- Rhiannon -

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The lights flash as the air pulses around me, the sea of endless bodies swaying and shifting as I navigate myself through them in the direction of the bar.
Maybe it was unwise to come here alone- but I needed to dance. I needed to lose myself in the music for a while and let my hair down- I didn't come here to get drunk.
"Just a Rum and coke please angel" I shout over the music- sending a sweet smile towards the female bartender i'd come to recognise as she approached me .
"Coming right up" Amy spoke warmly, picking up a fresh glass and dropping in cubes of ice, measuring out the rum and filling the rest of the glass with coke before sliding it across the bar with a smile.
"Alone again are we?" Amy enquired with a perk of her brow
"Of course! Have you got any Fleetwood Mac CDs back there by any chance? I came to dance" I grinned- reaching for my purse as I hand her the correct money , picking up my drink and taking a satisfying swig. The spiced aftertaste lingering on my tongue as the music that I didn't care enough to identify beat through my chest.
"I'll see what I can do" Amy replied, turning away with a wink and a smile as she shifted to another customer.
I walked my way across the bar to a comfortable looking plush red sofa- carefully setting my drink down on the sticky dark wood table I sit with a satisfying sigh.
I shift my gaze to the bodies dancing near me- a group of men dancing goofily and grinning at one another as one bearded man nearly falls into another, only to be saved by a firm hand on the shoulder from a slightly fed up looking man- who couldn't keep a straight face for long after meeting the eyes of his olive skinned compadre.
"I think you need to sit down man" the man spoke confidently- the smile evident in his voice
"Naww, I'll be okayyy" his friend drawled- maybe a little more drunk than he'd like to admit.
I shifted my gaze back down to my lap, adjusting the layers of my dress to drape around my one leg, showing off the black boots that usually accompany me on my solo nights, not tall enough of a heel to stop me from dancing, but definitely cute enough to pass as semi formal. My favourite.
I gently swirl my drink in my hand, mesmerised by the ice cubes and the lights playing off of them- as I'm brought out of my daze by the two men making their way over , well- the olive skinned man leaning on the taller man, shuffling around the table that stood between myself and them.
"Hey is it okay if my friend sits here for a little while? He needs to take a bit of a breather as he nearly just broke his neck back there trying to climb onto a table" the taller man chuckles as he guides his friend to the chair adjacent to yourself.
My gaze falls over that of the taller man- his lips stretched into a cheeky grin as his eyes squinted to match in the most endearing way.
God- his eyes.
Deep and so so attractive.
They meet mine.
I can't help but smile as our eyes meet- almost forgetting about his friend as he drops down onto the couch with a huff.
"This is Oscar" he gestures over to his olive skinned counter part- tearing his gaze away from me for only a second to make sure his friend was safely seated
"Well hi Oscar, I'm Rhiannon- but you can call me Rhi if you like" I smile over the Oscar, stretching out my hand for him to shake
"Ooo I like your rings- shiny" Oscar remarks as he keenly grabs my hand and admires the many different gemstones adorning my slender fingers with wide eyes
I drift my eyes back up to the taller man
"And what's your name?" I smile
"Oh I'm sorry, my names Pedro" he chuckles, fumbling at first from embarrassment, bringing a tanned hand up to his face and rubbing his stubbled chin.
"Hi Pedro, it's nice to meet you-" I counter, just as Dreams by Fleetwood Mac comes onto the speakers- downing the little remainder of my drink and placing it down, i grin
"I'm sorry- I've just got to go and dance to this" i rise from the couch and make my way over to the dance floor, finding my own little space to move and Pedro soon joins me
"Do you mind if I join you?" He smiles
"Not at all" I return- swaying to the music as it warms my soul
' now here you go again- you say, you want your freedom. well , who am I to keep you down?'
I grab Pedro's hand as I sway my body to the gentle beat- pulling him along towards me, he easily catches the idea and his body is soon moving in sync with mine in relaxed motion
I close my eyes and feel the notes resonate through me.
Fleetwood Mac have always been my favourite.
My eyes flutter open to be met with Pedro's velvety ones, a soft smile cast over his face as he watched me do my thing- shifting himself accordingly
I don't know what it is about his eyes that resonate within me- but a shiver runs down my spine as I try to shake my head free of such thoughts- letting go of Pedro's hand that I only now realise I've been holding the whole time to run it through my curly tresses.
