Chapter 1

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"Tommy!" Tubbo yelled waving his arm and jumping over the heads of the kids entering the school building.

Tommy chuckled as he walked over to his friend and patting the brunette on the head, "Hey Tubs."

The duo chatted happily as they walked to their first period together. Since their first period was just homeroom there where kids was other grades in there too.

"What's up you two?" Dream grinned walked up behind Tommy and Tubbo pushing their heads down playfully.

"Go away you bastard." Tommy laughed.

"Aw come on Tommy, we're your best friends." George joked as he sat in the desk in front of the blond.

"Hey!" Tubbo pouted.

Tommy rolled his eyes as he turned to his best friend, "God your fucking so clingy," the blond grinned slyly, "Y'know Tubbo...i don't think I like you very much."

Tubbo turned to Tommy with wide eyes, "What? What do you mean, how so? Huh?"

The others laughed and Tommy put a hand on the others shoulder while laughing, "No no I'm kidding bubs."

Tubbo sighed while shaking his head but laughed.


"Hey Tubbo is your phone working?" Tommy pushed the power button on his phone but nothing happened.

"Lemme check.." the older put his food down and pulled out his phone and tried turning it on but had the same problem, "Weird, I thought I charged it last period..?"

Before either of the two could say anything else another boy sat next to Tubbo.

"Hey guys!" The white and black haired boy waved and smiled.

"Hey Ranboo." They greeted Ranboo.

"Did you two hear about what's happening?" Ranboo asked as he started eating.

"No, what's happening?" Tubbo asked while Tommy leaned towards the two.

"Apparently scientists where working with some dangerous chemicals and accidentally turned it airborne. It's all over the news, they might end school early now." The taller paused to think for a moment before adding, "Something big happened in the city and now all the phones are down. People are starting to loose power too.."

"That's some apocalypse shit right there." Tommy said while glancing at Tubbo.

"...yeah.." Tubbo laughed nervously.

Ranboo and Tommy glanced at each other noticing how anxious the shorter was getting.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Tommy shrugged.

"Mhm, yeah it's all just a bunch of rumors." Ranboo nodded.

The brunette said nothing as he continued eating his lunch. Eventually Tommy's two brothers who were twins sat down with them causing it all to be dropped.


"Stay calm students, this is just a small outage!" A teacher desperately tried calming the whispering students.

It was 8th period when all the power suddenly went out causing all the students to freak out slightly. Tommy and Tubbo had that class together and where giving each other confused glances trying to figure out what was happening. There was a loud crash right outside and all of the students including the duo ran to the windows, it was a horrid sight.

A woman in her car crashed into a pole with so much force half her body was hanging out of the front windshield. Someone on lookers walked over to help when, she remained motionless as they tried to see if she was alive. Suddenly she began screaming and reached for the closest to her, snapping her teeth as she grabbed a man's arm. He yelled as the woman bit his arm, all the people who had gone to help her panicked and began running away. The man yells stopped as he head fell forward limply, he stood motionlessly for a few seconds then began running at the people.

Soon most of the people who had been around them outside had gone crazy and began attacking and eating each other.

"What the fuck is wrong with them?" Tubbo whispered while clinging on to Tommy's sleeve.

"I-I don't know..." Tommy watched the scene play out in horror.

One of the other students screamed loudly and Tommy began pushing Tubbo away from the window when the crazy people began slamming themselves against the windows.

They where trying to get in.

When that clicked in everyone's mind the teacher began screaming for everyone to get out of the classroom. The blonde grabbed Tubbo's hand and pulled him out of the room. Outside in the hallways of the school was even more chaos, it seemed like people who where outside someone how got inside the building and were attacking students and teachers. Tommy turned and ran towards another exit, suddenly he felt Tubbo tugging his hand. The taller turned to look down at his friend in confustion.


"We need to find Ranboo!" Tubbo yelled over the chaos.

Tommy's eyes widened.

They needed to find their friends.

He needed to find his brothers.

"We can't split up Tubbo!" Tommy said as the crowd of people around them began pushing them even more.

"We have to or we won't find anyone in time." Tubbo began letting go of Tommy's hand, "Go find your brothers!"

"Tubbo how are we going to find each other?" Tommy moved away.

"The bench, Tommy!" Tubbo yelled as he got pushed away from his friend by the swarm of screaming people, "I'll find you there!"

"Tubbo!" Tommy yanked off his red bandana and shoved it into the brunette's hands, "Be safe!"

That was the last time they saw each other...


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