- The Dance P1 -

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WARNINGS: swearing, suggestive themes at the end.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by an urgent tap on the shoulder
"Hey, can you take a picture of me and Pedro?" The fan urges- not once making eye contact with me while her eyes did their best to drink all of my boyfriend in as I try to not feel so invisible.

"Uh sure! No problem" I try my best to put on my best smile as I bring the girl's phone up to get them both in frame.
Pedro looks at me with sympathetic eyes as he places a cautious hand behind her back, smiling for the picture as the flash briefly illuminated his tanned skin.
The girl snatches her phone away from me before I could even check the photo- her loss I guess..
She sends a final wink over to Pedro as she struts away- putting extra emphasis on swaying her hips as she disappeared into a crowd of girls that she seemed familiar with.

I sigh to myself as I down the rest of my vodka lemonade, turning back to the bar to order another shot for myself and then knocking it back as soon as it was placed in front of me.
It's not his fault that he was so popular, and I'm so fucking proud of him,
I just get so insecure sometimes.
There are so many girls that are so much more beautiful than me, I can't help but feel insignificant.

"You always were one for the harder stuff" Pedro chuckles as he brings a large hand up- sending tingles up my spine when he makes contact with the exposed skin of my back.

"Beer is gross" I counter- sending a sad smile his way without looking directly at him

He mocked hurt and his act quickly fell away

"Hey- look at me" bringing a pair of fingers up to my chin , Pedro lifted my face to look back at him.
It was obvious that I wasn't feeling great- he could tell better than anyone.

Before I had the chance to say anything- he pulled me into one of his signature bear hugs. The same hug that would calm my panic attacks, comfort my sadness and warm my very soul.


That's how I'd describe it.

My forehead settled into the crook of his neck as one of his hands found itself cradling the back of my head, running his thumb along one of the many braids dotted throughout my long hair .

"te amo solo a ti princesa"
he whispered closely , just loud enough that only I could hear- regardless of the fact that the music playing drowned out the possibility of his words reaching anyone else's ears.

I lean up and place a soft kiss on his jaw- only to gasp as Pedro places a firm squeeze on my left ass cheek, earning a giggle and a light smack on the chest from me.

"Come dance with me"
I sing- my mood slowly picking up as Stayin' Alive by The Bee-Gees started playing out across the club.

"Who am I to deny my queen such a pleasure"
Pedro smirks, dancing his way over to the floor with me.

'Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk
I'm a woman's man, no time to talk'

I mouth the words with a smile as I twist my hips and arms accordingly- being by no means graceful but having a fuck load of fun sharing space with Pedro and goofing around.
Pedro soon breaks into an intense John Travolta impression, which wouldn't be complete without the head movements and bottom lip caught between the teeth to match. Eyes screwed shut in concentration as he moved his arms and hips to the steady beat.

I giggle at his devotion to the dance as the chorus comes in- and I join in just for the hell of it.

Pedro grabs my arm and pulls me in close, wrapping his arms around my waist and doing some funny foot movements while dragging me around with him- earning a laugh from me and a few of the onlookers.

I place my hands on his broad shoulders and it's my turn to do some groovy exaggerated dance moves.
Throwing my head back and moving our arms around, just doing whatever the music made my body feel like doing.

I pull my arms over Pedro's shoulders and rest them around his neck- our foreheads touching as the music pumped through us.
All of a sudden- I'm brought out of my daze by Pedro lifting me up and spinning me around in his arms, only to place me back down and place a chasté kiss onto my lips.
A grin evident on his stubbled face.

I could stay here forever.

His grey cardigan felt so soft beneath my fingers, and the music so loud, that I could barely even notice a man about my height tapping on Pedro's shoulder in a polite sort of way- asking for a picture.
Only this fan was a lot more polite and generally pleasant to be around- complimenting my dress and laughing along with whatever myself and Pedro had to say .

"Do you want me to get that picture for you?" I ask, reminding the man of his original intention
"Please, if that's okay?" The man turns to each of us
"And uh, could you pretend to squish my eyes out like what happened to Oberyn in Game of Thrones? If that's.. not too weird" he asks nervously
"Yeah man, sure, why not" Pedro laughs- placing his plastic cup between his teeth as he readied his hands to pose with the man.

I giggle at the two as I click a few photos for him, making sure to be in focus and get them both in properly.

I don't mind doing this if the people are as respectful as they really should be.

"Thank you so much- and have a nice night guys! " the man says, gratefully receiving his phone and excitedly looking through the photos as he scurried away .

"I'm sorry so many people have come up to us tonight, I guess this bar is a bit more popular than we thought" Pedro frowns-

I bring him into a sweet kiss and savour the moment- pulling away slowly to place another one on his jaw again.

"It's okay baby, really. I'm proud of you for doing so well for yourself, and it's only to be expected. I'm just glad I have you all to myself when we're at home at least" I smirk, looking up at him with sparkling eyes .

"Damn right you do" Pedro grins cheekily, meeting your lips with his own again in a slightly more urgent way.

"Speaking of, I'm getting a little tired" I pout, looking up through my lashes in an exaggeratedly cute way.

"Let's get you home baby"
Pedro giggles, pulling you away from the dance floor and out of the door- hailing a taxi as soon as he could spot one.

Pedro quickly runs to the door of the taxi and opens it for me, making sure I was safely seated inside before closing the door and getting in next to me from the other side- quickly telling the driver what road to head to as he immediately places his hand on my thigh

"Have you ever heard of a little thing called patience" I laugh at his speed, knowing why he was so eager to get us both home.

"Not since you've been in that dress" Pedro groans, placing a chasté kiss to my exposed neck .

End of part 1

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. Would you guys be cool with some smut/NSFW content in the next part? I think we all knew where that was going hahah.
Pls comment your thoughts/ ideas/ requests
Stay hydrated bbys,
I love you all.


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