- Skies the limit P1 -

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-Thursday 10:38pm-
I pick at my pot noodle as the less than joyous weather beats against the window- trying to pass the time just a little bit faster. He said 10:30 right?

I know it's only ten minutes- maybe he's just running late? He will have only just gotten home from work, maybe he's just taking a shower?
Just as soon as I can shovel another fork full of noodles into my mouth- my laptop sounds.
My heart stops- I momentarily forget that I had my mouth full as I speedily clicked the accept button and simultaneously start choking on my noodles.
"Hey baby- woah are you okay?" Pedro's eyes quickly flash from joy to worry and a little bit of amusement.

*cough* "hi love" *cough*
"oh my god I'm so sorry, I got caught a little off guard there- away with the fairies " I chuckle, batting my chest as I try to adjust my breathing to a more acceptable rate.

"I really can't leave you alone for more than five minutes can I" Pedro laughs lovingly- taking in my appearance in all its glory while I adjust my glasses on my nose and try to re-centre myself .
"You know how clumsy I am- I'm surprised I didn't knock something over in the process- touch wood" I laugh-  knocking on my wooden bedside table.

"Anyway love! How was work? Anything interesting go on? Obviously besides the whole awesome part of you being in a fucking Star Wars show " I rant, laughing to myself as Pedro smiles along with me
"It's going great babe! Got some voice lines done for the initial episodes and I had my armour fitted as well- I'll send you some pictures as soon as I'm allowed" Pedro laughs, he knows I'm a massive fan of Star Wars- and I'm so proud of him for landing this role. He deserved this.

"Please!! I fee like I need to see you in armour at least once in my life" I smile
"Oh I'm sure you will baby, I'm going to be spending a lot of time in that armour so I don't doubt that I can arrange something for you" Pedro shoots a wink my way and I instantly turn strawberry red.
I hide my face in my jumper sleeves and cringe to myself- aaaaa why am I like this ?

"Don't be embarrassed baby- you'll have your mando in shining armour sweep you off of your feet as soon as you know it" he continues- god he's so perfect.
"The day can't come soon enough" I smile sadly, my hands dropping from my face into my lap- twisting the rose quartz ring on my pointer finger.

I still can't believe that i haven't met Pedro in person yet. We've  been officially together for about 7 months now- but our schedules have both been so busy that we haven't been able to make the trip to one another.
We met  over Instagram. He had found my @ from the  description under one of my short films for uni that was posted on YouTube. I was already following him on Instagram because I'd loved him on Narcos- so receiving a message request from him one afternoon really did shock me.

I checked about a million times that his account was the real one, and alas- it was.
We clicked so quickly- and soon we spoke at every available moment. Regardless of the five hour time difference between us- we somehow made it work.
I already spent my nights and very early mornings awake and doing uni work- so it wasn't too much of a change to be talking to Pedro over Skype at the same time.

I'm suddenly brought out of my daze by a concerned Pedro- his brows knitted together as he scanned my face
"Sorry, I just- I really-" I'm cut off by a ding from my phone- my head snaps down to my screen as an email appears on my Lock Screen.
A flight ticket confirmation
My jaw drops and I scramble to unlock my phone, my inbox not loading nearly as fast as I wanted it to
Flight confirmation
LHR  ——— EWR
London to New York   
Seat 23 Row 6
Sunday 9th January 2019 10:30pm

"Was this you?" I ask as my eyes snap up to meet those of his through the screen- a proud  grin plastered over his face as he watched expectantly for me to read the email.
"I'll see you on Monday baby" he beams
Tears start to escape my eyes as I stare in shock at the phone in my hand
"Are you sure? The ticket must've been expensive I-"
Pedro cut me off.
"Hey. I thought it was about time, and you did say you'd have some free time for the next couple of weeks" Pedro reminds me warmly with a shrug of his broad shoulders
"Thank you so much Pedro- I- I'll pay you back I pinky promise" I stutter as my brain starts to factor in what's really happening.

I'm finally going to see him
Smell him
Feel him
What the fuck.

" there's no need. te amo princesa" he grins- his grin never faltering as he looks you over- still in shock over the sudden news
"I love you so much- I can't believe this is happening" I beam- feeling the warmth practically  emanate through the screen

"You better pack your yoda onesie mrs" Pedro adds- faking a serious tone with a point of his finger
"Yes sir" I salute- giggling
"Oh god I've got to pack haven't I" my eyes widen- suddenly shooting to the empty suitcase that sat atop my wardrobe.
"That can wait- I need to hear about my baby's day first" Pedro shoots a cheeky smile as he places his finger between his teeth briefly, Just looking me over and listening intently.
"Well.." I start
End of Part 1
Hey you guys! Would you be interested in a part 2 or 3? Please comment- I need all the feedback I can get hahah
As always comment any suggestions for future imagines or any requests.
Remember to stay hydrated lovelies
- Bunny🖤

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