Chapter 3

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Tommy's POV

I quickly pushed my way towards the music room where I knew Wilbur would be. Opening the door I flinched and dodged a grey skinned lady rushing out snapping her teeth at me. I fumbled into the classroom and shut it behind me, she banged on the door and growled loudly. Looking around I noticed the room had scattered papers and instruments. No one was in here.

"Shit." I hissed to myself, "I've just fuckin' trapped myself in here."

There was a quiet whisper coming from the supply room on my right. I tilted my head and slowly made my way over to it.

"W-Wilbur?" I reached for the door knob with shakey hands.

Suddenly the monster outside screamed again then threw itself at the door again causing me to flinch. I shook me head then took a deep breath before throwing open the door. Two screams rang through the room, neither of them from me. I looked into the room once the screaming stopped and grinned widely.

"Hey there Wilby," I glanced to the side, "and Nikki."

"Tommy! You fuck-" I laughed loudly as my brother pulled me into a tight hug.

When he pulled away Wilbur looked around the room behind me with a confused expression.

"Tommy..." Will looked down at me, "where's Tubbo?"

My smile dropped as I took a small step back, "He-He went to go look for Ranboo so I could find you and-" Me and Will's eyes widened, "Where's Technoblade?"

Suddenly the door to the room flew open as the woman with grey skin fell lifelessly on the ground in the room. Three guys walked in, one was being carried by the other two. One was a pink haired guy who let go of the unconscious one and shut the door quickly.

Only one person in the school had pink hair like that..

"Technoblade!" Me and Wilbur yelled and ran to our older brother.

"Oh there you two are." He said in his monotone voice.

"Oh my goodness is that Skeppy?!" Niki asked as she quickly ran over to the injured boy.

"He isn't bit or anything he just got trampled out there." A higher voice responded.

"...Bad?" I questioned looking at the brown haired boy.

"Hey Tommy," Bad responded with an anxious tone in his voice, "H-Have you seen Sapnap? Or George and Dream?"

"No, sorry man.." I said softly.

Bad sighed but smiled, "It's alright I'm sure they'll be together and fine."


Techno then cleared his throat getting everyone's attention, "All right you guys we need to get out of the building-"

"Where will we go?" Wilbur interrupted.

"We can go to my apartment, I've got lots of knives and a gun there." Bad offered.

"Why the fuck do you have a gun and knives?" I raised a brow at him.

"Language, and I've got a license for carrying a gun a month ago and I use to throw knives for fun." He shrugged.

"Ok so we'll go to Bad's house but we need to get some medicine for Skeppy."

"The nurse's office is near we could go there." Niki said, her accent thick as always.

"We can't get all the way over there with Skeppy." Bad nervously glanced down to his unconscious friend.

Wilbur took a step forward and began pointing to everyone, "Ok, me and Bad will get Skeppy to my car. Techno, Nikki, and Tommy, you guys will get as much medical stuff as you think we need-"

"But leave some in case someone else needs it!" Bad cut in shyly.

"...yeah leave some stuff." Will sighed.

" we have to split up...?" I looked between Wilbur and Technoblade.

They glanced at each other then hugged me tightly, "Its okay Tommy, we won't leave you behind we promise."

I took a breath then pulled away with a grin, "Alright, let's got get those medical supplies!"


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