Chapter 5: Cade

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Cade walked back into the room filled with scientists, announcing, "Alright, the portal has power Cole, go get Blizzard in here to hold the position. We're going in," Cole nodded and exited the room, returning with Blizzard behind him.

"Sir, I hate to tell you this, but your friend is probably dead. That place breaks anyone that steps into it. I've seen men who have survived the worst of scenarios come back crazy," one of the scientists said.

"Where is her tracker?" Justin asked. One of the scientists came and programmed her tracker into his CPU. The CPU is a device that all soldiers are required to bring around. It was basically a more secure phone except it was on your forearm. It had a big screen and touch pad that you could use to cycle through certain features such as trackers, comms, and even a grappling hook.

"We'll be coming back with our friend, and if not, you're all going to die," Cade threatened, not intending to go through on that.

They all entered the generator room, with Blizzard watching over the entrance. Cade and the rest stepped up the stairs to meet a giant purple orb about the size of a car staring back at them.

"Alright. Here we go," Cade said as he stepped through the portal.

What Cade saw made him all the more confused. It was the exact room they had just entered, excpt with purple grass surrounding the walls and covering the floor. There were pink and white orbs floating around him, and he looked into the sky to see what appeared to be giant jellyfish that were a variety of colors flying around through the sky.

"What kinda fuckin place has flying jellyfish?" Gale asked as he turned around, making sure the portal was still open.

"The crazy kind," Frost said.

They all walked down the ramp and into the lab room. The same purple grass was littered all throughout the room, the technology being consumed by little roots and bushes.

"Alright, comms check, anyone hear me,"Cade said over the mic.

"We can hear you just fine on our ends, but I'm not sure that they can hear us on the outside," Cole explained.

"Yeah, that makes sense. Alright, Frost, Cole, you two stay here and guard the portal. Anything besides us comes here, you turn it to ash. Got it?" Cade ordered

"Got it," they said unanimously.
"The rest of us, we're gonna be looking for her. Justin has the tracker installed in his CPU but she could've lost it during her time here so we're gonna search the rest of the building to see if she's here," Cade continued.

"The tracker says she's still in the building so there's no need to go any farther than here, but y'all two check the outside of the building just to be safe," Justin said to the other two.

"Sure," Artemis said before motioning for Gale to follow her up the stairs.

"Go find her. I'll meet you back here," Cade told Justin before they parted ways.

He travelled out into the hallway and walked down the part they had yet to explore. He didn't need the flashlight that was attached to his gun since the many floating orbs that surrounded him. He found a set of stairs that led to an even lower portion of the facility, and decided to continue down to see what more this place had to offer. When he got down there, he wished he never saw the stairs. He looked at the biggest nest of those "Devils" , as Dr. Zhabiv called them, while they were all sleeping. What seemed like thousands of them all laid all on the floor as far as the eye could see. Eggs littered the ground and he dared not to investigate even further in case they woke up and attacked him.

Cade tried to backtrack up the stairs quietly, but he tripped and ended up falling down the stairs and fell onto some of the eggs, shattering them with a loud crunch. He laid there for a second before they all slowly turned their heads towards him. He wasted no time getting up and bolting up the stairs, not waiting around to get eaten by the horde. All he heard was their snarls and sounds of their paws scraping the ground as he ran. Cade turned around and fired his gun, taking out a few of them and causing the others to trip and fall over their bodies, giving him some time. 

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