Chapter 4

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Tubbo's POV:

"We need to get out of here, there's too many people and whatever the hell those things are." Dream said.

"Guys!" I yelled as a group of monsters began to run towards us.


I gripped Ranboo's hand tightly and we followed Dream as he lead us out of there. After a few minites of running nothing was chasing us and we were in a clearing behind the school.

"Tubbo where did you tell Tommy you'd meet him?" George asked as we all caught our breath.

"T-The the park."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Which is understandable since the park was in the middle of the city, there was bound to be thousands of those things there.

"We're going to get killed Bee." Ranboo mumbled.

"How about..we find your dad first?" Quackity offered.

"Yeah, our house is near the park and dad has a gun." I nodded.

"Alright lets go before more of those..zombies get us." Dream said.


We made it to my dad's house in two hours which was good, except it was surrounded by zombies.

And he was on the roof holding a bottle of vodka.

"Oh my god is that Schlatt." Karl gasped.

"Yep that's my dad." I grumbled.

I opened my mouth to yell, forgetting about the zombies, and felt a hand cover my mouth and pull me back. I looked up and saw Ranboo looking down at me and shaking his head.

Right, there's at least a dozen flesh eating monsters at least twenty feet away.

"Think the backdoors open?" Quackity asked in a low voice.

"Knowing him it probably is.."

Dream told us to get back into a safer hiding place where we could speak at a higher volume. Once we were safe Dream began making a plan to get Schlatt out of there safely.

"You up for this Tubs?" Dream asked placing a hand on my shoulder.

"It's my dad, I've gotta get him out of there."

He plased a hand on my head and nodded, "Alright, you and Quackity will go in through the back and get that dumbass off the roof."

Me and Quackity saluted and said, "Sir yes sir!"


" it!" Quackity said after he picked the lock on the backdoor.

"I still think its strange he locked it.." I murmured.

"Well when the apocalypse started I definitely wouldn't of left the backdoor open." I nodded, silently agreeing.

We slowly walked into the house entering the kitchen, and it looked absolutely wrecked. Like there some sort of scuffle, out of the corner of my eye I saw some blood on the counter.

That's not good.

Then there was a scream.

That's really not good.


Me and Quackity bolted up the stairs towards a window in my room, where we assumed was how he got up onto the roof.

I poked my head out and saw Schlatt trying to hit a zombie that was climbing other zombies to get to him. Carefully I got up onto the roof and ran towards him.

"Dad!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Kid..?" he stared at me for a moment then hugged me tightly, "Holy shit thank god you're ok."

"I'm glad you're ok too.." I sniffled quietly then pulled away, "Come on we gotta get of the roof."

I paused.

"..Why were you up here dad..?"

Then Quackity screamed.

"There's one inside."


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