In which, Jimin is asked to take over his family business and be the Mafia leader of Busan. But bad for his parents, Jimin had other plans. Jimin's brother wanted to be the leader so he was more than jealous.
Jimin ran away from his home an...
"Chim, i don't know why are you still my best friend if you can't take my side for atleast once." Tae said.
"But I'm just trying to say that-"
Tae interrupted him, " you know what that fucking business man said to dad? He said that he wants to marry me."
"Woooah really. I never knew that." Jimin was shocked. "But what about Jungkook?"
"I don't know. He is just too coward to talk to my parents about us." Tae pouted.
"Yah Tae. Now don't sit like that. Just go on this date and reject him at once. Problem solved." Jimin clapped his hands.
"I don't think it's that easy." Tae said sadly. Jimin sat near him and hugged him.
"Don't worry Taelien I'm with you. Now get you beautiful butt into a beautiful dress and get going." Jimin said as he pulled Tae to his walk in closet. He took a deep breath,"Ah my favourite place in the world is your closet Tae. Full of colours. And smells like Gucci."
Tae chuckled and hit his back head with his fingers and the other boy hissed.
"Chim, what should I wear?"
"Why are you asking? Wear anything it's not like you are going to seduce that business man , are you?" Jimin teased the other.
Beep beep
Jimin's phone buzzed and Jimin came out of the closet.
Hey, is everything according to our plan?
Don't worry. It's all good.
Okay okay. He must not know anything.
Trust me he won't.
Okay I'm trusting you. Tell me if anything goes wrong.
Will do. Bye he's coming.
Okay, bye.
"Chim, do I look okay??"
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"Are you kidding me? You look like a ugly witch from the darkest forests of the world." Jimin rolled in the bed laughing at his own joke.
"Whatever. I'm still better than you nasty yellow chick." Tae walked out of his room and downstairs. Jimin followed him.
"Tae baby, you ready?" Jin asked but Tae ignored him. And didn't even look at him.
"Taelien it's just a date-" Kai started but Tae cut him off. "Did I ask you for your tips? No, so mind your own business."
"Tae, stop being so rude. We're your family, we always choose the best for you." Namjoon said in a serious tone.
"What if I don't want to be with the best you chose for me." Tae asked angrily.
"Then you reject him. That's it." Jin assured. Tae was angry at his parents but he could never reject them because this was the first thing they have ever asked him for. He felt really guilty as he was dating Jungkook and going on a date with someone else is nothing less than cheating.
"Fine. I'll reject him and come back in less then half an hour." Tae said.
"Tae, best of luck." Jimin said politely.
"I don't need one." Tae said emotionlessly and marched out of the room.
"Ooof" everyone took a deep breath at the same time.
"It's really hard to act around him"namjoon said.
"Yeah he is acting so rude lately." Jin said.
"He really loves him too much, eh?" Kai asked.
"Mhm. He does." Jimin smiled. "What about you?"
"I'm just trying to impress someone" Kai replied.
"What a liar! Your instagram posts says something else." Jin teased him.
"Mom!!!" Kai squealed and covered his face.
"Really! I need to check it right now" Jimin said excitedly.