part 43

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Next morning

Jimin woke up to see Yoongi sleeping peacefully beside him with shaped mouth, cutest little thing ever.

Jimin woke up to see Yoongi sleeping peacefully beside him with shaped mouth, cutest little thing ever

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"Aaaah my head" Jimin squealed holding his head. "That's what happens when you get drunk on some misunderstanding without knowing the whole case." Yoongi said while getting up of the bed.

Jimin just closed his eyes and massaged his temples. Did I tell him all the things...

"Here take these." Yoongi gave him some pills. "And now we'll solve our misunderstanding...more like your misunderstanding." Yoongi knelt down infront of Jimin who was sitting on the bed.

Yoongi held Jimin's hands and gave a soft squeeze. Jimin looked at him.

"That day, when I you heard the conversation. Did you hear each and every part of the convo?" Yoongi asked and Jimin shook his head.

"That day I woke up to Woozi calling me. I went downstairs and he told me that my dad was coming.........


"Dad I don't want to marry him he is not like me, not like us." Yoongi said.

"Then why are you dating him? Why are you keeping him in your house?" Mr. Min asked angrily.

"Because I love him. He ran away from his family because he hated the killing and all dirty jobs they do." Yoongi said.

"But that's what we do, that's what you do right? But he still loves you. So where's the problem in marring him?"

"You won't understand shit. I... I want to quit the family business, dad."

"W..what ??!! You are kidding right? You can't just let go of the kingdom I built and ruin it all."

"I can. Because I built it too. I put my hardwork too. And I know what is the right thing to do."

"You're fucking leaving your business and family for a boy whom you just met."

"No I'm leaving it for the love of my life."

"So you won't change your decision?"


"Then get ready for a war. If I win you'll not leave the business. And if you win I'll let you two go."

"Best of luck for losing" yoongi smirked.

"We'll see about that Min Yoongi. I'll make sure you nobody helps you in this and if they do. They are dead."


"Oh my gosh, Yoongi. I'm so sorry to doubt you." Jimin said as a tear slipped down his eye.

"Don't cry baby.... It's okay. I would have thought the same." Yoongi said.

Jimin pulled Yoongi by collar and kissed him. "I love you Yoongi."

"I love you too." Yoongi smiled.

Tae's house.

"Tae are you all right baby?" Jin asked examining Tae's body.

"I'm all okay mom, stop checking me." Tae complained.

"Yes, Mr. Kim I didn't eat your son." Jungkook chuckled. But Jin glared at him as jin saw the hickey marks on Tae's neck.

"Of course you didn't eat him!" He said sternly pointing at Tae's neck.

Jungkook blushed a little and back hugged Tae. "Don't you think I have all the rights now that he is my fiance?" Jungkook said as he looked at Jin.

"Before your fiance, he is my son. If I see bruises on him again, you'll receive a frying pan on your face." Jin warned jungkook as he pulled Tae out of Jungkook's grip. "Does it sting baby?" Jin asked Tae.

"Yes, mom. It stings. Save me mommy save me from his Jeon demon" Tae hugged Jin dramatically.

"Jeon demon!!??" Jungkook makes a disgusted face.

"Oh don't worry baby. I'll save you." Jin said more dramatically and they both went upstairs.

Jungkook stood there shocked, not having any clue about what just happened.

Jungkook stood there shocked, not having any clue about what just happened

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"Welcome to the family Jeon." Namjoon said from back. Jungkook looked back at him. "What just happened?"

"Don't be shocked about what just happened. They get traumas like this most often. Don't worry you'll get used to it." Namjoon smiled showing his dimples.

"Thanks Mr. Kim.". Jungkook said bowing to him.

"Call me dad Jungkook." Namjoon patted the younger's shoulder and went to the library. Jungkook just nodded in response.

"I really need to spill all of these to Yoongi. If I keep more secrets my head will burst." Jungkook said to himself shaking his head.

Jungkook sat on the couch and scrolled through his instagram.

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