I throw my head back as the chorus comes in
'Oh thunder only happens when it's raining, players only love you when they're playing.
Women, they will come and they will go.
When the rain washes you clean, you'll know. You'll know. '
"Like a bit of the mac do we?" I question, leaning into Pedro's ear and lightly placing my hand on his chest
"Absolutely" he grins in return- screwing his eyes closed in exaggerated bliss as he bobs and sways his head to the music , bottom lip caught between his teeth.
"Rightly so" I laugh, joining him and swivelling my hips forwards and back with my steps- feeling a bit like stevie nicks with my loose sleeves exaggerating my arms movements.
We stay this way until the end of the song- our bodies moving in beautiful patterns as the music soothes our very bones.
As the song comes to a close I lean in once again
"Hey I'm going out for some air, would you like to join me?" I ask
"Of course, I wouldn't want you sat out in the dark on your lonesome anyway" he replies, as we approach the same couch I was previously sat on, only where I was once sat, Oscar now had his head buried into his elbow- seemingly asleep.
"I think he'll be okay for a minute" Pedro chuckles, as he dislodges my purse from under his slumbering friend's head.
"We won't be too long" I smile in reply, making my way outside while being careful not to slip while making my way down the way-too-steep-for-a-club-that-people-get-drunk-in stairs.
Pedro stays close as we make our way down to the pier just down from the club.
I lower myself onto a patch of sand and I hear Pedro doing the same adjacent to myself - adjusting in his spot to get comfortable as he dug his heels into the sand.
"God it's gorgeous out here isn't it?" I ask, stunned by the way the moon played off of the water
"As is the company" Pedro added- shifting his focus to the side- taking in the rest of the beach
"You flatter" I chuckle as heat rises in my cheeks
Reaching into my purse to grab a small tin covered in painted flowers, I pull out one of my four pre rolled joints as I bring it to my lips- closing the tin securely and placing it back into my bag after I'd grabbed my lighter.
"Hey cigarettes are bad for you-" Pedro speaks- before he's stopped mid sentence by the smell emanating from the carefully rolled joint between my lips .
"Hey- don't do drugs without me" Pedro chuckles, the mood lifting as I light the end of my joint, deeply inhaling and passing it towards my new dark eyed friend with a smirk.
"Nicee" he grins approvingly as he takes a drag- coughing slightly and earning a laugh from myself , he passes it back to me and I bring it back to my lips, closing my eyes and feeling the smoke enter my lungs- exhaling and smiling to myself.
"So, Rhiannon as in the song right?" Pedro breaks the comfortable silence with an inquisitive tone
"Yeah actually! My mum has been a fan since the 70s, so it only seemed right" I laugh, ashing the joint into the sand as I pass it back to him
"That's so cool, the mac is surprisingly popular back in Chilé so I've been exposed to it all since I was a pre-teen" Pedro adds, taking another inhale and handling it slightly better than the first one- the smoke falling from his lips in gentle clouds-
His lips.
I seem to lose track of time as my eyes fall to every one of Pedro's dark features- his strong brow, his stubbled jaw, his eyes that I once again find myself lost in.
I'm suddenly brought out of my daze by the joint being passed back to me with a smirk that followed- I gladly take it and turn back to the ocean, taking another drag and smiling once again, trying to ignore the fact that he'd caught me staring.
"What brings you here on your own?" Pedro inquires, running a large hand through his soft looking hair before turning back to me
"I like to dance" I put simply, sending a smile his way- before turning my attention back to ashing the joint in my hand before returning it back to him
He chuckles, oh man his laugh is so cute.
"That's fair enough, Me and Oscar have been busy doing press tour stuff for a movie we're both in so we thought we'd earned a night off" Pedro smiled again, gratefully receiving the joint once again
"Oh that's cool, so you're an actor! What movie?" I reply
"Triple Frontier" He states, taking a deep drag of the slowly depleting joint that looked a lot smaller in his hands than it did in mine.
"It's this action/ heist film based mainly in South America" Pedro added- I nod in approval as I receive the joint once more.
