- The Dance P2 -

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WARNINGS: nsfw, swearing, mentions of rope play.

This ones for you @lilackayla ;)) x

Translations in the comments x

I gasp as a trail of kisses is placed upon my exposed neck, still slightly bruised from previous rendezvous. I revel in the sensation, enjoying the tingles I get from such a simple gesture.

"You look so pretty all marked up for me" Pedro whispers- his eyes travelling down my chest which was littered by little purple blossoms, some fading and some more prominent.
He'd always enjoyed 'marking his territory' so to speak, and I truly revelled in the thought of him wanting his claim to be known.
It was only natural that in our more heated moments- our passions were left on our skin like tally marks.
Like a collection of flowers of the deepest purples and most brilliant pinks.
Like little manifestations of our deepest devotions.

The short time spent in the taxi was filled with travelling hands and baited breath.

Pedro flicks open his wallet to pull out a £10 pound note and I blush when I remember what I had placed in his wallet a few weeks prior.
A Polaroid picture of me from behind.
Perched on my knees- Pressed into the bed, wrists bound behind my back in intricate rope work and ass littered with hand  shaped welts.

It wasn't often that Pedro had put this much work into restraining me- usually opting for using his own hands, but on this special occasion he decided that he wanted me in my favourite baby pink lingerie with rope to match- and to be able to savour the sight of me in that state forever.
For this reason- that Polaroid camera now lives in his bedside drawer.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by the abrupt stop of our taxi, having arrived outside of our building.
Pedro quickly passed the money to the driver as he rushed out of his side door- arriving outside mine and opening it quickly.
I hop out, immediately searching for my keys as Pedro shuts the car door- both of us rushing to the door as I swipe the fob to gain us access to the chilly foyer.

We arrive inside the elevator in a flash.
And before I even had time to look at my own reflection- I'm pushed against the cold wall.
I gasp- only to be silenced by a desperate Pedro pulling his lips onto my own, hands roaming each others bodies as the elevator whirrs and creaks.

My hands find their way into his hair- pulling lightly, earning a soft moan from Pedro.
It if wasn't for him holding me securely against the wall- I would have slid down it by now.
His moans are like heroin to me.

The doors slid open and I slide out from between Pedro and the wall- skipping out with him hot on my trail.
He lunges forward and pinches my ass, earning a squeal from me- only to be quickly shushed by a laughing Pedro who was also trying to remain at a respectful noise level for 2am in the halls of an apartment complex.

I reach down to slide the key into the lock, pushing the door open and being greeted by the familiar smell of home.
My reminiscing was short lived, as I'm pulled into a desperate embrace.

Hands feverishly roaming one another, desperately grasping .
I moan as my bottom lip is caught between my lovers teeth, only to be silenced by another desperate kiss.

We shed our clothing piece by piece, taking in turns in removing an article from the other.
Pedro's large hands slide their way from the small of my back all the way to under my ass, and
I barely have to jump before my back is soon flush against the wall- held up by the strong arms of my lover and the wall behind me.

Our lips fitting together in perfect rhythm as he starts walking down the hall and to our room, gripping my thighs firmly.
Kicking the door open and placing me onto the bed- placing me down as if I was made of glass.

Pedro Pascal Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now