Chapter 3

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I woke up to my phone buzzing next to me. I took the phone off the charger and unlocked it.

There was a snapchat from Patrick. I nervously opened it. He had said hi back.

I don't know why but that instantly put a smile on my face. 'What you up to today?' I asked. Moments later he replied 'nothing much just staying home. Wbu.'

This guy was pretty cute. I've never really liked anyone from my school, mainly because their all jerks. What's good about him is he doesn't live to far from me either. Maybe one day we could actually meet each other. That would be fun.... at least I think it would be.

'Same here.' I snapped him back with a kissy face. He just laughed.

We talked for a good hour or so tell each other what we like and simple things about ourselves. He was a pretty interesting person if you ask me. He funny, kind, smart, athletic, and a bunch of other things. What my most favorite part about his personality is that he lives music. He can sing, play piano, guitar, and my most favorite he can play the drums.

Sadly he had to go. Before he went, Patrick asked if he could have my number. I nervously gave it to him. I'm not sure if I had did the right thing only cause I had just met him and didn't know if he was dangerous or not. I highly doubt he is though. After that we stopped talking....for now at least.

I hopped in the bathroom and took a quick steamy shower to calm my nerves. When I got out, I put on a white v neck with a black jacket around it. Black skinny jeans and my usual black vans. I like to dress classy.

Downstairs I quickly grabbed an apple and ran out the door. Blake usually got up like an hour before me and his him and his friend always drove around town before school. I hopped into my black dodge challenger and went to school.

Before my mom died, she had been helping me save up to buy a car. Of course we didn't save up much money. But the money we got when she passes, she put away some extra money that I hadn't known about and that money got me my dream car.

I don't let anyone drive it cause I'm afraid that they might get into an accident or it might get scratched. I love my baby more than anything in the world.

I pulled up into a parking space and saw Bryan and a group of his friends were staring right at me. They did thus every day. I get to school, they stare at me, I get out of my car, they call me fag and punch me in my stomach or face, I go into the school. Its been that way ever since I came out two years ago.

I got to my locker and Twink was written on it, they also did this every day. Every day it would be a new word, a new hateful word that I would have to clean up. The teachers and other staff did nothing about it, they just walk passed minding their own business.

All my classes were the same. Boring. I talked to no one and no one talked to me. That's the way I liked things.

This day however was different. When I got into my first period class the word GROUP WORK was written on the bored. My face instantly dropped. We had never done groups in psychology before. I never liked groups because I had to talk and I didn't like to talk.

To make matters worse we had to pick partners. Everyone else picked partners and I was left alone, again. Mr. Green, my teacher, walks around and gets everyone names that's in a group. He stops by my desk and says. "Matteo, and your group?" He looks down at me waiting for a response.

"I don't have one so can I just do the project by myself?" I pleaded him.

"I'm afraid not, this project requires the class to work in small groups. So I am going to put you in one." He scanned the room to look for groups with less people. "Ahh, go work with Liam, Nick, and Matt." He pointed over to the boys who were talking.

I slowly walked over there not wanting to do this project at all. "'m supposed to be in your group." My head was down and you could barley hear the words leaving my mouth.

"Ok!" They said in unison. They seemed fine with me working with them, but I wasn't.

The whole class payed attention as Mr. Green explained the assignment. The project was, with our group members, we were supposed to find out a few things about them that no one else knew and how doing so affected their lifestyle and how they acted. Just perfect I though to myself. This was going to be a fun project.

"So, who do we want to get to know first?" Liam asked looking at the rest of the group members. My eyes were everywhere but his.

"How about Matteo?" Matt said with hope in his eyes. My head snapped up and my eyes met his. I definitely did not want to be the first one to go, this meant that they would have to go to my house and learn things about me, things I didn't want anyone to know.

"Um.... I guess, sure." My voice was far from calm. My hands were shaking under the table.

"Yay!" Nick jumped in his seat. I was surprised that they actually wanted to know about me. I thought they didn't know who I was in the first place.

"Ok then, what do you want to know?" I said still unsure if I should just lie and not say who I really was.

"Anything and everything." Matt leaned in to listen more carefully.

"You're going to have to be more specific." I said stalling for an excuse for more time to think of what to say.

"Your family, what are they like?" This was the question I was hoping not to answer.

"Um, their ok. I guess. I have one other brother named Blake, he's 10. My mom died when I was 14, 2 years ago, and now I just live with my dad and brother." My eyes were looking at my desk the whole time not once looking at them.

I glanced up and my eyes met Nicks. He had a small tear in his eyes. He was really crying? I'm surprised, that wasn't really a touching story. He would have been crying a lot mroe if I had told him how my dad acted. "Anything else?"

"How do they act? Have they changed since you know?" Liam was very curious when he asked.

"Yea um, my brother went and is still kid of going through some depression, I try to help him and take him to fun places to get his mind off of certain things and my dad changed a lot too.

"How?" Man when will the questions stop!

Right before I could get a chance to say anything, the bell had rang and school was finally over. I was so happy that I didn't have to answer that question.

I walked down the hallway at a faster passe than the other students to get outside quicker. I stopped when I got to my baby. I always stopped and looked at my beautiful car that my mother had given me. I stepped in, opened the window and put a cigarette to my lips while turning on the car. Having on lit always helped me get unstressed. I blasted some music and sped away from the hell hole known as school.

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