"Well I'll definitely have to check it out, when does it come out?" I remark, genuinely interested in what he had to say
"Comes out on the 3rd of March for wide release I believe, but there's a premier coming up in a couple of weeks actually" Pedro watches your hand bring the smoke up to your lips and you take a deep breathe once again, the effects of the joint slowly creeping in as you sigh contently.
"Would you, maybe be interested in coming with me? To the premier?" Pedro asks, a hand coming up to scratch as the back of his neck as he shifts anxiously.
"Of course, I mean that sounds great! I'd be flattered" I blush, passing the joint back to him- blushing even more when our hands collide awkwardly and we both erupt into a fit of giggles.
"I recon you'd brush up pretty well" I add- turning back to the ocean once more.
"I'd say so- I mean I do put in the effort where it counts" Pedro laughs
"Shit- we should probably get back to Oscar, I think we've been a bit longer than planned" I giggle - receiving the joint and taking the final drag, dropping it into the sand and crushing it out with my boot
"Oh yeah- Oscar" He laughs, lifting himself to his feet and putting out a hand for me to grab.
I gently take his hand and rise to my own feet- feeling the gentle rush of the joint fully setting in as we return to the club to find Oscar who was sat happily at the bar with a lollipop in his mouth, swaying his legs like a child.
I grin up at Pedro as we approach the bar- receiving a knowing look from Amy as she polishes a glass - almost babysitting Oscar .
"Thanks for looking after the child" Pedro laughs and slips Amy a £10 note then pulling Oscar down from his bar stool-dragging him along with us as we exit the bar returning into the cool breeze of the night .
"Do you need a taxi?" Pedro asks, taking my arm once more
"No I'm okay actually, I only live down the street" I smile
"Oh that's great, myself and Oscar's hotel is only a couple of streets away. We can walk you to your door" Pedro states confidently
" Thats very sweet, thank you" I reply, a blush rising as I try to hide my face
"Pedro is this your new girlfriend" Oscar slurs from beneath Pedro's arm, still holding his lollipop happily
Pedro chokes as he quickly scrambles as he finds what to say
"Uhh no Oscar, but she is very beautiful" he insists, looking back to me with a smile as he is also sporting a blush, rising up his neck and creeping it's way over his harsh features- softened by my gaze.
I blush even harder
"Oh that's my house just there! Number 6" I point across the street to my evergreen coloured door, adorned with an elegant gold number 6.
Pedro looks each way and then leads all three of us across the road to my house- I'm not drunk but I do enjoy Pedro taking control a little bit (😉)
and looking after us. It's sweet.
I fumble for my key in my purse as Oscar plops himself onto the grass of my tiny lawn, next to my small gnome collection, sitting happily again.
I can't help but laugh as I look over- Pedro face palming and trying to pull him up until I interrupt
"Leave him for now- he looks happy" I chuckle, fitting my key into the lock and twisting it- finally gaining entrance to the warm embrace of my home.
Pedro then steps into my porch behind me as I shed myself of my boots
"Uh, would it be okay if I grabbed your number? For the uh premier" Pedro fumbled, rubbing his chin
"Of course, the premier" I wink, shooting a flirtatious somewhat exaggerated tone his way.
I walk over to my counter and grab my yellow stickynote pad and a biro, scribbling my number down and a little flower doodle just below it- peeling it from the pad and placing it into the chest pocket of Pedro's white dress shirt.
Pedro makes his way back to my front door as he steps back outside, taking another moment to take in my appearance once more-a grin plastered on his face
"Safe travels" I speak softly, placing a soft kiss to his cheek- pulling away again only to watch the blush that had been rising up his neck intensify once more. His hand coming up to to touch the spot my lips had just been.
"Sleep well Rhiannon" Pedro utters softly- a warm smile growing returning to his face, only to step back and glare at Oscar who had made his home within the garden gnomes
I laugh as I shut the door- twisting the lock with a satisfying click and sighing with a smile .
He better text me in the morning.

Authors note!
Thank you so much for reading the first instalment of this book!
I hope this first chapter wasn't too long for you guys, pls comment any suggestions you may have for imagines you'd like to read in the future. I'm more than happy to take requests x
Stay hydrated children x
- Bunny🖤

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