part 61

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Jay looked at the flower he bought for Bora. He was nervous that if she'll accept him or not but he was also very ready to confess how much he liked her.

 He was nervous that if she'll accept him or not but he was also very ready to confess how much he liked her

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"Wow I never knew a flower could be this beautiful.." he whispered to himself. "I hope she likes it."

He walked into the university to see a small group of people talking when he moved more closer he realised it was Bora and her friends.

Jay placed a hand on his chest, he could feel how his heart started to beat so fast as he saw her.

Cool down Jay Park. I can do it...i just need to tell her that I like her. Hey... I really like you alot.... That's it.

He walked closer to them.

"Hey sweet pea!"

Bora looked back, "J..Jackson....hey..." She said as a light blush appeared on her face.

"Hey babygirl!" Jackson placed a hand around Bora's waist

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"Hey babygirl!" Jackson placed a hand around Bora's waist.
Bora smiled.

"Stop using these nicknames dude!" Hyunjin said crossing his arms.

"Aww someone's know you just have to ask and this piece of art will be all yours." Jackson winked at hyunjin pointing at himself.

"Oh just stop it already Jackie snakie ..." Wendy said.

"Oh you're here too.... Sorry I didn't notice...oops but you're never noticed....." Jackson chuckled.

"Wanna hang out tomorrow, Bora baby?" Jackson said as he pulled Bora more closer.

Bora nodded. "Sure!....."

"Okay then see you tomorrow baby...." Jackson said and walked away.

Jay heard and saw everything that just happened. He wanted to run away from there but he couldn't. Instead he stood there holding the rose he bought for Bora as his eyes started to get wet.

"Hey Bora that guy is looking at you for so long." Hyunjin said.

"Yeah. He is so hot.... I can't look anywhere else." Wendy said.

Bora looked back to see Jay standing there like a frozen structure with teary red eyes.

"Do you know him?" Hyunjin asked.

"Actually yes....he was the guy I was talking about that day. She said as she went towards him.

Jay realised that she was coming close so he looked back and quickly wiped off his tears.

"Hey! Jay Park right?" She asked.

He looked back. "Y..yes..... You are?" He asked.

Oh. He doesn't even remember me. "Yoon Bora. You remember that day you knocked me by your car more like I jumped into your car." She said.

How can I forget that day.
"Ah yes. Yoon Bora. Now I remember." Jay said with a smile.

"So are you here to meet someone?" She asked as she saw the rose in his hand.

He didn't knew what to say. He couldn't just say that he came for her. He looked away from her to see...

"Oh yeah I came here to pick her up

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"Oh yeah I came here to pick her up." Jay said pointing at the girl.

"Jung Eunji.....?" She whispered.


"So, you know her?"

"Yes I do..... She is my best friend's sister."

"Oh. I see." She said and he nodded. There was complete silence for a moment. "Is she you girlfriend?"

"W...what?" Jay was shocked to hear that question. Why would she bother?

"I asked, is she your girlfriend?" Bora asked.

" she is not." Jay said.

"Then why did you bring this rose, huh?"
Oh god! Why did you just say that Bora... uhhh! She thought.

"Huh?" Jay said with a confused look on her face.

"Why is she acting like this?" Wendy whispered to Hyunjin. "I don't know~" he replied whispered.

"Why are you carrying this damn rose?" Bora said again this time more clearly.

"I... I..." Jay looked at her. "I...just...."

"Hey oppa! What are you doing here?" Eunji came towards Jay.

"Oh hey Eunji-shi. I actually....." He paused looking at Bora's facial expressions.

Is she jealous? Oh yes she is jealous. Yay yay yay he is not her boyfriend that means. Woohooo

"Hey Bora! Do you know Jay oppa?" Eunji asked.

"Yes.... We're kind of friends...." maybe. Bora said looking at Jay who looked confused as hell.

"Oh really. I never knew you had 'friends' oppa!" Eunji said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Aishhh Eunji go and sit in the car I'm coming." Jay said.

"Uh oppa.... I'm sorry but I can't come with you. I'm going out with my boyfriend...." Eunji said.

"Wow what? You have a boyfriend. Do Hoseok know about him?" Eunji said.

" oppa he d.. doesn't." She said looking down. Shit! I should have known to control my tongue. She thought.

"Oh okay....can I meet him..." Jay said.

What is wrong with him? I thought he would threaten me for this.
"Sure. He is with his friends. Come with me."

"Bora would you like to join?" Jay asked.

"Yeah sure!"

They followed Eunji who walked towards a group of boys talking in a circle.

"Babe.... Can you please come with me for a bit?" Eunji said.

"Ofcourse baby...."

"You!!??" Jay asked with shock.

Thanks for reading ❤️


Guess who's Eunji's boyfriend?

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