7| Nightmares and Dreams

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(Warning: Yandere and shit happens and I don't want anyone to be uncomfortable with this chapter so if you need to, skip the italics.)

'Run.' was all you thought. Run. You ran through a dark forest, dodging trees, bushes, animals. Running was all you could do. You slowed down, trying to catch your breath, when you heard footsteps near you.

You ran again, the pain your feet had was ignored because of adrenaline. You heard the sound of wings flapping above you, making your eyes widened in fear as blue flames surrounded the forest around you.

Something landed in front of you without warning, making you lose your balance and fall on the ground, the pain of running as fast and far as you could coming to you.

The thing in front of you wasn't actually a 'thing' like you had hoped for, no. It was a person, leaning down near you, taunting you. The red wings from behind him spread out, making him look terrifying.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard behind you, making the blond in front of you smirk. "Well, that was a good chase." The one behind you said, and you didn't even need to look at him in order to know you were screwed.

The black haired male grabbed your arms from behind, digging his face into your neck to inhale your scent. As soon as he did that, he bit your neck, black hair tickling your face as you scream.

"Save some for me." The one in front of you said, coming closer and hugging your waist before leaning to your neck and biting and sucking an area.

You screamed and thrashed your arms around, trying to get away from them. "When will you learn?" The blue fire user said, chuckling in a low voice making vibrations felt on your body.

"You can't escape us." The red winged man finished, smirking on your skin.

You woke up in a cold sweat, panting in fear. You look around to find that you were in the comfort of your own room. You rubbed your eyes until your saw dots and then let go, making everything blurry.

You looked around again, making sure the people you saw in your nightmare were gone. Stretching your limbs, you heard the satisfying crack and you find the strength and motivation to get up to the kitchen.

You walked through your quiet and lonely house, hearing nothing but your quiet footsteps that almost made no noise at all. (Lol strict parents) You turn on the lights, squinting at the sudden brightness before relaxing them and getting used to it.

You checked your phone, looking at the time. '2:34 am' you read, checking your notifications. You scrolled through your messages, seeing no one messaging you so you clicked on Saiki's number, rereading the messages you two sent.

You laughed a bit at his bluntness, going to the cabinets and taking out a cup, walking to the fridge and getting water for your sore throat.

During that time, your finger accidentally touched the call button on the icon and the waiting sound came on. You didn't notice until after getting water due to the sound of the dispenser and that your phone was on silent. 

Your eye caught the waiting call and both eyes widened. 'Shit.' You thought, as you hurriedly tried to decline the call so that you wouldn't disturb your friend's sleep. but the second you saw, there was an answer at the other end of the line.

"Hello?" The rough voice of Saiki was heard. 'Shit his morning voice.' You thought, making Saiki smirk. You gulp the water in your mouth, putting the phone near your ear.

"Hey sorry, I accidentally called you." You say, trying to end the conversation. "Why are you up?" Saiki asked, sitting up from his bed. You remember the nightmare as it flashed into your brain, not knowing Saiki saw it as well, and you gulped.

"It's nothing, just a nightmare." You say, sighing unconsciously. "Wanna tell me about it?" He asked, his tone of voice not really giving you a choice. "I don't have a choice, do I?" You ask, chuckling and you could already see him shaking his head.

"Well, there were these two guys, one with blond hair and the other one with black hair and th-" You told him about your dream, what you saw, the blue fire and red wings. Once you finished, you looked back at your phone, seeing Saiki was still there.

You smile, realizing he stayed the whole time and didn't leave you. It was silent for a few seconds and you thought he probably fell asleep, until you heard his voice. "I'm here."

You were confused for a few moments until the doorbell rang. (Uh... he walked you home that's how he knows where you live...) You ran to the front door, basically ripping it open and finding the pink haired boy there, with snacks in his hands. (Get a person who does this for you.)

He pushed past you inside, setting the food on the counter and opening your fridge to eat your coffee jelly. You looked at him, a combination of shock and weirded out, but you closed the door and walked up to him.

He saw you and passed you ice cream, your favorite flavor, and you pounced on his, grabbing the (flavor) ice cream. You grab two spoons and pull him towards your couch, grabbing a blanket and wrapping yourself in it, turning on the TV and putting on a movie.

Saiki sat next to you, stealing the side of your blanket and wrapping himself in it. After about 30 minutes of the movie, you lean your head on his shoulder, getting tired. It was 4:26. You yawned, trying your best to stay up but you failed.

Before you fell asleep, you looked up at Saiki. "Saiki?" You say, making him turn his head down to look at you. You smiled and leaned back into his shoulder. "Thank you." You say, letting the darkness take over you, not before you heard a quiet "You welcome." From Saiki, him leaning on your head as well.

That night, both of you had dreams, not nightmares.

(A/n: Did I just use this chapter to make a teaser for a new book that I'm probably never gonna write and make some fluff after that? Maybe...)

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