In which, Jimin is asked to take over his family business and be the Mafia leader of Busan. But bad for his parents, Jimin had other plans. Jimin's brother wanted to be the leader so he was more than jealous.
Jimin ran away from his home an...
"Chim you bitch!! You told me that he rejected you." Tae teased Jimin who was already a blushing red cherry. Jimin hugged Yoongi even more tight.
"Well now we are in a relationship and he is my boyfriend!" Yoongi said proudly.
"Okay Okay congrats love birds...." Tae said sleepily.
"meet us in the dinning area if you two are done already." Jungkook threw a sarcasm. He then looked at Taehyung ,' Tae are you coming with me?" he gave his hand.
"Ofcourse I'm coming with you. I don't want to see them doing it now ,Do I" He took Jungkook's hand sending shivers to the other boy's body. They both then walked downstairs and to the kitchen.
-After a few minutes-
"Yoongi!.....I don't have clothes." Jimin complained like a child.
"Don't worry baby ....You can wear some of my clothes"
"But all you wear is black..."
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"So what? You look breath taking in black." Yoongi said cupping Jimin' face.
"Okay!" Jimin blushed a little. He quickly took some clothes changed.
"I'm all done.' he said looking at Yoongi who sat on the bed wearing comfy pajama. 'Why don't you wear something nice." Jimin said.
"Because all I plan to do is cuddle you all day." Yoongi smiled.
"Mhmm.... now lets go and join them for breakfast." Jimin said pulling Yoongi away from his bed.
They went downstairs to see the other two b oys cooking in the kitchen and Woozi was stuffing pancakes into his mouth. Jimin smelled the air to get his fav smell.
"Woow Tae is making pancakes." he jumped and ran into the kitchen.
Yoongi followed him into the kitchen to see....
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*Imagine pancakes*
"Wow Jungkook, You cooking?" Yoongi was surprised.
"Taehyung just taught me how to make pancakes." Jungkook said excitedly.
'You guys were taking too late so i started to eat" Woozi mumbled.
Jimin moved closer to Taehyung and whispered in his ear,"Good going son." to receive a slap on his shoulder.
"I'm not a pervert like you." he whispered too.
All of them ate their food and went to the living room.
"Chim do you wanna come home with me? Mom and dad wants to see you." Tae asked Jimin.
"Actually yes. i'm really missing them a lot." Jimin said.
"Okay lets go then. Jungkook do you want to come with us." Tae asked Jungkook.
"I really wanted to come and I know i promised about hanging out today but i just got a call from my stuff. I need to go to my office. So soory but i'll have to leave." Jungkook said sadly. He wanted to go with them but it would ruin his plan so he had to control his so called emotions for now.
"Its okay......" Tae said sadly. "Yoongi are you coming ?" he asked Yoongi.
" No he is not coming." Jimin said.
"Yes,I'm coming with you Taehyung." Yoongi said.
"But you said you had plan of sleeping and-" Jimin was cut off by Yoongi.
"I'm not letting you go all alone.' Yoongi said looking at jimin in his eyes.
" You are going to invite me also,Right hyung ?" Woozi asked looking at them.