Chapter 4

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Whenever school ends, I never go home. I always like to go to the race track and watch other people practice or just practice myself.

That's another thing that always calmed me down. My mom was the one who actually got me into racing. She would always watch it on T.V and I would join her. She taught me everything there is to know about it and the parts of the car. Crazy I know. A girl teaching her son about cars, that's supposed to be a father son thing. But no, my mom absolutely loved the sport and so do I.

I walked over to my garage where I kept my race car. It was a 2011 Porsche Boxster Spyder. I paid for it myself. Took me 3 years but I loved working for it every minute because if was worth it.

I named the car The Dakota Fireball, named after my brother.

I did have another brother besides Blake and his name is Dakota. My mom had also gotten him into racing. He spent most of his time on the race track. One day he was going really fast, faster than you were supposed to. He turned the car and it drifted onto the dirt and the cat flipped.

He was in a coma for about a month with no signs of recovery to his 4 broken rids, a broken arm, shattered leg, and broken neck. My parents decided to take him off of life support and he died just a few hours after doing so. I was only 13 at the time and Dakota was 17. That's another reason why I love racing so much, because of him.

He was one of the top racers in the state and won almost every competition, he had a really good career going for him. Sadly he made a mistake of going to fast and ended his life. My mom went into a deep depression and so did me and and Blake but not ad much as her. A year later my mom died.

That's a little lot to handle at my age, but I was taking it a lot better than Blake trying to keep him together.

My mind was going crazy with all my thoughts running around, that I forgot that I was sitting in my car. I put the key in the slot and the car turned on. I loved the vibration it makes when it just turns on. I pulled out of the garage and made my way to the track.

I went to that starting line and waiting for the light to turn green. Once it flashed green, I pressed the gas really hard and I was off. I carefully scanned the area ahead of me for the turn that always haunted me. I always went slightly slower around that corner cause of what happened with Dakota.

I tried a few more times, each time failing like the last. It was getting dark out so I decided to try it one more time. I got up to the curve and this time I didn't slow down like I had all the other times. I held my breath the whole time afraid of what might happen. I passed the turn and let out a big breath and stopped. I wrapped my mind around what had just happened and I let out a big laugh. If only my mom and brother were here to see this moment.

A few minutes later of just sitting there, I parked the car back in it's assigned garage and went home.

As I pulled up to the house, I heard a loud crash, My eyes went wide as I ran into the house. I saw Blake in the corner with his hands over his head and my father standing above him with an empty beer bottle in his hands looking straight at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled running towards the fragile boy on the ground.

"Move out of the way or you'll be sorry." He said back in a calming but tense tone.

"No." I put my hands over Blake. I shielded him with bu body just in time for my father to slam the bottle on my head. I yelped in pain as I felt a warm thick substance run down my head.

"No move!" He tried to pry my off of Blake, but I didn't move, I wouldn't let myself move. He tried another time but this time I released Blake and swung my hand towards my father and hit him in the face. I brought my body up while his fell to the ground and swung again, seeing blood go down his face,

"Blake run outside and into my car!" I yelled. "NOW!" I kept on hitting and hitting him till he stopped struggling and his eyes fell. I quickly ran upstairs to my room and grabbed all my money I saved up and two bags. I ran back downstairs and still saw my father passed out. I was just about to go out the door but I stopped and kicked him in his side then ran out.

I threw the bags in the back seat and drove out of the driveway as fast as I could.

"Where are we going Matteo?" Blake still had no idea what had just happened.

"A hotel. We'll stay there for a few days ok buddy." I said looking at him, reassuring him that everything will finally be ok.

"Ok." His eyes fell and he was asleep.

How am I going to get things fixed? I was still 16, I couldn't be his legal guardian. I got to the hotel and checked in and everything. As soon a Blake's head hit the pillow, he was out. I stayed up for a few more hours worrying and thinking about what will happen next.

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