed the spot and you laughed, leaving the backroom to deliver the orders. You set them in front of the group and the girl who ordered glared at you. "What took you so long?" SHe asked, taking a bite out of the cheesecake.

"It was only 6 minutes." You tell her, annoyed at her attitude. She rolled her eyes and waved her hand, shooshing you away. You place the last order on the table, leaving it.

You took more orders from other customers when you neared the group's table, hearing whispers and chuckling. Being the curious person you were, you neared closer to listen in.

"Time to do it?" One of the people asked and they all nodded. The green haired girl that annoyed you took a piece and set it on the plate and shreaked.

"OH MY GOD THERE'S HAIR IN MY FOOD!" She yelled, gaining the attention of everyone. The manager rushed out, trying to calm her down. "Ma'am please calm down-"

"There's hair in my food and you want me to calm down?! I'll put you out of business!" She screamed, pointing a finger at the manager.

'Okay Karen.' You thought, seeing some customers leave as the lady was yelling at your boss. You came closer to her, grabbing her wrist and taking out the one piece of hair in her hand.

"Miss, this is your hair." You say, seeing that it was green. "And I saw you put it on your plate." You add, making her sweatdrop. She just looked at you and stared you down before scoffing and stomping out of the shop.

The group followed their leader, running out of the cafe. Well all but that guy that asked for your number.

The brown haired boy patted your ears and smirked. "Number?" He asked, wanting your digits. You shook your head, trying to get away.

"You don't have a boyfriend do you? Why don't you hang with us? I'll get you on Bethany's good side." He asked, grip getting tighter. You tried pulling away but failed. You were about to flip him over until an arm wrapped around your waist.

"Leave her alone." You looked up to see Saiki, holding you. The brown haired boy scoffed crossing his arms. "What are you, her boyfriend?" He asked sarcastically. Saiki smiled, kissing your forehead.

"Yes." He said, nodding. Miu started recording. The guy left, annoyed and Saiki let go of you. "Sorry." He said. "I-Its fine..." You say, shaking your head to get rid of the warmth from your cheeks. "F-Free Coffee Jelly?" You asked and he smiled. 

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